Don't assume all there is to a character is simple sprite ripping. It's much more than that. I never said character creation was something easy, I don't know anything about it and I think it must be pretty hard (or at least time-consuming). The only thing I said is it's stupid to call "illegal" taking credit for something illegal from the start. It's like saying it's illegal to steal your neighbour's cocaïne. And about these emails... Unless there is written permission (which would really surprise me) distributing copyrighted material is illegal, reply or not. There's a little something that bothers me with this kind of credits, the same as with the ripping teams credits. Sure, they do a (sometimes) great, long and tiresome job, but all the really creative part is done by someone else. The real credits should go to the people that made the game or the movie in the first place (here, Capcom). If you want credit so bad, just do your own characters, game or movie. You'll see you'll get much more credit (if you did a good creation, of course). PS: Ooops, I forgot something. Before it slips out of control, this is my opinion. No need to say it's not the only one possible