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  1. look here. Had a friend do it for me dont know what he did to get it to work. He did it a totally different way which i dont know how so i mean dont sweat it.
  2. Ok since your attacking me at every corner. The only reason i ask that is because maybe there's another way around it which it was so i still got the job done...nice tutorial BlackKnight.
  3. OK im asking again...PLZ DO NOT MISS THIS!!!! DO I NEED HOTSHOT GOLF 2 IN ORDER FOR THIS TO WORK!!! Thats all im asking.
  4. Funny thing about that mac address is its false couldnt do anything with no way. Thx for looking out for me.
  5. ok i have two questions about the playstation tutorial... 1. Do you have to have hotshot golf 2 for this to work? and 2. The iso i have is in 3 parts, does it need to be all 1 or is there a way that even tho its in 3 parts it will still work?
  6. Hey psp fans. I was just wondering does anyone know how to put a playstation emulator on your psp? If so would any of you mind helping me do this. Reason why? I have Tales of Destiny 2 iso on my computer and was just wondering if it was possible to play it on my psp.
  7. ok im noob at this true enough ive had my psp 3 months now but what is firmware?
  8. Hey psp fans I was just wondering...today i saw where you can connect your psp to your computer and play it from there fullscreen and i was just wondering if anyone knew how to do it and could possibly help me out that way i could play my psp from my computer.
  9. Funny thing i didnt know was that mugen was classified as a emulator(thats what i heard maybe its not). I just thought it was a 2d fighting program.
  10. Na dude im not going to leave ya hangin just been having a small issue with my mugen but ill keep posting or either get some more ppl to the forum. Cool. I'd be good to have more than me, ishizimaru (I think that's how you spell it) and evil ryu x in here. lol Evil Ryu has been much help i mean ive did more with mugen than ive ever done before when i came along in mugen i was having a hard time with adding characters(easy part just wouldnt read) and stages(another easy part but wouldnt read) lol. Now the thing is now trying to make my own character.
  11. Na dude im not going to leave ya hangin just been having a small issue with my mugen but ill keep posting or either get some more ppl to the forum.
  12. Ive check everything you said and to me nothing is wrong but something is because my music is still not working and ive look over this 5 times already. Is there a way i could send you my mugen configuration file and you can see if i did something wrong cause at this point i dont know what else is there to do but either find another screenpack or either just use the regular stuff that came with winmugen which looks rather boring.
  13. that didnt work.. sry. Any other ideas?
  14. What it is Mugen Fans!!! Alright today i went character shopping(Wtf!!!Who says that!?!?...lol) and i was thinking along the lines of is this theft that im committing??? Cause true enought ppl put remakes of characters from different games and their own ideas and allow you to download them for free but is it bad that yes i do give them credit for what they did and the time they spent on working on each individual character??? Yet i dont post saying that was a nice job or i like what you did and you know that kind of stuff. So ppl i would like to hear your thoughts and concerns on this particular subject. -laterz
  15. Wow!! thats some mad skill right there....Without Looking?!?!..lmao.
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