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Everything posted by alexis

  1. life always gives you revancha (i don´t know if that´s the word but the tranlator says so LOL)
  2. i couldnt remember mine either. it doesnt matter though, just register again. that'll work. yup already did that
  3. what i want to do is to burnthe sites i have saved on my hd on a cd but when i do that the site name is changed to a shorter one and so is it´s related folder but when i try to open the file the ie window is blank =( can someone please help me?
  4. i always check the links i post if there´s someone not working it is because the idsa thing but i think all of the link i posted do work except for the old link for rotd and the one for neogeo from emuzone
  5. i smoke or used to smoke about 1 pack a day that´s 20 ciggs and on weekends the sum is usaully higher now i don´t smoke that much as ciggarettes dot more expensive here too, wether you smoke or not it is you r decision, i suffer from bronchitis and still smoke i´m not proud of it, but it can´t be helped right now =(
  6. Are thay still death? or they are afterwards brought back to life by some amazing invent?
  7. well, the sad fact is i am missing a few of those issues. when they came out i was out of town and couldnt find a comic book store anywhere. when i got back, the only ones my regular store had left were all messed up from people thumbing through them and junk. im trying to find a scan of the books on direct connect. they have comicbook scan hubs with ALOT of stuff. i wish i knew a site that had comic book scans, that would be awesome! anyway, if i can dig out the ones i have, they are all boxed up, i could possably make scans of them for you if you want. the only problem is trying to remember exactly where they are. but man, that was a great story. when magneto rips wolverines animantium out of his body, BRUTAL!. , thats when xavier got fed up and errased magneto's memory. that bould be great, i liked very much the comix about x man but only had a few chapters and i dunno what happened with him nor on his series or the onslaught ones so if you could make some scans it would be trrific =), so tell me if you know who defeated onslaught finally?
  8. whoa whoa it is back online? yeah which was my username and password? oh crap can´t remember it =(
  9. Don´t worry he doesn´t even know about xman =D so i think he would apprecitte this update, i may upload an ava about xman, o btw can you tell me a bit about what happened whit xman in the onslaught series i already know he beat the crap outta xavier
  10. haven´t read none of his books yet but i was told they were gr8 so i will try reading them on this summer on my holidays
  11. i had the same problem, i solved it y downloading th elatest dirvers for my sound card and gfx card, now that i had ny pc formatted i am getting th eprobs again that´s why i am downloading al the latest druvers again arggggggghhhhhhhhhhh i hate billy the kid
  12. that freaks you out? heh in my case it fried my brains, speaking of members, what happenned with arcadragon, i haven´t seen any post from him in a while, was he banned too?
  13. Because of an accident i lost all my hd files including lots of snes roms and sites, i had a very good site that had lots of japanese games with it´s svreenshots, can someone help me finding it or a similar one? Thnx in advance. BTW which areyour fav japanese games, name as much as you want, i will start with Nekketsu kouha Kunio Kun which is a sort if sequel for river city ransom on the snes
  14. no prices no punishment no classes nor anything like that we are all equals no need to make distinctions
  15. These are not drawings, they are engravings, these etchings were done by Giovanni Battista Piranesi in his series The Prisons
  16. So do i I also dislike those guys that think they are somhow superior to the others, liked a kind of nobility in the scene
  17. what? what the hell happened? *starts deleting ME¡´s posts*
  18. Cable? Who is Cable? Seeing Goenitz and Igniz in action, they make Cable look as a mamma´s little boy
  19. This is not a competition to se who posts more and by the way i do
  20. no it was really cool and it´s anime series were cool too, with lots of violent incensored stuff i really enjoyed the gamesystem
  21. downloading it from an ftp takes a life on my 56k =(
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