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  1. Yeh you can get them, Here
  2. Ive heard that the Office Depot Mini DVD-Rs work well in the GC. You can actallly use regular sized DVD-R, you just have to take the top of your GC off.
  3. You have to flash the chip with the cobra bios via LPT port on your pc through the adapter sold with it. No need for HD just buy mini dvd-rs or just leave the lid off and use full size dvd-rs for "homebrew software". The soldering is actually pretty easy, large points on the board to solder to. Only one being minorly difficult, a leg of a chip under the heatsink.
  4. Dont know if this has been asked, if its a repeat just delete it. What arcade machines would you want to see in your local arcade? List about 2-3 machines.
  5. I think it was just released for the ps2 version. Im not the only dirty minded freak. http://www.gamegirladvance.com/archives/20...ezvibrator.html
  6. Motion Gravure : Megumi Tape down the square button n toss the controller in your pants.
  7. Danzig - BlackAcidDevil Weezer - Surf Wax America Panacea - the Evil Seed
  8. Anyone get the "Trance Vibarator" for REZ. Im not sure what your supposed to do with it. Maybe sit on it?
  9. Time Killers was horrbile. Gore factor still couldnt save that steaming pile.
  10. There no better sound in the the world than bgm and vg sound effects. Gave me a seizure listening to it. I like the sword *ching*s. Whered you get the sound effects from, were they bunch of little ones. Could you send me a.rar file of them if you can, because i wanna make all my windows sounds snk and capcom soundbites. Or maybe a link to a site.
  11. I thought Gamecop was gonna regulate on this thread this time. Please clean this mess up, again. You should lock this thread and have all the news go right through you. Then just you post updates in this thread and make 1 for the rest of us to bullshit about the rom as much as we want.
  12. I think you have an early demo version cause the one i have is the full game.
  13. Check Suprnova they have a torrent for a Ikaruga/Borders Down on one disc. Ive dl'ed it and it worked.
  14. Evil will do anything to win. Evil shall conquer. 9 I like your avatar LordKanti.
  15. If you know what your doing its way easy to destroy a button tapper, button masher, seizure fingers, or palm slammers.
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