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Everything posted by alexis

  1. i have the rom i have that patch i already patched it but can´t play it in none of my emus, snes9x crahses when i try to load it and zsnes says the rom is too big but in fact it is about 500 kb could someone get it to work?
  2. nope, i just get some frakin japanese message after i load srider, the three files
  3. k now just tel me how to get these damn things working
  4. http://www.mgbr.net/ it is in portuguese a french one http://www.streetmugen.com/
  5. bwahahaha after this i will never buy a laptop bwahahahaha i knew computers fried your brains but never knew they also fried your censor bwahahaha
  6. i wish i could buy a new console, but thanks to the crisis in my country there´s no way for that =( as for nintendo gamecube i dunno, i was a nontendo fun but all it´s stupid`policies and decisions had mada me hate this guys and i mean i was a really nintendo fun =( i don´t want to be a pain in the a$$ but are you sure this is the right section to post this? imo general console secion is more suitable.
  7. i have winx68 and ex68 but i can´t understand crap about it and i dunno what does the message that appears after loeading strider means, and please recommend me some vs fighting games and some rpg ones specially if they have neo geo quality
  8. the prob is that videogames have lost or their creativity i wonder where the guys with gr8 ideas have gone, as for the companies that sux oh well there are many worst than acclaim like Midway or Data East
  9. no way and if you beat me on sf i´ll punch you in the kidneys or at least that´s what i wish she would probably be saying no more sex for a month oh dracp whaqt am i ralking about i don´t even have a gf right now lol
  10. sir, yes sir, enigma is back lol k good to have you back do you have aim? i got all my files deleted and don´t have icq right now
  11. oh well i don´t know much about mugen myself i been thinking about the chars and yes i am planning including elves, at least one, mugen is for making vs fighting games and not rpgs and any help would we welcome, it is only a project for now though, about how much time it takes i dunno but i was told it will take me a lot, as for the stiry and the chars yes i´ve benn thinking about it
  12. i don´t like emucheater 5 mb and almost no cheats nevermind already got what i was looking for from here http://cheat.retrogames.com/
  13. bmx game it is stupid as many soprts ones like the ones from olimpics, inccredibly some people like them lol
  14. i was thinking of making a mugen game during holidays, i was thinking of some kind of epic game with elfs orcs warriors and that stuff, i was thinking of making t of about 12 or 10 chars as i´m on my own and i have only my holidays and i don´t want to spend all my vacations at home in front of the pc, oh well that´s my idea so if youhave any suggestions please let me know i was thinking of making initially the sprites and then all the stuff and i mean making them and not ripping another chars, any suggestions or advices are welcome
  15. i was thinking of making a mugen game during holidays, i was thinking of some kind of epic game with elfs orcs warriors and that stuff, i was thinking of making t of about 12 or 10 chars as i´m on my own and i have only my holidays and i don´t want to spend all my vacations at home in front of the pc, oh well that´s my idea so if youhave any suggestions please let me know i was thinking of making initially the sprites and then all the stuff and i mean making them and not ripping another chars, any suggestions or advices are welcome
  16. you got a point there dclover, imagine it´s your anyversary and you are with your gf -oh surprise, what is iut? roses? -no, the brnd new kof 2002 rom -oh i love you, you are the man of my dreams *wakes up* lol
  17. i know what you are talking about i have the same prob but with internet files, i been trying and i guess this is the one that lets you more chars level 2 iso, mode 1, iso9660, uncheck joliet, and the two allow iso relax options checked
  18. So i manage to load the rom, now how the heck do i play with them, which are the buttons and that stuff?
  19. some roms http://www.z9.com.br/x68000/ doesn´t work anymore =(
  20. you got my attention now feed the beast inside me tell me some vs fighting games and some rpg´s ones specially the ones that look like neo geo ones
  21. yup and batman should still be on a wheeled chair, that of his doctor discovering she had special powers was pure bull$hit
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