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Everything posted by taratata

  1. Actually, EPIC could be a good idea if it's not combined with commercial targeting, and if it coexists with other easily-available information sources.
  2. if u break up w/ the other person then whats the point of calling it "CHEATING"" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you retarded? If you're in a relationship, and you begin seeing someone else while in that same relationship, its called cheating dumb*ss. God damn it sf2_ryu...have you been hanging out with Ghost to much? Expect a christmas present from me personally for your stupid remark. I'm gonna bomb your a** till flocking New Years. Happy Holidays. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey, hey. Keep cool guy. He was just pointing out the incoherence of the last sentence.
  3. This thread can be pretty useful for a MAME or FBA compile... could I abuse a little and ask that it (or a clone of it) be pinned?
  4. If you want to make a bug report, just write it in english and I'll translate it. It's good enough to help the programmer improve it.
  5. TrashTV again? It seems like that crap'll never stop.
  6. Merry christmas to all of you
  7. If someone who's not a millionaire told me he'd bought a $500 gfx card, I'd probably burst in laughter. Then I'd walk away and think about the fact that he had just spent about 4 years of the average income of a somalian (GNI per capita (US$), 2003: 130). Just to get a few more FPSs in Doom3.
  8. Repo a piece of the turkey while you're there
  9. I'll spend chrismas quietly with my family. New year, well, I'll probably get very drunk and very stoned with friends
  10. I don't think there is any purpose or meaning in life. We just are. However if I really had to define a purpose, I'd say try to discover other things and cultures, try to make others also discover these, and to die less stupid than I was born (that can be pretty tricky; most people don't achieve that). Most importantly, not to impose to others my own point of view, but to try to understand theirs and take the best of it.
  11. I'd really love to have multiple choices at my exams
  12. I'll download it and give it a look
  13. You clueless little kid It really looks sweet.
  14. If such a thing as a VIRTUAL game can make kids violent, what do they think about the glorification of REAL war on FoxNews?
  15. Bah... who cares.
  16. Considering the winners, it could as well have been called "best marketing awards".
  17. I heard a rumor that the PC version would be multiplayer (over a network). That'd be great. Has anyone a confirmation about that?
  18. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Illegal aliens forced to register? Isn't that a bit paradoxal? They risk being expulsed AND have to register? If I was an illegal alien, no way I'd do that.
  19. That's exactly what it says, just in another language.
  20. takes all its meaning now. But that's still no proof that there will be a draft.
  21. Jayce and the wheeled warriors? Everytime I hear that name memories come to my mind, I wonder if it is IT, I check and it is!
  22. Thanks for the recipe Gryph! I'll try when I'll stop stopping drinking
  23. I've never had these problems with DSL. Most likely it's the ISP's fault, not the technology's.
  24. The GBA and GBA SP story tends to make him right. That's pretty bad for those that bought the first version, as they have to find all the problems that users of a newer model won't have.
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