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Everything posted by taratata
buddy i dont know what your talking about.. science never proved creationism wrong..but in a way it proved some of it right. and if somebody did prove creationism wrong..bring me an article..w.e from a source thats reliable. If that didn't provide you food for thought, I'm sorry I can do nothing for you man. Science proved some of creationism right? Could you tell me how and what part please? Just a question about creationism: if you think it's creation, how was life created? I mean, what processes?
Congrats GryphonKlaw and Agozer !
taratata replied to Mag's topic in 1Emulation.com Information [/info]
Don't forget to sleep on occasion -
This is getting really really lame. In no other industrial country than the US there is a debate about this, because there are so many evidences. Want a proof of what you call macroevolution? Here are some arguments: DNA and genes is the way of transmission of phenotype characteristics within ALL species in the world, except a few primitive bacterias which still use RNA. RNA which plays a very important role in the expression of these genes is present in ALL the living species on this planet. What makes scientists think we share a relatively recent common ancestors with monkeys? We have 99% of our genes in common with chimpanzees, and also share a whole lot of physical characteristics. From fossiles, we can trace a big part of the evolution from primitive life forms to actual life forms. The list of arguments is so long I won't put them all here. Now what arguments are there for creationism? Your arguments are all based on "we have never seen...". Noone has ever seen the soil of Mars, therefore it doesn't exist. It's just a lightbulb someone put in the sky. I have never seen you, therefore you don't exist! come on... Now what arguments other than "we have many evidences against creationism but we are so dumb we can't have logical thought and need to see it with our eyes" and bible verses? The book is called the origin of species, not the origin of races. When some sick bastards took his theory to say that there are some races greater than others, Darwin felt very depressed about this. His whole theory is between the difference between species, and humanity is a single specy. ONE specy. So his theory doesn't apply at all to different human races. It's not because some sick psychopaths tried to use his theory in tortured ways to proove a stupid thing that his theory doesn't stand. I'd like to remind you that centuries before, the bible was used to proove that the american indians were not humans. "There is no sign of a cross in their culture, therefore Jesus had no influence on them therefore they are not humans". Does that mean the bible itself is about saying other races are not humans? Of course not! So according to the creationist "theory", how was life created? Some kind of god pulled all the different species out of his ass? What evidence is there for that except a few bible verses and "we have never seen and have no logical thought"? I gave here a few evidences about evolution. Please give me evidences about creationism other than "we have never seen a cat come out of a dog" because of course we have never seen that and it'll never happen. The only proof creationism gives me is that religious fundamentalism in the US is far worse than what I thought. Because it all boils down to trying to prove religious stuff with pseudo-science, and being stubborn when proven wrong using real science. It's not a school of thought about one theory or the other. You believe in your religion and want to go on thinking "god blah blah blah..." fine for you. But don't try to take science into this because you'll get your ass handled to you anyday.
Does the MAM have a website?
Right, no need to argue over the truth of the bible. But is it true that the evolutionnary theory has been removed from the highschool textbooks in Texas?
KOF or not, slot machines are good neither for your wallet nor for your mental health
Not a new m1 a new p1. To determine if it is a hack or not, have fun with the following babelfish translation Link to the original article EDIT: for the sake of completeness, here is the automated translation of another article about the same p1: Have fun babelfishing the answer
Oh, please. Don't tell us you're a martyr, because all we are doing is a debate. Instead of whining, please try to say intelligent things about all the arguments we have given you and that you haven't given an answer to. whining?/haha ok.... w.e and i stood my point on everything..and what are the things that i haven't answered to??.. yea..if they dont believei in Jesus Christ than they go to hell..to say it nicely.. Jesus Christ = God..not just a prophet. Bah. Some think the same about you. You don't believe in ***insert prophet, god or whatever here*** and don't follow his laws = you go to hell (or whatever nasty place). haha..true..owell i guess ill go to hell then.in terms of that person's view.. Now why would I believe you rather than that other guy? If I wanted to go to paradise, I'd have to choose. There is a major incompatibility there. Please give me a good exemple of how you can see god work on your life with your own two eyes. Before we knew the earth was round, people believed in a flat earth. This is true. So could it not also be true that before we knew about evolution, people believed in creationism? Please leave me a bit of time to find the other ones, I'm getting a little tired.
A new P1, just like I said. The 079e5eca new p1?
Oh, please. Don't tell us you're a martyr, because all we are doing is a debate. Instead of whining, please try to say intelligent things about all the arguments we have given you and that you haven't given an answer to.
yea..if they dont believei in Jesus Christ than they go to hell..to say it nicely.. Jesus Christ = God..not just a prophet. Bah. Some think the same about you. You don't believe in ***insert prophet, god or whatever here*** and don't follow his laws = you go to hell (or whatever nasty place). haha..true..owell i guess ill go to hell then.in terms of that person's view.. Now why would I believe you rather than that other guy? If I wanted to go to paradise, I'd have to choose. There is a major incompatibility there.
Mass marketing very beautifully rendered women! Wait...hasn't this been done in the West already!? What do you mean by "the West"? Yeah, it has been done countless times before! Remember "Virtual Valerie"? OK, she was not beautifully rendered
yea..if they dont believei in Jesus Christ than they go to hell..to say it nicely.. Jesus Christ = God..not just a prophet. Bah. Some think the same about you. You don't believe in ***insert prophet, god or whatever here*** and don't follow his laws = you go to hell (or whatever nasty place).
Please give me a good exemple of how you can see god work on your life with your own two eyes. I never said that becoming a christian makes your like easier (actually in some places of the world, it does; and in some places of Europe a few centuries ago, if you were not a christian you could consider yourself dead). What I said is that believing in something without having to think about its truthness makes your INTELLECTUAL life easier. No thought about "Could I be wrong?" No. Just "If I do things the way I'm told I should, then everything's alright and I'll go to paradise."
how do you know that the Bible is fake?.. your saying in this Earth all the millions of people that are Christian is stupid enough to believe in a less realistic assumption.. i highly doubt that.. That's exactly the problem. How do you know that what the bible says is the truth? I don't care how many people believe in it. They have been taught to believe in it, and maybe don't have the will to question what they have been taught.
and about having so many different religions,, its the same as why there are so many ideas in science. each people see soemthing and try to understand it by mkaing up reasons. information wise, there isnt nearly as much evidence of truth as there is for christianity PLUS.... almost all other religions (except for muslims and jews) base their belief off of what someone thought. also about believing..Christians beileve IN Jesus Christ/God because we have witnesses and testimonies from other people that God is real.. unless your a Christian that has felt God's presence and not some kid who went to church unwillingly shouldn't be saying that.. and also about the ethocentric/mice.. i do admit that humans think that they are so great or whatever, but i honestly dont think that has anything to do with religion or why religion was made because Humans do the same thing when it comes to God its not like we let God take control. Most cases, we do worse to God then when we say we cant be from mice cause we go a step further and say we know better then God and spit in his face What evidence is there for christianity? About the witnesses, a few centuries ago people didn't know well the effect of drugs I have heard of someone that has succeed in forming a sect with the use of magic mushrooms.... and there are many exemples of such stuff happening nowadays. At the time when people hadn't even heard of these kind of drugs, it must have been far worse. About the feeling of god: a few times I have almost been hit on a car. I thank my nerves for saving me. Some people would have thanked god... I sometimes have had overwhelming feelings of joy. Some people would also have called that god... Jeanne d'Arc was called a saint because supposedly she had heard god's voice telling her to save her country. Now we know the name of this: schizophrenia (sp?) I don't say I know better than god. I just say I have more backing for what I say than people who just throw bible verses in my face. There is a guy claiming he's the half-brother of jesus and that their father was an extraterrestrial. He also has witnesses. Why not believe him?
Now tell me: what has alchemy to do with science???? Alchemy is not a science and never was. And the postulate that the world is flat has nothing to do with science either. And about theories, haven't you read that? Yes science is changing, because when people discover that a theory is wrong, they don't try to deny the facts and won't continue to claim it is true. Christianism is based on an even bigger and much less realistic assumption: that what the bible says is true.
yea so how reliable is science? if it keeps on changing? the Bible doesnt change,,, I believe the first 5 books were wriiten by Moses and it never changed.. though the scholars translated the Bible into many different languages..the meaning behind the Bible never changed. and for the theory..maybe i heard that wrong so I wont say more about that..but science gets disproven. no?.. That's exactly the point of science. It doesn't just keeps changing as you say. A theory is considered valid if it is proven right with the current knowledge. To prove it wrong, one needs to have valid arguments against it. That's exactly why it is reliable: a theory proven wrong is left behind, and a theory isn't considered true if there are no proofs. That's not like believing blindly in something written long ago with no proofs to back it... My family is also christian. But why would I believe something only because a priest says so, and because it is written in a book? Now, please explain me something: why are there so many religions? If what is said in the Bible, why would there be the Coran? And why wouldn't jews become christians as well? Believing in something just because it is written is very easy. Trying to back what one says with proof is much harder. Most people just follow the easy way... (Actually, that goes for science as well. Most people will believe something if a scientist says it and he has the agreement of the scientific community. Except with science, you can look for his evidences and try to prove him wrong.) About evolution or creation, I think it's evolution. And here is why I think creation was invented: humans tend to be ethocentric and want to believe they are special. "Oh, we are so intelligent, we just can't have a common ancestor with mices and bacterias."
I'll let you do that since I can't buy one myself
I know you didn't want a link. But if you had read the thread, you would've known that they aren't released yet. That's what I meant by "please read the thread before asking". Good luck
Hey ink, welcome back! Remember, drink or drive, you have to choose
Press the start and coin buttons at the same time to enter the uni-bios menu. Then go to the cheat database, the uncensoring is there. About the v roms, please, please, please, read the thread before asking. And use the edit button instead of posting three times in a row.
With kawaks, you have to put the uni-bios.rom file in the same folder as winkawaks.exe (or whatever the name of the exe is).
Girigiri has evolved...Enter Cassini :O
taratata replied to lockshaw13's topic in Other Emulators [/pc/other]
Only a blind man wouldn't be able to read them now -
I still think it's ridiculous, but anyway... c297f973_to_fc0896cf.ips