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Everything posted by bbysknnr6

  1. I'd rather let my intestines fill up and explode before I would ever sit down in a public restroom. Would of been much funnier to have superglued the womans butt to the toilet seat.
  2. DVDDecrypter is a good tool for extracting and burning isos.
  3. If you really want to play Killer Instinct 2 as it was ment and not the crappy N64 version get this and play the Arcade verson on your PC, http://eek2121.home.comcast.net/u64emu311.zip
  4. Herblb, you should cut that iso down to just mslug5 and the emu to run it on xbox. Im sure everyone already has those roms n itll make the dl much faster. Or you could just put the emu out cause most of us here have the mslug5 file and can get the new p1 on this thread. BTW still no sources on that torrent.
  5. I think the term for the chicken in mcnuggets is "pressed" meat. Which is what's left over at the factory when they ship out the good cuts of meat. Take whatever is left on the floor sweep it up, put it in a press, whala you have a mcnugget. Once when I was at the vet gettin my new dog checked out, he told me how "Pro Plan" dog food rejected the same meat they use for "chicken" at Mc D's. Dogs lick their own asses, but the same food billions of people eat everyday isn't good enough for them.
  6. I'd recommend staying away from McDonald's even if there wasnt a problem with mad cow disease. Have you ever gotten a big ol' vein in one of you chicken nuggets. Id rather eat the brain straight out of a diseased cow skull with a rusty grapefruit spoon than ever eatting at Micky D's. Bleh
  7. Been tryin to dl that offa edonkey since this morning but there are no sources.
  8. There should be a pinned Metal Slug 5 KawaX thread so theres not a bunch of repeats.
  9. Ive got all of them runnin on my xbox except for mslug5 n i only have 2 versions of kawax runnin. you should be able to cut it down to 2 total.
  10. Has anyone here actually gotten there hand on one of the new PSX. I was hoping this would flop sending the sony console system under(im still a little bitter about the whole sega thing). They also have a version thats almost $1000 cause it has a larger HD. Back in the day when the PS2 came out I didnt reserver one so i spent 13hrs. sittin out in front of BestBuy so I could get one. The pheumonia was worth it cause then i had a reason to stay home n play tekken tag.
  11. Not just any meat, their own meat. Seems cannibalism does drive you insane.
  12. The 5mins i dont go check xbox-scene for this release in the last 3 months its comes out and i have to find out through here. At least its finally come. Has anyone noticed any big changes from the leaked version?
  13. Just unzip n play. MSlug5 appears at the bottom of the list btw.
  14. So with this new mslug5_p1.rom and it running on Neoragex, will we see it on kawax soon?
  15. Maybe once ODD and Lantus are all done with Surreal64 they might work on upgrading MAMEoX. Im sure if they could work their magic on the N64 emulation and get it workin so well, they can definitly do it to MAME.
  16. Mishima's Rule the Iron Fist! The Mishima Dynasty Lives 4 Ever! ninja
  17. What dashboard do you use and if its evox what version? Did you dl all 3.rars on that link and stick 'em all in one folder? Thats what i did at first but it sent me back to dashboard when i tried to start up surreal64.
  18. Does it lock up the xbox or send it back to your dashboard? I dont understand why that site had 3 different.rar files. They are all the same as far as i can see (dont quote me cause i didnt look that hard ).
  19. LMAO when i saw this on the link. IRIEZ IS A HOMO - HE LEAKED THIS - HE IS A RETARD IRIEZ IS A HOMO - HE LEAKED THIS - HE IS A RETARD IRIEZ IS A HOMO - HE LEAKED THIS - HE IS A RETARD IRIEZ IS A HOMO - HE LEAKED THIS - HE IS A RETARD Glad to see I am not the only who thinks Iriez is a total dick. Does anyone know if theres a game compatibility list for surreal64. Too bad it wasn't the final version with the new Nineteen64 update. Can't wait to see what a difference itll make. Props to ODD and Lantus. ninja
  20. did you try the unlocked version of nebula ninja
  21. Just do what i did, dont update your KawaX Plus. Just leave it and make a second Kawax folder on your box with SS5 in it. The kawax emu isnt that big so your not loosin much space at all and you have all your K Plus roms and SS5 running. Ninja
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