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Everything posted by alexis

  1. just get a patch for neoragex to get it working under windows xp or get a hacked version for xp that´s why it is not working it is not only in your machine it is in all machines, so try to get the files anf if you can´t just contact me on aim and i will send it to you.
  2. yeah i know, never checked about the company but it is exactly like a cabal clone except that it is in the west as you said
  3. the most incredible partis that hose places don´t exist, they were just on his imagiantion, appart from being an artist he was also an architect, those places existed only in his mind and they now exist on his etchings
  4. a neo rage version already exists, check the rom reuest section, i will post it here afterwards
  5. heh i was just curious besides that depends i mean after donwloading all of the roms and then recording them on the cd´s, just a little charge on the cds doesn´t sounds that bad as the price for each cd is equal to two virgin cd´s or sth like that i know for sure he didn´t compile he just got it from somwhere (or at least this is what i think) them but i also know that many people don´thave internet connections and there is no other way out than buying the cd´s. On the other hand if not giving the money to him i would anyway give it to another pirates even worse than him i mean the telephonic company which charges incredidly high costs for internet connections and phones too, so what should i do just feed the worst of them, oh well, in gact i am feeding them right now
  6. i was speaking to a guy that has the mame roms for sell and the newest version of it that he got recently consists on 7 cd´s, now i don´t think it has also the.62 version as it came out recently but then 7cd´s is a lot of mb i wasn´t told which were the games and i don´t think this guys knows up to which version of mame are the roms he has, so i was wondering, how many roms versions would enter on 7 cds. What do you think guys?
  7. you can copy it without problems, on newer games that don´t recognise oyur cd copy you have to get a crack, finding them on the net shouldn´t be a problem
  8. i heve downloaded the latest versions of snes9x and they all work crappy on my pc, on one i hear crappy sound and when i try to play a translated games it goes sloooooooow and the other just crashes with al the games, now i got one of these ones from it´s official site so it is just me?
  9. i know, maybe you can do as myself and download always the latest versions
  10. good job man, i hope i can play beneath a steel a sky now as i can´t get the damn dos version to work
  11. if you have or had a nes you will surely know about river city ransom, i have found that there also games for snes, arcade and game boy, these are the games i know, river city ransom of course, shodai nekketsu kouha kunio kun and Shin Nekketsu Kouha Kunio tachi no Bannka for snes, there is also a game called nekketsu kouha kunio kun for arcades and it´s us version is called renegade, i know ther is also a dodge ball game for snes and a game for the nes that takes place in the medieavl japan. there is also this info o got from a faq at gamefaqs of a guy called Johny Undaunted There have been two Arcade games, 11 Famicom (NES) games, 7 Game Boy games and 5 Super Famicom games. There have been also ports done for the PC Engine, Mega Drive and the X68000 (a 16-bit Japanese PC). Not to mention the Neo-Geo version of Super Dodgeball.
  12. i like the idea, don´t like mario kart though, maybe when there is a soccer game
  13. gr8, i was thinking the barbarian could have earth ekemental and maybe the winged man wind elemental, cool i am not much into d&d but know some guys that are into role playing games anyway you may be ofgr8 help also somebody =)
  14. how about this chars, an elf, a dwarf, a barbarian, an artifact machine or sth, a demon (fire elemental), a woman, (ice elemental, nothing personal ), a mage, a sorceror, a vampire, a man with wings, an ogre, a rogue and a knight. What do you think?
  15. indeed last bronx is available for pc so are virtua fighter 2, manx tt, sega rally, sega touring car, virtua cop 2 etc, etc
  16. yeah model 2 emulation made gr8 improvements lately, most of it games are already converted to pc though
  17. the latest thing i bought for my pc was, ehrrrrrrrrr, lol, the latest thing i bought was my pc , don´t need anything right now maybe a gfx card in the future, oh wait i remember the latest thing i bought was a gamepad
  18. i yell. i bite one of my fingers like a vendetta lol, i punch sth next to me not much more thasn that, now what i should control are my limits when i drink alcohol
  19. gr8 now how can i register and get my own username, i am just curious as i never found out as for sidekicks dunno it happens the same to me, dunno maybe it is the rom????
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