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Everything posted by taratata

  1. Talking about your forum's rules? The one above is one of this forum's rules. Registering on a forum with the only intent to flame one of its users is totally unconstructive and shows how stupid you are. Nothing to add. EDIT: I rewrote the rules with blood
  2. can you post a patch instead A patch... bah. Do you know any good tools to make patches? To apply the patch, I know IPSWin but unfortunately it won't create them.
  3. There's a new S1 rom that fixes the option screen. Unfortunately I can't post the link here
  4. [samples] 272d-v1.rom,0,800000,********,0 272d-v2.rom,800000,800000,********,0 Just put the correct crcs. Afaik, it's always as follows: name_of_the_file,starting_adress,size,crc,0 The adress and size are in hexadecimal. I don't know what the last number is for, it seems like it's always 0. If someone knows what's its use, please tell.
  5. Then it's not a correction but an alternative way Corrected (my post).
  6. I just hope (and think) not all RO servers admins are like that.
  7. Alternative way: rename the file to "uni-bios.rom" and place it in the neogeo.zip archive in your roms folder And you can leave the other bioses in the zip file.
  8. Wait...enable is through unibios? I thought it automatically unlocked the AES version? It doesn't. You have to go in the integrated cheat database (coin + start to go to the unibios menu) and enable it from there.
  9. Well, we'll check the crcs
  10. Uh, uh, YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No need to add anything.
  11. If there is anotherone remaining, I may try it too. Thanks
  12. Source: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/a...tari_reissues_4 Muahaha! Rampant bootlegging! From the same article: Sooooo right. If there are kids thinking "These are old games, I'll finish them in half a second now that I'm a master of ***insert new game here***" before playing those, they're in for a nice surprise
  13. Dry food: if it's in someone's house and the floor is clean, I would. Elsewhere I wouldn't. Things with sauce: never. If a friend took a bite of it, of course I would eat it! If we can share a bottle, why not share food?
  14. Take another ISP
  15. Well, one of them. I'm not sure if it's the first. And it's almost a scandinavian country No idea
  16. Kind of, and it's really gonna suck.
  17. I hadn't noticed that message. Did you know Estonia is one of the countries in the world that has the most connections per inhabitant? No joke there, this country is really high-tech. Almost every bar has WiFi.
  18. Well, well, well.... as much as I like coffee, I don't really feel like swimming more than 5000 kilometers just for a cup of it
  19. One peanut, and a huge bottle of whiskey to help you digest it.
  20. I never understood the urge some people seem to have to buy collectors things. I mean, this is just a way for corporations to make more money with a product from which they already got as much money as they could. Off-topic: Sturmvogel, your sig is HUGE!!!
  21. Daaaaaamn! Too much Bush crticism in the emu scene, maybe? Yet another reason to despise those "Green card lottery. Enter now!" ads Seriously, undercover since May? That's unbelievable. All that for emulation stuff... Well, I guess that's the most valid reason there can be to remove the "request roms" forum. RIP rom links... Just wondering, have you thought about moving the server abroad? And has any of the regulars here been a victim of this?
  22. There's written "toturial" instead of "tutorial"
  23. Not for long. Ow that hurts even more, even though I don't remember ever requesting a single rom myself. Well, like Agozer said, we'll always find a way But honestly, I really hope it won't turn into an obsession to have a link-free site. I can already feel a bit of hostility towards new members asking where to find roms... I know it's against the forum rules, but if I had asked for a rom and the only answer I got was "flock off, and read the rules" like in many other forums, I wouldn't think of here as a very welcoming place.
  24. I know alot about Australian politics too. Besides, political theorists in this country are saying that the US election is more important for the future of Australia, both economically and otherwise, than the upcoming Australian election. I personally think that if Bush and our right wing government wins office again, both countries will go completely down the toilet. As an extreme example, read this - this terrified me; http://www.larryflynt.com/notebook.php?id=38 It's pretty safe to say that in any country in the world, the american election will have more impact on the future of that country than the national election. So anyone even mildly interested in politics just can't ignore the american politics. You didn't remember? Bush (with the help of his daddy) stole the last election illegaly, and he's going to try his damndest to steal this one. http://www.larryflynt.com/notebook.php?id=27 Touch-screen voting machines? Without a paper confirmation and without federal control? With closed source software that the companies making the machines don't have to reveal to the government? FOR REAL? I mean, is that even legal or constitutional? We all know here how easy it is to cheat with computers. Not to speak about bugs and electricity shortages. In this article they're speaking about previous frauds using electronic voting machines and the lack of media coverage about it. This is downright SCARY. This is so big I'd like to have a confirmation of it.
  25. Everyone beware! Fatal may find yours While you post childhood pics of yourself I'll help. You will not continue on with this gayness. I don't find the picture of a trisomic child funny, so yeah I'll just stop here.
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