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Everything posted by taratata

  1. Damn Sony. With all these lawsuits, all they deserve is getting pirated to the point that they loose money (which will probably never happen anyway).
  2. Too bad Even without the copy protection bypassing, it would still be great software. There will always be software (legal or not) to bypass copy protection. It is really foolish to think a law would change that, but it would be better if it was legal. Anyway, they could move outside of the US and of the EU... That leaves a lot of other places to go to
  3. I definitely will. I want to beat Gryphon's post count. Mwahahahaha Good luck
  4. Hi Dude! Hope you'll have a nice stay here
  5. How can it be used as a VCR? If they add a VCR to it, I swear I'll kill every last one of them... Well, a DVR...
  6. Yes, he wanted a 100% Free Hosting picture. GOOD JOB!! EDIT: I didn't feel like starting a whole new thread for this since the only Brit here is emsley, but you can win a part in the Hitchhiker's movie! http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A2756577 Anyone know where to get cheap braincells? Mine seem to have a hard time lately Anyway, it's corrected.
  7. I think the only purpose of the DVD burner will be to use the PS3 as a VCR. Maybe with a little modding here and there it will be able to copy games?
  8. Next time, do it yourself; it's simple enough. Is that what you wanted?
  9. Do you want the STFU in german or in english?
  10. Let's hope the microsoft "release as fast as possible and let the final users do the beta-testing" mentality won't spread too much.
  11. Aaah wrestling games... when I hear that I immediately think of (even if it is not a true wrestling game) the unforgetable Pit Fighter
  12. Foreign for who?
  13. Some chicks on this site are sooo ugly; do they really need anyone to tell them? I got 20%. But wtf is a DIY task? I answered "do it myself" but have no clue about what it is
  14. Sorry, I was away for a few days so I couldn't answer. Anyway, G19 has said it all. I'll just answer about that cd stuff. Sure, people who had the money to buy lots of cds buy less of them now. I could only afford one or two per year, and had to listen to crappy radio music or copies of copy of copy of audio cassettes that friends gave me. The difference between now and before is that I never buy cds from mainstream artists anymore. They sell lots of crappy (for the biggest part) cds because of ads. And I don't buy the "mp3s have killed the music industry" argument. First, it is still very wealthy. Second, cds are way too expensive. And third, it has gotten harder and harder for beginning artists to get produced: they're not enough income producing from the industry's point of view. I see the music industry the same way as scientific periodics: they were useful to distribute information (music or science) but they have abused so much from that that they only deserve to disappear, now that there are other means to get that information.
  15. Funny to see you haven't included UK in Europe
  16. For the really motivated, here is a great initiative from MIT: MIT Opencourseware. Ultimately the goal of this is to put every course taught at MIT on this site. Of course, this won't give you any degree, it's just for personal knowledge.
  17. He's not as fluent in English as us so shut the flock up! Atleast he's trying. al32gabby, are you trying to say that all games work except that those use the Windows CE? Not all games work yet since this is only the second release of this emulator. Also this the first to play commercial games so in the future there will more releases of Chankast and other Dreamcast emulators. Just be patient. Isn't WindowsCE included in the DreamCast? I saw WindowsCE printed on a friend's DC. I mean, maybe it is stored on ROMs that should be dumped. Of course, these are only speculations, and would need support in the emulator anyway.
  18. I also did that before coming here
  19. I don't know if it has anything to do with your problem, but XP has an integrated firewall. You can turn it off though.
  20. only because that information can be easily corrupted. show a person how to make dynamite. i truely doubt they will ONLY, then, use it in a constructive sense. for example, industrial mining and what have you. with emulating a system that has been abandoned and/or taken off the market, well, you can then really do no harm. doing the same with a system that is currently being sold and what not, well, you already know my answer to that. If I push further your thought: do not teach programming because you could write emus with it. Don't teach iron forging, because you could make knifes and guns with it. Don't teach stone carving, because you could do sharp pieces that could be used as weapons. That's it! You're in the before-stone-age paradize About how emus for recent systems are a steal... if you would have bought the console, maybe. If not, I don't see much change for the company. And seeing how emus for current systems go (4 fps?), anyone who wants to play decently a GC game and who can afford it will buy a GC. Those who can't are screwed anyway. I have a shitload of mp3s and the number of cds I've bought each year has not gone down. Have I stolen anyone? If so, who?
  21. ABC is my personal favorite Some trackers (servers that enable clients to connect to each other) use anti-leech protections. The (only) one I have heard about is based on the upload/download ratio. So on these trackers, if you don't upload enough, you get screwed However these numbers are generally quite tolerant (typically 0.2 upload/download, and of course not applied when you begin your download). So IF this is why your downloads stop, you are downloading too many torrents at a time. If you want to be correct towards other users and respect the p2p principle, you should have preferably only one torrent downloading at a time, maximum 2. If you have more than that at a time, the upload bandwidth you leave for individual torrents is ridiculous (and so is your upload/download ratio). When you say "so many windows open at a time", I guess you go well beyond that number...
  22. Since that post I carefully inspect every pizza before eating it
  23. Was that jennyjennyjenny for real? I wasn't here either when this happened (or didn't read the right forum), and I just can't believe it. Frost was indeed a genuis compared to "that". I was seriously convinced that "that" was a joke from a forum member until "that" turned out to be racist (and not even admiting it). What a useless scum... You guys could have been much further with the insults. Congratulations on not loosing your temper And Agozer, you really are a saint EDIT: I almost forgot: Happy Birthday 1Emulation!
  24. This is the kind of attitude that will bring you help for sure. Sir, would you like to have a blowjob and a grand to go with it? I'm sure everyone here will be willing to contribute. EDIT: I may have been a little harsh on this one. If anyone else than AaronO complains, I'll edit or even remove the post.
  25. I really doubt they'd do anymore work than that anyway. Maybe change the color of the sword?
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