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Everything posted by bled2deth17

  1. woah... this is really friggin nice!... but the time it would take to navigate this stuff is quite literally inhuman. in a half hour last night I got through about seven pages of like... 409 . any place where I can just get the BIOS roms so I can continue w/o wondering what's gonna be detected and what won't? thanx.
  2. I gave that all a try minus one thing - the final neorage won't work on my comp (windows xp conflict I'm sure). but I did rename all the roms accordingly and include the P1 fix. wouldn't work on my rage (v8.0b). I don't see what makes one rage diff than the next other than new wallpapers and a larger list...
  3. well folks, from what we've seen things have been rough for this great EMU. first there's SVC w/ the P1 rom error. this doesn't bother me so much. u can play that game through a few times and that'll be it, I've already deleted it and I honestly won't miss it much. but samurai showdown 5... I've never seen anything by the means of a "bank error" before, and I wouldn't have a clue where to start. I'm not gonna biatch about how I can't get them to work, cuz I know at the moment nobody has that answer. this topic isn't about that. I put this topic up because I'd like 2 discuss what's up. why these new games are having these troubles. what the usual process has been to fix games in the past, and if they are applicable to these new games. if they aren't then why not? what don't we know? is the premier neo geo emulator finally on it's way out?
  4. my B just didn't see it
  5. hm... where is this dat u provided... I tried it on rage and it came up with a message that said WARNING: BANK ERROR I'll deal w/ kawaks on this one but if anyone finds a fix for rage that would be great, the rom I got was from the emulacity site, the first one that shishan posted. I'll do it on kawaks if I have to and if the addition of a dat isn't brain surgery, but there's no need to go through the bullcrap of getting a new emulator for only one game. it's just not worth it.
  6. meh, I got burning fight last night and at first it wasn't all that entertaining. but I played it for a few minutes more and I was like "eh I guess I could play thru this". now shengoku 3... THAT'S a different story. I luvvv byakki in this, I think my highest combo w/ him was around 70
  7. I'm gonna try that. if renaming doesn't work then I dunno what will. it'll be nice 2 have it reguardless
  8. Neorage all the way for MY neogeo. too bad some of the new roms have trouble w/ it. namely svc. bleh
  9. HELLOOOOOOOO everybody. I was on emulforums as kagidame, and I'm very glad that I found this almighty emu-mecha once again, it's such a great thing to have a community completely devoted to the EMU business anyways, a bit about me: age:18 sex:male location:braintree MA game interests: basically anything in 2 dimensions. big fan of Snk, Capcom, Konami and Treasure. all the old school stuff, the sega and nintendo classics. my fave system would have to be the almighty neo-geo, and my fave EMU is Neorage x. Music is a large hobby of mine, been playing guitar for 10 years, piano for one, starting to perform and write my own crap so it's all good. I'll listen to anything from Bob Dylan to System of a down, but my first choice'll usually be whatever currently rocks. I believe every good classic rock song deserves a good new rock cover, because I frankly believe that the classics are kicking the crap out of what's out there today, but the sound that's out there today is heavier and could do the classics some good. lastly I'm quite the poet, kinduva sap because of it, and I hope to be teaching english someday. so. that's me. catch u on the flipside peoples. PS: is my sig too big
  10. NRX has a problem with p1 rom unlike many emulators NRX has no drivers a rom needs to be patched to sort out the problem i had it running but it freezes at the start of a fight yeah I'm getting that two. I renamed the rom Neorage style and got to the start of the fight, and then it wouldn't write the text. it's been a long 50 or so pages since this was posted though... any luck w/ neoraging it yet ?
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