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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i played it. i think it is the shortest metal slug !
  2. search trough this thread. there are some working links !
  3. very sweeeet !!!!!
  4. I've made it too. But the grafix are still messed up
  5. I have loaded my ms5 romset into kawaks! but there is now a new problem. a v3 rom is missing!
  6. there is a k-loader version with a asr.dat for ms5.
  7. thanks figured out the pass. snake : snake
  8. Heres another link. but you cannot scan the server for other files because of password protection I already tried,it doesnt work C's S's P's roms 14meg
  9. mmmh.. this is strange. nebula displays me -this game is locked- any idea what to do? please help ! perhaps a bad dump !? i cant find any links to a ssv.zip
  10. Me too Guys. Now let's have fun no prob. deltaquad
  11. Just saying Hi ! and... here is the direct link without this flash button. http://emulacity.redtotalonline.com/seccio...c.dump.team.rar
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