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Everything posted by taratata

  1. Just as a reminder, VLC does not use installed codecs, but uses its own plugins instead. So if you still have trouble reading a file after installing codecs, you can give it a try.
  2. Feeling old at 35/40? An OLD woman who is 36??? How should 80-years-old people feel? If you say that, you're the really young one, little scarab
  3. I had to buy shoes this year because my other shoes were too flocked up. The cheapest I found at the time were at 30 euros, so I bought them. Before these, I hadn't bought shoes in years (but I'm pretty sure the last ones were cheap too).
  4. That is basically the explaination of how a blue box works (an obsolete way of having free phone calls by "hacking" the phone company with a whistle).
  5. A friend of mine has a 600MHz celeron with 192 megs of RAM and an integrated video card and reads all these just fine (except dvds, since he doesn't have a dvd player).
  6. I'm pretty sure he'll still be able to do it
  7. You can do that every week end
  8. I usually sleep on national day. IMO, a bad reason to celebrate. I prefer by far things like New Year.
  9. This guy keeps getting better and better in my estimate. Keep up the good work! By the way, as far as I know, DVDscreeners are dvds coming from the film industry, plain screeners are filmed in movie theatres (like that teen that got caught videotapping spiderman tried to do).
  10. Strange... your processor and the amount of your RAM should be plenty enough to play divx and that kind of stuff... maybe the problem comes from somewhere else. Maybe you could try looking in the task manager what is using your processor's time? Or use VLC to read your films (I doubt it would change anything, but it uses its own codecs, so who knows). Same for you Maybe his computer suits him, or he doesn't have enough money to buy another one, or maybe he's too lazy to go buy one, or maybe he's some kind of masochist, or maybe he's tied to his computer with handcuffs, or maybe he had a holy vision telling him to keep his computer, or maybe... There can be many reasons
  11. I'd consider anything above 500 MHz largely enough for anything except games (depends which game) and real-time video encoding, as long as it has enough RAM. I have a 800MHz Duron with 384 Megs of RAM and a Radeon, and it works like a charm.
  12. Well, I guess stupidity is the most wide-spread characteristic in mankind.
  13. Man, who in the world can think that?
  14. They're expensive indeed, but usually of very high quality. And I would say their products look so good compared to other computer stuff that they may look strange to some people But indeed, their prices are a problem.
  15. No matter how good an OS is, programs running on it can still be buggy. Although with a bad OS it's much worse
  16. That's very nice, could you please post the full links please? Some are obvious, some are less obvious.
  17. As far as I know, XMAME is the linux version of MAME. Maybe you need to have linux for PS2 to make it work? You mentioned a site, could you tell us which one? Anyway, since the PS2 only has 32MB of memory, you won't be able to play the most recent neogeo games.
  18. What about "VF4 forever" on your left buttock?
  19. As long as there are enough customers, they don't have any reason to lower the price. That's the way free trade goes.
  20. A friend of mine had a tennis game on a card. I don't remember the name of it, though.
  21. This kind of letters would make a baby feel the weight of his old age
  22. It was really popular. Not as much as the nes, but still very popular. Maybe you're too young to remember it? BitTorrent file to download the complete SMS romset on grh.se.
  23. If it was that easy we'd all be billionaires
  24. -Sell drugs -Rob a bank -Take part in a government -Marry a rich old woman and kill her -Work?
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