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Everything posted by bled2deth17

  1. they don't log sound uhh... guys?... I'm smart... how do you get this to work? but seriously, I forget how 2 make SMC files... I sorta need a hand here
  2. I have uploaded some Castlevania IV and Castlevania - Dracula X music files to my website. You can download them from the sites below:- Castlevania - Dracula X Castlevania IV You have to right mouse click and then select "Save Target As" already dead links anywhere else I can get em?
  3. alright. I was waiting for kawaks, but I finally broke down last night and played it in the version of MAME supplied, heh. I need to know a few things though. the version was MAME32plus!0.78u1. I've seen the cheats to play as the secret characters around, but I have no clue where to start with that. I made a folder labeled cheats, created a notepad, and copied and pasted the cheats onto a notepad file. suprise suprise, that did nothing. how do I take care of this folks? I wanna play through with the special team and witness the ending firsthand, but without the ability to play as chizuru, that ain't happening is it any help u can give folks. PS: I don't friggin get the codes to play as them, u know the ones u can just do by entering commands... it just ain't working for me.
  4. so I'm assuming that the Dev romlist is all warked up compared to the regular kawaks list huh? I mean if I was still able 2 play my current set on that thing I'd go for it, and if I could audit the dat like my loader, but it's still dumb.
  5. woah wait what? I'm very interested but also very confused. this is a plugin to play SNES roms on your Visual Boy Advance emu? what's up? explain it 2 me like I'm a six year old... if u wouldn't mind ohh mannn can't VBA log sound? I MAY FINALLY GET MY CASTLEVANIA IV MUSIC!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
  6. I downloaded one and gave it a shot this morning: 271-c1d 271-c2d 271-c3d 271-c4d 271-c5d 271-c6d 271-c7d 271-c8d 271-m1d 271-p1 271-p2 271-s1 271-v1d 271-v2d 271-v3d 271-v4d what's up w/ the d's? usually you don't see something like that. rom size = 38.6 MB. I load it in the Winkawaks 1.45 SiTWULF loader and it stops at 271-m1d.bin. I assume some renaming is in order. any ideas?
  7. I don't even think there's a full package of the Kawaks rom out there yet. correct? a few stat questions. my assumption is that the size of it would be about 40 mb. on filemirrors I saw a few that were upwards of 50. what goes on there?
  8. being glad that I can actually say I had a valentine this year, lamenting the fact that she's moving away by the end of the month, browsing this forum 2 see if KOF2K3 is done for Kawaks, playing random games on Rage, Kawaks, and Mame, made sure that I listened to BODIES by SMASHING PUMPKINS today (love is suicide), burning the majority of the TOOL albums onto my computer, maybe burning the Evanescence album on it, updating the journal sometime, talking to people on AIM, playing SWORD OF MANA which I just bought yesterday, playing my guitar. think that's got it.
  9. well... LOOKIT HER!!! :jawdrop:
  10. hmmmm...that look like the asr.dat file I got for Winkawaks1.46... with loader.... not sure if anyone has talk about or used this before... it did not work though I only renamed some roms did not try any thing else... kof2003kawaks.zip if your haveing trouble...with performance in mame.. try changing the resulotion....can't see why it would be choopy... neorage games need a minimum res of 320x240....and set cleanstretch to none....this way it displays at it's native resulotion.... no extra work for you video card.. wow... think I saw that DAT before... is this the real deal? oh and arjay, do u mean that AIM is causing the rom 2 actually crash or are u just in fullscreen and loosing focus awkwardly? prolly stupid 2 ask but hey... sometimes it's that simple...
  11. I like the looks of these... but is there any tutorial as to how you use them? sorry about this gentlemen but in comparison to most of u, I'm really an emulation layman. any kinda help would be cool
  12. I still say that thus far Street Fighter Alpha 3 is the definitive 2d fighter. I've become much more of an SNK fan in the past few years, but I still the title of "best fighter ever" to this game. the Character list was the biggest of it's time, the ability to choose which system you'd fight with allowed you to fight in the style you truly fought your best in, and most importantly, the home port of the game made a statement and set a standard that other fighters have yet to break. The world tour mode was a spectacle, which is why it suprises me that nobody else has stepped up to the plate to create that type of mode in one of their fighters, dramatic battle was something entirely new and truly unique to the Alpha series, and the amount of modes puts the replay value way through the roof. there have been games that I have enjoyed more for shorter periods of time, but the main idea is that those lasted for shorter periods of time. I basically consider this game immortal and I say that there is yet a 2d fighter to top it.
  13. true about the slowness... I actually can't get that link at the moment. I'll try another one of the roms and see what happens EDIT: alright... I tried a few of the roms. KOF 2003 didn't connect once. SVC was able to connect but the ETA for download was unable to be displayed, so basically that wouldn't start either. I then tried a few far less popular roms (waku waku 7, super sidekicks 4) and once again got nothing. mebbe we'll have 2 lay off for a bit...
  14. coolness a quick heads up on that DAT though, capitalize the word "Neo" or it won't work. musta been a slight typo. this is a very nice setup right here, but at the moment it's nothing I can do anything with. the testing of the individual roms and stuff is an art I'm illiterate in. we know there's capable hands around though, hurrah for progress!
  15. I commend u for even attempting that on a keyboard man I'd NEVER be able to pull it of... I'd just get some USB gamepads if I were u. I use Saitek P220's. their cheap (ten bucks comp USA), have a great feel for these type of games (control pad isn't stiff like the MS sidewinder), and they have 8 buttons. 2 rows of 3 buttons, and then two shoulder buttons. it's like the closest thing you can get to a saturn controller on ur PC which is pretty effin sweet:)
  16. well I'd say it's mostly the progression of the story. especially for a diehard fan like myself. I couldn't wait to see things progress between K' and Kula and I was really wondering where this saga is going to take us. thus far I'm very impressed, and especially suprised by the hero team and special teams' endings. as far as the flashyness goes... u MAY wanna turn 2 capcom on that one... SNK is very purist 2d for the most part, and I'm convinced that Neo-Geo 2d is the best kind. the Evoga/Noise Factory fighters like Rage of the dragons and Matrimelee have a decent amount of flash so u may wanna check them out, but otherwise if u wanna see some real eye candy go with capcom and it's Vs series.
  17. I can't tell which is worse really... her or Johann... Noise Factory has some serious issues w/ that apparently. lol. anyways I wound up finding 2 kinjites. SHINTARO = f, d, df, b+C CHINNEN = b, df, uf, db, ub, f+D (only during Stress Scream) these were both on Syochan's FAQ. Shintaro's was the only one i could pull off. Chinnens is so difficult.
  18. do any have sites have the movelists w/ these yet? the kinjite supers take up all three of ur stress meters and the basically win the match if u get it done right. any leads?
  19. that would be a Leader Despiration Move. it's the same as A Super Despiration Move but basically only one of ur team members can do it, the one u've chosen as leader. for example if I chose kyo as my lead, he'd be able to do the GOD DUST sdm I think (not sure if that's what they gave him this year) but none of the other characters would be able to do a Super Despiration, just Despirations.
  20. I beg to differ only if ur up for a spoiler, click on the 2k3 endings here I assure u, some of it will shock you. ESPECIALLY the new "hero" team
  21. alright it's been a few days thus far... mame release only... mukai's sprite is cheaply animated... um, anything else i missed? lol
  22. Before all the roms are out, there won't be much progress... And for emulating it, there are a few emulators floating around that supposedly already support it. We'll know if they really do once we'll have all the roms... About the "dudes" thing, as long as it's in english the characters would say the same thing if the programmers were from United States, Somalia or any other place in the world (And it's also meant to be sold in the US) well I figure there must be something out there that does support it. how could those ending screenshots be ripped like that w/o emulation? @ the moment it just seems that it's covert, stuff we don't know yet
  23. damn that's like woah! really nice man, it's the one ambient themed paper I've ever seen that was cool at all, and on top of being cool it's really cool:)
  24. Kof 2003 is going to be the last emulated MVS? ur sure about that?
  25. true that the game is basically the same with this here or that there... but each year I look foreward to seeing where the story is going, so that's mostly what I'm in it for. I really love the gameplay but ur right that it hasn't changed too much. mebbe that's the beauty of it.
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