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Everything posted by taratata

  1. It's funny to see what shapes emulation can take. You need the puckman romset to play this.
  2. It's what I refer to when a company makes a game and instead of actually making a good game they make the graphics shiny and fool the Idiot Crowd into thinking that those are the most amazing graphics in the world. I blame the unsuccessfulness of Nintendo on PS2 fans. The reason being is because as the Gamecube just started launching, I remember walking into Gamestop or EB Games and hearing these morons standing at the Gamecube section and blasting each and every game as being kiddy. Remember Resident Evil? That too was claimed to be kiddy. To my point, the Idiot Crowd (Who can't decide a damn thing for themselves.) listens to these PS2 fanboys and decide to join in the blasting and refusal to buy Nintendo products. I give you, PS2 fanboys, the middle finger salute (In no way am I bashing the PS2, just the fans.). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Very good points, and I remember seeing the "Idiot Crowd" over here as well. Now, for the record, I am a PS2 fan, not a fanboy. I acknowledge the good points in the GC and it's games, and the games are far from being kiddy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> While GC's games are far from being kiddy, Nintendo made great marketing efforts to make the GC look like the "best console for kids". That's also part of what fooled the "Idiot crowd" into thinking the GC's games are kiddy.
  3. If that was the only flaw, you could call Schwartznegger "princess".
  4. Nice uncensoring What's the link between MGS3 coming out in March, and french and germans?
  5. I haven't played any of these, so I won't vote. And I'm not planning on playing any of these soon.
  6. 10 lb, 1 hour battery life... is this still a laptop?
  7. Very interesting...
  8. Yeah, right. I guess you also need a valid anus if you give your phone & card number so easily.
  9. WTF
  10. Or bomb Iran, as it is well-known that Iran and God design evil schemes together.
  11. Is there any plan for officially adding the 2001 games in MAME?
  12. this is great. They could have made the princess a little sexier though.
  13. Pretty good and really hard.
  14. 9/11 was far worse, because it happened on US land.
  15. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% System: CPS2 RomName: progear Game: Progear (USA 010117) [Program] pgau.03,0,80000,343a783e,0 pgau.04,80000,80000,16208d79,0 [Decryption] pgaux.03,0,80000,fd58616b,0 pgaux.04,80000,80000,6081a891,0 [Graphics] pga-sim.01c,0,200000,452f98b0,1 pga-sim.01d,1,200000,9e672092,1 pga-sim.01a,2,200000,ae9ddafe,1 pga-sim.01b,3,200000,94d72d94,1 pga-sim.03c,4,200000,48a1886d,1 pga-sim.03d,5,200000,172d7e37,1 pga-sim.03a,6,200000,9ee33d98,1 pga-sim.03b,7,200000,848dee32,1 [Z80] PGA.01,0,20000,BDBFA992,0 [samples] pga-sim.05a,0,200000,C0AAC80C,0 pga-sim.05b,200000,200000,37A65D86,0 pga-sim.06a,400000,200000,D3F1E934,0 pga-sim.06b,600000,200000,8B39489A,0 [system] ButLayout: 0 Fix: 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% System: CPS2 RomName: progearj Game: Progear (JAPAN 010117) Parent: progear [Program] PGAJ.03,0,80000,06DBBA54,0 PGAJ.04,80000,80000,A1F1F1BC,0 [Decryption] pgajx.03,0,80000,B44E4BCF,0 pgajx.04,80000,80000,354DB29D,0 [Graphics] pga-sim.01c,0,200000,452f98b0,1 pga-sim.01d,1,200000,9e672092,1 pga-sim.01a,2,200000,ae9ddafe,1 pga-sim.01b,3,200000,94d72d94,1 pga-sim.03c,4,200000,48a1886d,1 pga-sim.03d,5,200000,172d7e37,1 pga-sim.03a,6,200000,9ee33d98,1 pga-sim.03b,7,200000,848dee32,1 [Z80] PGA.01,0,20000,BDBFA992,0 [samples] pga-sim.05a,0,200000,C0AAC80C,0 pga-sim.05b,200000,200000,37A65D86,0 pga-sim.06a,400000,200000,D3F1E934,0 pga-sim.06b,600000,200000,8B39489A,0 [system] ButLayout: 0 Fix: 0 EDIT: works fine in nebula 2.24, not in kawaks 1.46
  16. As much as I agree that some old games are really great (if I didn't I wouldn't be on this forum), you remind me of old people saying "kids nowadays don't know how to have fun. We used to play with a stick and a stone; man those were the days." I still remember the extreme visual pleasure when I first saw a Genesis or an Amiga playing. Sure gameplay is the most important part of a game, but we can't blame kids for thinking pong is ugly. They have grown up with high standards for graphics, and are used to extreme eye-candy. I'm sure if these great oldies were remade with all the current eye-candy, most of them would change their mind. EDIT: Hehe.
  17. no <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OK *saves the list where only him will be able to find it*
  18. Right now I'm not at home and don't have much time. I'll look in the doc when I'll be back.
  19. It is currently summer in the southern emisphere.
  20. Is christmastime gingerbread house building an american tradition?
  21. Same opinion as in the "ATI Radeon X800 series" thread
  22. You have a really nice chess game.
  23. Feeling guilty is not the question. Being conscious of the relativeness of material wealths is. 6600s look good, but I'd rather go for ATIs.
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