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Everything posted by bled2deth17

  1. mwahahaha niceness . great new boss character too. SNK's character design is always what it's all about. that's why I love this game company so much. just look at the flocking progression! king of fighters started in NINTEEN flockIN NINTEY-ONE people w/ fatal fury and almost EVERY SNK fighting game set in modern day has been someway entwined with the story of that first one. it's so friggin great. the SF timeline is pretty complex as well but the games released aren't chronological to the timeline actually, so that one is quite alot harder to figure out. anyways... what the hell... why is this new guy mentioning orochi still? there HAS to be something big-to-do with lin's clan on the way, judging by the hero team ending.
  2. ah I see... hm. dunno if I'd leave my comp on for 10 days... but melty blood looks damn good. is there anybody who actually completed the download and has it? if so plz pm me... I'd really appreciate it:unsure:
  3. crrrrrrap... I'm so sorry about this but I'll be lookin for an AIM or MSN connection for this... erm... would somebody 2 be kind enough to send through that medium? I always wind up seeing the Torrents to late and nobody re-seeds and I think that'd be more of a pain anyway. so yeah if anybody can hook me up w/ @ least melty blood I'd be greatful...
  4. HOLY MUTHA OF MUTHAMUTHA! ... :collecting self: uh... sry about that lost it for a sec. Ironic cuz Melty Blood looks to be the closest thing to my idea for a fighting game lol. somethin hyper-anime w/ a gothic twist. me likey:D. and E-Zero another WOW! allbeit weird but WOW! all of this is nasty PC software? CRAZYNESS! there are a few download links on that MB page so I'm gonna see what they are. though I doubt it's the game. one quick note to wanderzeige:... c'mon man don't have somebody shut this thing down... I'm just gettin into it:D
  5. alright well this is my last resort folks so I'd really like some help... it seems as if I'm a bit too late for the BitTorrent to get going, there's no seeds left, so I'm gonna have to ask one last thing... would any of you who have it now be willing to send it through an AIM or MSN connection? I'd appreciate it much, I really really really miss playing this game and it'd mean alot to me if I could have a copy of this PC version. PM if ur intrerested and I extend a million thanks in advance
  6. anybody got screens of this stuff? sounds... uhh... interesting
  7. Both of these emulators an do it... But SPC only contains music sample data, not the sound effects. alright... so ur saying w/ the latest version of either I can log sound? I have no clue w/ dumping the sound data. I tried a player once and it didn't quite do the trick for me. but yeah do these now log sound? thanks in advance for ur patience toward my stupidity
  8. u can PM me if you want the kawaks 1.45 with loader do you have the DAT for it my friend?. I have that loader and I'd appreciate it if u posted it
  9. for all I know the answer is no. I wanna be able 2 record that awesome castlevania music ya hear? but yeah I tried the SMC format stuff and I couldn't understand that at all. is there a single EMU that just logs the sound?
  10. I think you guys forgort GAURDIAN HEROES
  11. I agree entirely... (well... minus the masturbation part). there's really no need to get in a tizzy over it. it'll be out on the feild eventually. just wait til about the 36th page of this topic and then it should be available here and there
  12. if ur talkin neorage I'll just have u know that this really didn't work for me. I have the kawaks version now but I'm just notifiying u about that mebbe there was a fix or somethin u missed? I dunno. the results I got were the title screen and upon inserting a coin I got a blank screen with occasional garbled graphics
  13. nevermind that last post I sifted back a few pages and managed to find it. but yes I just played through it w/ my brother now and if u guys want I could write up a review for it. I take enough from this site, figured it might be a good change to give. :!:
  14. superbness, this has really come a long way eh? is there a full package of the Kawaks rom yet though?
  15. You have to register to be able to access the forum. AND you have to post in their introduction thread if you want to be able to download attachments, at least, thats how i got it to work. i think its a pretty poor way to run a forum, if you ask me. I suppose it's fair enough... post once then mooch all ya want ... that does sorta make me feel like an ass though... but oh well.
  16. sounds mighty nice my friend, I must say thankyou much for the help:). I'm new at DI though so I think that may be why their not allowing me to click the link. it'll go to a forum error when I do. anything I can do?
  17. alright. so now I'm starting to get this straight. for the record the only EMU running it 100% correct is MAME 0.78, the rest have graphical glitches and other stuff going on. am I correct?
  18. true this. what's all this talk of neorage though? I wouldn't know the first thing about adding it to the mame.78 list:(
  19. hm. seems as if the roms are down... but they do have it. I'll have to be patient but thanx much
  20. hmm. what arcade board did they run offa though? Naomi I think? I know it's emulated in some way. I've seen sprite rips. must be the import MS-DOS version.
  21. ah yes yes do tell:) links anybody? sorry again
  22. I used to have the dreamcast copy of GGX, and I really REALLY like GGXX, so does anybody know if there's an EMU that'll run these, or if there's even rom rips of these games yet? I kinda do doubt it but it would be great. if anybody has the japanese MS-DOS Guilty Gear X that'd kick ass too. thankyou much.
  23. I've become a big noise factory fan and I noticed the lates MAME runs Gaia Crusaders. I went on to #retroroms to look it up alphabetically but they don't have it. anybody know where I can get this game? it looks like it'd be a quality brawler. shengoku 3 sure was lemme tell ya
  24. my apologies ladies and gentlemen, but I apparently have been outta the loop for a couple of days alright on the home page I saw the bulletin and saw something about "working versions for neorageX and Kawaks already!". I know gamecop wouldn't post it if it wasn't true. anybody have linkage to the full rom for rage? if not that, kawaks? and which one of the 10 or so dats already posted work? do any? sorry to be a bother, and eternal grattitude to those who respond
  25. cannot be found... bleh.
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