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Everything posted by taratata

  1. Einstein, and maybe Archimedes.
  2. Same here. I keep thinking "I should back up", but never find the motivation to do it.
  3. The last time I played Prince of Persia was on my SMS...
  4. Good luck for your exams! I have a C exam next monday
  5. 1) No. The only solution to use windows on a mac is to use an emulator. One of the best is VirtualPC, unfortunately it's not free. 2) MacOS X is based on OpenBSD, reputed to be the most secure system nowadays. So it could be pretty hard to get the password so easily. However maybe such a tool exists, but since passwords are kept in a crypted database, well... 3)Sorry, I don't know any. If you find no other solution, you can try to reinstall the system as a last option. EDIT: The link you gave is about windows, not MacOS. However, maybe John the Ripper could help if the pass is not too complex.
  6. I wish you to find the strength and courage to get through all this. This is really a bad situation. But remember, life always goes on.
  7. Stuffing one's face to thank others for something they were forced to do... interesting concept
  8. It looks like this touchscreen is gonna cause much flaming...
  9. I usually use the hacked p1 that says: "protections removed by zhaosili". CRC: 8740E1A5 This one will play on any emulator (except maybe NRX).
  10. Actually, if we were to split hairs in half, one could call modifying MAME's code then compiling it "hacking". Not in the recent meaning the word took, but in its original meaning: understanding the way something works with the intent to make it work in a better/more appropriate way. Linux system programmers, for exemple, call themselves "hackers", and they don't work on raw machine code (which would be stupid, as the sources are available). They modify C code (in Linux's exemple) just like what is done with MAME (except MAME modification doesn't require extensive programming skills). Therefore, a modified version of MAME could be called a hacked MAME (maybe it's a little abusive, but not to the point of making it a wrong name for such a thing). Here ends my hair splitting Happy bday again, James
  11. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, [chorus]HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, JAMES...[/chorus] happy birthday to yooooooouuuuuu! That arcade auction looks really interesting, too bad I'm thousand of kilometers from it... oh wait, I wouldn't have the money and the space needed anyway
  12. His great actions and courage shall be praised until his return. So be it.
  13. Maybe he's trying to fight a forum addiction... He could try starting "1emuholics Anonymous" btw, good to see you guys!
  14. Uh...no. I never had that kind of problem there My train leaves in two hours, gotta go prepare my stuff. Thank you all, and see you soon
  15. I'd say Tizoc, but he's not there. And he is definitely a wrestler.
  16. Foreigners too, I'm not xenophobic
  17. Trust me, I will
  18. I'm moving to Paris for my studies. Nothing definite yet, I'll be sure in a few weeks. But I'm leaving my flat tomorrow, and my DSL connection with it... So see you guys in a few weeks when I'll have another flat and a new connection. Until then I'll try to come here and on IRC using my friends' and university's computers. Ciao!
  19. Yes I did. But aren't modchips also illegal in the US? If they're not, all my apologies. Or did you think I was speaking about the australian laws? I was speaking about the laws in my country, which is not Australia.
  20. Maybe but look at guns as they've already been brought up. Guns have 1 purpose - to kill. And yet, even though murder is a crime, people are allowed to sell guns to people even if that means they are able to commit a crime. Piracy is a far less serious crime, and mod-chips do have legitimate purposes, therefore they should be legal. Here, guns cannot be sold to everyone because like you said, their only purpose is to kill. There are strict laws about that. But modchips are legal, because they can be used to play backups. Much better than the opposite, IMHO.
  21. So much easier for you, so bothering for others...
  22. I registered too
  23. I tried your converter, but anyway without the correct m rom, ingame sounds are still messed up. So there isn't even any way to know if the roms it produces are legit...
  24. It works very well with the old p1 and the unibios. The trick is to delete ssvsp's file in nebula's eeprom folder, then start the game in console mode (without the unibios). This will create a fine eeprom file which will let you play afterwards in arcade mode or with the unibios. (thanks James for that info)
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