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Everything posted by alexis

  1. that same day Pietro had a nightmare he was standing in a desert alone and right of nowhere something blowed him and knocked him to the ground right after it he woke up, it was early in the morning he opened ther venecian window and let the sun enter his room he was still confused he goes to the kitchen and has some coffe, turns on the radio but diesn´t pay attention to all those apocaliptic news, he gets dressed. After standing by the window thinking about noithing, tells to himself: today is gonna be another boring day
  2. i wanted to make some comix a few times but i guess i am too lazy, besides i don´t want to make a story so i need some other guy, =( i am not good telling stories, about drawing someone told me once that if you wanted to learn how todraw comix youshould watch movies and pay attention to the camera position, how the scenes are focused, the light, the space, everything, i think it is a pretty good advice even when i never followed it =D one thing ME¡, have you ever watched cowboy bebop or bt´x anime,, on the ending on both there are some cool images on black and white i also have seen some color ones, they seem like acuarel (on´t know if that is it´s english name =P) but they are cooler i think those images are coloured using the pc,anyway i am not sure of the method used, do you know anything about that?
  3. yeah i heard i translated in some movies, sicerely it sounds stupid in spanish =) now i don´t have any favourite word
  4. to tell you the truth i don´t even know how it was called if it had a name it was a portable videogame similar to gameboy with no cartridges the screen was horizontally divided in two and afetr a stage on the liwer oart you played the upper one i think. I don´t remember well how it was or my age but i am positive i was younger than 6, 4 maybe?
  5. does anyone remember how to do this? cause i lost my files
  6. fatal fury 2 and king of fighters 96, kizuna encounter and waku waku 7 are also excelent games i also love the music from the first to ones like fatal fury ending and kim´s stage on both tan tan tan tantantan tantarantantanantaran taran ra ra nah nah nah tan tan tan............... =)
  7. i am not into any anime now because all the ones i have seen are childish, my concept of cool anime are movies but instead of having actors they are animated, i think akira and the ghost in the shell are pretty good ones and on series i like cowboy bebop and i also like lupin the third appaert from this haven´t seen anyhtong decent and must confess i am a little dissapointed with this, oh well the other day i saw a good anime movie but don´t know it´s name but well not very much apprt from this. About dbz i really got tired of it because it gets to repetitive, i also hate what they did to gohan, dr slump is way more funny i guess that you can find some decent movies but series are way to childish
  8. sorry i don´t understand what you´re talking about, a dc emu? hmph i think if it was any it would be widely known
  9. to add music to the backgrounds go to the stages dir and open the def file od the stage you want and on the music part just put the path to your mp3, midi files for th ejoypad download the proggie joy tokey that emulates the keyboard in your joystick then on the game go to the configure keyboard option and use your pad to configure it
  10. most of the times my i spell wrong cuase i press the wrong keys =(
  11. well that could explain the whole thing maybe somebody told him irak produces whisly and he signed the papers =P
  12. welcome then, well maybe the forums aren´t full of posts but there is no spam and no flaming and it the quantity of post isn´t bad either. I have been in many forums and some excellent ones had very few posts per day some had only one or two posts every week or week but they were excellent. Quality is more important than quantity =)
  13. yeah i am a gamefreak but i have been busy lately growing up sucks i wish i had 17 but i am not and i don´t have all the time i owuld like tp play videogames so if you are on that age don´t waste it and enjoy it all you can and not just with videogames
  14. who said anything about america being a country? i said it is a nation...which it is. when someone says "north america", they are speaking of the continent, but, when most people say "america", they are refering to "the united states of america" which is a nation...aswell as a country. but anyway, i agree with some of what you said. yes...i realise the people killed in the sept. 11th attacks is nothing compared to the number of people killed in the rest of the world, let alone argentina, due to terrorist attacks, but thats obvious. though, you shouldnt assume that i dont care. now, if i had a crystal ball, for which i could see everything that is happening in the world, maybe i would know everything, and inturn, have all the answers...but i dont. im just a simple country boy, that gets his news from the available media, just like everyone else in the world. i dont support everything my country does, nor do i beleive most people support everything their's does either...wherever they live. i can admit it...my country is f-ed up, but it isnt the only one. i just have a problem when someone says they "hate" a country, or anything else for that matter, yet they cant say why, or, they just begin spurting out nonsense fueled by ignorance of the facts (i dont mean you alexis ). i too, understand hate, but i refuse to except it. ps- and i do know where argentina is. u huh hehehe oh well i sometimes get carried away and as i said i don´t hate people in USA, and i know that it isn´t just US government, most or all countries which have sometime been the first power were the same and still are like for example France, England, etc. they always did the same kind of piracy, slaughter, etc. etc. if anyone paid attention to the ONU report you will know it is all about petrol and i am not talking just about USA, England, Spain, but on the other hand Russia, France and China were defending thinking about petrol when they said no About knowing where is Argentina located, errrrrrrr you are not supposed to =P i didn´t said it as something bad but as something normal, some people here get really angry maybe it is because we are proud well i think it is more because our hughe ego about USA and the continent hehe i huess that´s and endless discussion abnout to the countries policies again i wonder if there any country in the world where you one could build and utopy to go? many times i think that if humanking used all the effort put in wars to the progress of the race we the colonizatuin of other planets would be something possible even nowadays, but we are too stupid always killing each others, will we ever learn, i mean come one it has always been the same old story since humans appeared, in the end we aree the most stupid animals on earth
  15. ok i´ll be the first one =) http://www.raybowers.com/picts/dance_winners.jpg hehehehe
  16. my advice to you is, you shouldnt hate america. the only one whom hate hurts, is the hater. now about the oil...try to have some basic understanding of the facts before you badmouth an entire nation, and inturn, make a fool of yourself. i can understand if you were just joking, but sadly, it doesnt sound like you were. ehem first of all America is a continent not a country, ok? then hmmmm hating people from USA is just to extremist there are not all bad people yeas there is Bush and lots of people like him and all those people just care about money no matter how many people they kill for it, err that´s makes em assasins but not all people are the same and i know what i am talking about USA supported militar dictatorship, not only that they didn´t help us to get freedom but they supported the assasins here because it was agood busines, hehehe september 11??? dozens of thousands were killed in my country thanks to the USA the poeple who died in the towers are insignificant compared to the number people got killed here, did you say anything, of course not, did you care? hehe you don´t even know where in the world Argentina is located. In Chile USA ASSASINATED a PRESIDENT in a TERRORIST ATTACK but of course you don´t even know about it, do you? and then hundred of thousands of people killed in all south america just. So i can understand when a guy says they hate USA but hate is not the answer nor is violence leave that for people like the bush you can´s put all the people in the same bag can´t classify them because of their color, religion, nationality, beliefs or any other thing good and bad people are everywhere and it is up to us to cahnge the world
  17. when you download mugen and install it, there is a dir called docs there you will find all the info you nned to know of course oyu can dl games already made but what people do most is dl single characters so you don´t even havce to rip´em unless the cahr isn´t available yet and you want to on the chars review oyu will find some links, i hope to update the thread soon, and on mugen link o pedia thread you will find more links than oyu need i personally recommend you to visit mugenguild (enlglish) emuarena.it (italian) planetmugen (spanish) mugenbr (portuguese) streetmugen (french) even if you know the language of the site just use a translator =) oh i almost forgot about it, go to this site http://bytezero.mgbr.net/ and get the mugen wondows configurator and the files to make it work in english, it is like a frontend that will make your life a lot easier. If you have any doubt just ask =)
  18. yes you can play with your gamepad, you have to download a proggie called joytokey that allows you to asign certain keyboard keys to your joystick, that´s the way get the proggie here http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA016823/jo...ey/english.html maybe some time soon i will post about getting good sound on xp =) you can also visit planetmugen it is in spànish but it´s tutorials to run mugen on xp are great even better than the ones from mugenbr
  19. I thought of making a characters review thread in order to help people getting good chars for their MUGEN since not all chars are good and some of them are a real crap. Anyone can also make reviews or recommendations. EvilKen ver 7.41 by Reu Tenshin and KingTigre: this is a great char and was chosen in many places as character of the year =) and it´s a must for MUGEN. He has many original and great movements as well as his typical ones, his wining poses are wonderful and ther sound effects are great 10 out of 10 Find him here at Mugen Institute -=> http://mi.mgbr.net EvilRyu ver 1.02 By Reu, and KingTigre: He is also a great char and like ken has an awesome Ai and many wonderful movements. 9 out of ten find him at mugen institute like evil ken Evilryu ver 1.05 by MystikBlaze: This other version of evil ryu is also great lots of movements and an amazing Ai and can do many abusive combos, specially if controlled by the cpu, are you ready for such a punishment? hehehe. He also had an ending included 10 out of ten find him here http://mrev.infara.net/soldats/ Superman, ver 2.1 by hannibal: This char is an edit mainly from Magneto, lots of movements which are really cool, you really have to get this char 10 out of 10 find him at planet mugen NeoKyo X and NeoIory x these are really good chars, you can select from different version of kyo and iori through the different kof games they also have several strikers. They also have good AI not as good as the evil ken or evil ryu ones but not bad 8 out of ten
  20. i don´t think laden or hussein want world domination about world domination i think it is more about imperialism, it has always been about it and power of course about exploding a part of a world, in fact there is enough nuclear power to blow the earth 500 times so..... you better be careful and develope a critical way of thinking, specially when voting and start worrying about state policies, whereever you are, controlling your leaders so that they know that they can´t do what they want, that they have a constitution and international laws to follow if not............ maybe your leader one day will find it reasonable to blow some other country because he doesn´t like the way they look, one thing leads to another and some other coutnry attacks you because they don´t like the way you talk and before you can realise you are screwed, we all are
  21. if after this oyu can´t find what you are looking for.......... then you are helpless http://www.geocities.com/oolongv2002/MUGEN...ENbookmarks.htm
  22. these are two cool spanish mugen sites containing cool chars http://www.planetmugen.tk/ http://mugenhispania.iefactory.com/ i recommend you to visit em
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