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    On the poop shoot!

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  1. Thanks bas, But why must I d/l all the songs when I have every nirvana Cd out? BIG NIRVANA FAN RIGHT HERE! But thanks, I'll check it out.
  2. I didn't make it. A good friend of mine named Enigmata the Hated made it. We had a photoshop contest on my forum and he made it. (I tried takeing the fame for it) But it was made in Image ready (photoshop) He's better in photoshop than me. I have to admit
  3. Problems.. Dyna had problems too. If you wanna I can help you out. Just I.M me on a.i.m: AerosolVandal if you don't have a.i.m handel, p.m me and I'll help you. And I have a new link for the forums http://undergroundemu.cjb.net I'm haveing a little trouble with the page but everthing is working out. Glad to know someone is trying to join thanks magnis
  4. Thanks, The banner is alright, It was better. But I had to change the font to normal. Because I had it all nice and pretty. But the file was HUGE! That Reminds me! I stilled need to help gamecop with a banner. Oh sorry dude. I'm getting to it! Sorry, Sorry, Sorry!
  5. If you need help makeing a avatar or want someone to make you an avatar. Just PM me. I'll be glad to help out. Photoshop is my thing I need practice[/img]
  6. THEY ARE PISSING ME OFF! I'm getting E-mail now from people sending me links! Here all you outwar lovers! Click here to see a cool site! http://www.stuntman.fi/htm/tuotteet/liput/lippu28.jpg
  7. Well since all of these threads in this page had 0's next to it, I might as well start something up! IT'S 2003 WHOO HOO! My best wishes to everyone at Emulforums and have a nice year! B.T.W this is in the wrong section, you should move this to general.
  8. Seriously, I've never heard of this before? Sounds cool though. (snafu crawls out of the closet wips the dust of of his shoulder and takes a deep breath! And walks to his PC and begind typing)
  9. Ryu, Ken, Tojiro, Terry, Chun-li, leo, Kazuki, Zato I make make this list go on forever...
  10. And 1 hit spammers
  11. You have no idea how long it took me to find a way to get home last night. I had to call a taxi to get me home. And I had to get my good friend give me a ride to work because I left my car at the office. And he wasn't really happy about it. But it's better than getting a D.U.I!
  12. I have Aim name: AerosolVandal72 I have DC but I don't use it.
  13. I may not do it, you may not do it, but it'll be done.
  14. For real! SWEET! Thanks man.
  15. Welcome back DCL I haven't talked to you since before the forum go shut down. Welcome dude!
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