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Everything posted by alexis

  1. war, i don´t like it, it just exists as a proof of how evil mankind is, the darkside of man, on one hand we can accomplish amazing things, on the other we destroy everything on our reach, good people and bad people everywhere so who would you be killing, the good ones almost for sure while the evil ones are the ones behind it and be sure they won´t get killed even if defeated, the how about the evil ones on your own country, would you do sth to them, nah probably not,cause you would be breaking the law and for sure you wil be a murder and then why is it good to kill at war? to defend yourself? from whom? and the ones from the other side? to defend theirselves too? heh pretty bullshit of exvuse and name for just murdering people
  2. sorry for not being online for some time and i will be offline for sometime i guess, it is that i have this nasty problem trhat when i get connected after a few minutes i get a message saying there was an error and windows will shut down in 1 minute, save all the info blah blah blah, i still don´t know what it is but i always get it after connecting to internet, is like if good knew i love internet and is having fun with me BTW gr8 emoticons gc
  3. my advice is use the frontend i mention in many topics here, just browse through the it is called mugen windows configurator
  4. I hjate this guy, where is he from? sweden switzerland? what do they know about football anyway? I heard of the last fifa reunion in Belfast, come on, don´t you have more important things to do rahter than forbidding players to take off their shirts, why don´t you start thinking why the last world cup was a crap
  5. mmmmmmph. playing to be Darwin, sounds interesting hehehe
  6. kof96, kof2001, sf2 nuff i said
  7. i have heard sth about some ps2 emulator, none of the guys i heard know much about emulation but what called my attention is that i heard it more than once, probably they don´t run commercial but people talking about a ps2 emu is worth to investigate maybe
  8. that´s a pity indeed, that site is a legend
  9. after it couldn´t change to the resolution it should say sth like it will run at 640x480, just press yes and
  10. No that´s not monopoly, Microsoft is a monopoly, but you already bought petrol from them but you wanted with a lower price, come on. Tommorrow i will start killing people form nintendo cause their prices are high and in addition i will calll them monopolists
  11. yeah dc lover is right we are not that way i also would like to add that i dislike Israel´s preventive war policy too you may like bush have helped your country but i am sorry to say i don´t agree with you, well i guess this matter will get very complex from now on ehhhhhh that thingie between you and muslims i dunno but the fact that USA took the land from them and gave it to your nation and some other stuff, hmmmmmmmph i have the feeling this subject will get some biblical proportions, i still think that thing between you and your neighbours is kinda stupid
  12. Nti cd maker: i lets me use my cd rw as floppy discs and records long names without chipping names, plus some other stuff Stomp record now max: let´s me record long filenames too and i just like it i don´t really like much nero clone cd is said to be a cool cd copying program
  13. i also think usa and now in addition they are both usa and north corea this nuclear war thingy mmmmmmm kinda freaks me out
  14. my question is, using trillian will it let me know if i someone sent me a msg or a authorization request while i was offline? i know what you will say, forget about icq, it is crap i know it but so many people i know use it that well, i have no choice so deso anyone know the answer?
  15. well i don´t know what to say, i mean if the 100 posts were cool i think it is ok but if they were spam the next time you will be banned
  16. as i said before he seems shrek of course they could make a better job
  17. watching the previews was enough for me to prevent me of seeing it, by the way, don´t you thihnk hulk looks like shrek, they wanted to make him look like in comix but the result is horrible i wonder how the league of extraordinary gentlemen would be, seems interesting
  18. hehehe i was about to tell you about the text, now that oyu changed it rocks, awesome work dcboy =)
  19. you gotta get into the forums and then into snk section
  20. hmmmmmmmm not i don´t think it is about power, ok human nature is kind of evil, even romans knew that: homo ominis lupus, it means the man is his own wolf but if you think about it you will arrive to the conclusion that everything is up to us, we shape our own destiny, and not everyone is greed or evil, it is up to everyone if us to make the world a better place, so what are you waiting for?¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
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