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Everything posted by taratata

  1. Now version 0.2a is out!
  2. I like having lots and lots of toppings but I usually end up with cheese-only
  3. I felt the same way when I graduated. I just don't want to be at the center of attention, even if it's only for a little while. Anyways, congatulations Magnis. Fortunately, I didn't have to go through any ceremony to get my diploma Can't you just skip the ceremony? Good job Magnis! I don't know how's the american university system, but here highschool's really a walk in the park compared to university. Be prepared for hardcore brain-mashing Oh, and the only thing I miss from highschool time is my mother's good food What will you be studying at college?
  4. Well then, atleast its all settled now. Well then, yeah About Russia, only the richest part of the population has had a real profit from the political change. The country is democratic in appearance, but there are huge political pressures on judges, journalists and opposing businessmen. The poorest parts of the country have only had a change for worse: they don't have the social system anymore (schools, health care, etc...) even if it was far from ideal before, and they don't have the benefits of free trade (don't forget that money attracts money; it goes also the other way round: poverty scare potential investors and push the most dynamic people to leave the place). In richer parts of the country, there's a different problem. Like Alexis said, the wealth tends to concentrate in fewer hands, while more and more people get poor, and they get poorer and poorer. It's not a far-in-the-future nightmare I'm describing here, it's just the way pure and raw capitalism goes when it is uncontrolled. Don't get me wrong there: I'm not saying Russia was better before; I'm just saying that although free trade and capitalism work in some countries (and still, with major flaws), just popping McDonald's and Coca-Cola out of a hat (or worse, out of a gun) won't do any good anywhere. Since the topic is about politics I think I'm not too much off-topic
  5. You're 0.25 points lefter than me! You filthy communist The wording was indeed oriented. Sort of "The poors can starve as long as I have my BigMac: strongly disagree / disagree / agree / strongly agree" lol Well, not oriented that much, but oriented nonetheless.
  6. Jimi Hendrix - Spanish Castle Magic
  7. Baby from the block
  8. The greatest... or the worst
  9. No, but I guess it gets near that. Well then you should go to your closest developmental home and see first hand what I'm talking about. Thanks, but I'll pass. I think I don't speak out of my ass on this, since my father had a severe physical inability (hence my concern). His inability was only physical but I have also met people with mental disabilities, and I won't pretend it's nice to see. Of course it only concerns those that can. Well if a person has the physical and mental ability to reproduce, their disease isn't THAT serious. I can see why we are disagreeing here. It is because we have a different view on what is a serious disease and what isn't. To me a serious inheritable disability is one like Rubenstein-Taybi Syndrome where it is definitely quite impossible to communicate with them. I watched a cardiologist try to do a heart check up on her last week and it was quite intense. I think I get your point there. In cases like Rubenstein-Taybi syndrome (I didn't know that one, but I found a description with google), it seems reasonable to discourage these having children. It is the "shouldn't be allowed to" that's a problem to me there, not to discourage them. It reminds me of the nazis' sterilization program for handicapped people. Another thing is the difference between mental and physical inabilities. These are completely different things with completely difference consequences. I think we haven't seen the question from the same angle. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you got it concerning their ability to raise children. I understood it from the point of a population's genetic perfection (damn, just writing this makes my back shiver). I think that was the real point of the question because of the term "reproduce" (it could not get more biological; reproducing doesn't imply any care for the children afterwards) and because it only concerns "inheritable" disabilities (no distinction between physical or mental).
  10. No, but I guess it gets near that. Aren't all inheritable inabilities diseases? Of course it only concerns those that can.
  11. To me people with serious inheritable disabilities don't have the mental or physical capacity to reproduce. But even if it was possible, it would do more damage than good for the child. I said no. I can tell you it is completely possible; inabilities can be mental or physical, not necessarily both. Therefore someone with a physical inability can be mentally perfectly sane, and vice-versa. Forbidding people with inabilities to reproduce... sounds completely nazi to me. (and I also have other reasons to disagree)
  12. Your political compass Economic Left/Right: -7.75 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.31 I'm way further than Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and the Dalai-Lama A question quite surprised me, and I'd like to have your opinion about it: "People with serious inheritable disabilities should not be allowed to reproduce."
  13. Seems like MAMEdev team is working on it. They added preliminary work on the Hyper Neogeo 64 in version 0.80u1. I don't know how far they have gone since then.
  14. Kind of defeats the whole point of free software (not only open-source) like Linux, don't you think? I don't understand why a mentally sane person would pay to emulate Windows on a free OS. Apart from that, WineX is probably a very good software; I've only tried Wine. Just in case: yeah I know Wine and WineX is not really emulation. Back to the topic: a linux installing tutorial is in itself a good idea, but there are plenty already. It could be of some interest if you include details specific to games and emulation (emulators available for Linux, MAME compile on Linux, Wine/WineX install and use, etc...).
  15. For the lazy ones, use GameSurge's java client Just type "/join #1emu" and don't forget to change your username.
  16. 15 years for a false bomb threat is really really harsh.
  17. And the smell of old fries when you open the dvd box... *berk*
  18. Right now, just a PC and an old playstation I don't use anymore.
  19. Then it's the people buying the game that would be penalized
  20. Even if they gave free dvds to their customers I wouldn't eat there. "I'm NOT lovin' it"
  21. Most are in C, which is efficient but low-level, so quite hard and time-consuming. I may look in the code of open-source emulators, but not modify them or contribute to them. Btw, I'll probably put mine in open-source too. I'll probably begin with a Chip 8 emulator, like iq_132 said. As a beginning it seems much more reasonable than a gameboy.
  22. The only ones penalized by this are the developpers who don't have enough imagination to make a good original game, and have to use a license to sell anything. If this can lower the number of "you had the film, now there's the game"-style games, it would be a very good thing. However, I doubt that this would last long. If the penalties are too high, game developpers won't take the risk to produce a game based on a license anymore (a good thing IMO), and WB won't have the revenues from that anymore. I think they'd prefer bad-rated games than no games at all.
  23. Thanks! I'll look into it. About Super Gameboy, if it used to play gameboy games on the snes, the instructions must be exactly the same, so all info about it should also apply to the gameboy. Thanks for the info Agozer
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