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Everything posted by x]Vicious[x

  1. Me luba it. Me nono gets enoughs of it though. I'm a sad panda. T_T
  2. 17, but i look 11 :]
  3. If you contact me on aim, I'll send you my configured epsxe. Me name is The Vicious King
  4. Sonic 3 when its connected to Sonic n' Knuckles ;]
  5. ...because it's in spanish?
  6. Wow, I saw something made by 'Magnus' and thought of you. I didn't think it was the same person though. O.o Small world
  7. http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters.html That place ish cool.
  8. Try www.netnuke.org They can answer alot of questions you might have in their forum. I used to post there. Edit: heres a good site http://www.euyulio.org/
  9. I have the power to make my eyes glow! And with this power.. I shall become a super villan and rule the world!!!!1111oneone
  10. -Deviant art Kinda sucks ~.~
  11. I don't think there are any emu's that can play commercial saturn games.. but if they do, maybe i could make an iso of my copy of the actual game. ~.~
  12. hah My arse ~.~
  13. rarlabs.com ?
  14. I have XP and ePSXe works perfectly. Ya just needta figure out howta use plug-ins n' stuff. :[ You could try emudragon. It's easy to use *looks for a link* Edit: I mean emurayden*** Anyway, try it out here http://www.emurayden.net/ It's in spanish, just use a translator if ya can't figure out where to click.
  15. Hi, I love you. ^.^
  16. Super Gem Fighter T_T
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