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Everything posted by taratata

  1. The whole world will NOT praise him. The U. S. (and most of Europe) will. Unfortunately, (but not surprisingly) Usama Bin Laden is actually quite popular in many parts of the world.
  2. There is even a direct java client on the website. It's really far from being the best, but if you just want to connect once and see what it is, it's enough.
  3. If it's really using roms, maybe we could try playing other neo-geo games with it?
  4. Has anyone tested this? Is it a real port or just an "official" emulator?
  5. I don't know how that works in the PAL to NTSC way, but when you play NTSC games on a PAL system, you need a modchip of course, but also a RGB cable. Otherwise, the games are in black and white (when you're using a composite video cable). I guess it would be the same the other way.
  6. And another one Please don't take that too seriously.
  7. At least it sure won't be as bad as SF1
  8. [headless mode off] Btw, that reminds me that I have to vote this sunday. [headless mode on again]
  9. Yeah! Everyone vote ForceX!
  10. seriously, he will never win california he makes history as the most hated president ever. hell, people in other countries protest and hate his ass ~~~~ http://www.angelfire.com/creep/musicstop/download.html *more howard sounds* The problem is that some people associate the governement with the population it governs It's not a new problem though...
  11. Right now, none that I know of.
  12. Hi Alan! To get in the hubs, you'll need DC++. You'll find the hubs' adresses in the "Hosted Network Hubs" section. Also hope you have a pleasant stay here
  13. This particular button could apply to many governement leaders around the world
  14. Like every terrorist act
  15. He's still there. He's weilding power from behind. Whenever he's not having a cardiac arrest. I know huh, how come Bush is always excercising and Dick Chenney is having cardiac arrests? who should be the one excesing eh btw, have you guys used google and typed in "Miserable Failure"? Watch...do it and see what you get
  16. That does seem a problem indeed. The only solution left will then be to use anonymous solutions like Freenet or develop private, encripted networks.
  17. I think we don't need to worry too much. We will always find a way to share and dl stuff. Take Napster for exemple: its closing has led to much more efficient p2p The FBI may sue a thousand people, it won't change anything. And as long as you're not one of the top uploaders you won't end in these thousand.
  18. Yes -VIOLENCE-, we want the pics! Did I hear it wrong or did Bush say that the terrorist attacks in Madrid were a sign that the US are on a good way in Iraq and should go on? I think that's what I heard but it seems a bit too much to me... could someone confirm?
  19. Same goes for the "struggle between good and evil". I don't think either side can qualify as "good". Also "evil" has been taken in many places by its religious meaning. Maybe did he really mean so? Who knows from a former alcoholic who turned into a bigot.
  20. Our previous president (french president Mitterand) had a relationship with a woman who was not his wife, and even had a daughter with her. Everyone knows that here, and also knew when he was president, and noone ever thought that was the problem of anyone except him and his wife. Actually it almost made him more popular, showing his human side.
  21. I've heard about the PNAC, but always from individuals or alternative medias (i. e. websites). I've also heard that it comes from the extreme-right wing of the conservative party and was not taken seriously by the moderates until Bush was elected. Is this thing really serious? Could someone here tell us more about it? And ForceX: I really don't understand all the fuzz about Clinton's cigar He was president, but he was also a man! (well, he's still a man)
  22. Pit Fighter! Oh, Pit Fighter... I had read an ad about it when the Megadrive (Genesis) was still the top. At that time, I thought it seemed like an ok game, that I would like to try. I hadn't heard or read again about it until 4 years ago, when I went at a friend's place. He had a PS1 on his main TV, but he also had a Megadrive on his second TV, with Sonic and... you guessed it. Having played Sonic a number of times, I took the Pit Fighter cartridge, proceeded innocently to insert it into the Megadrive, and pressed the "power on" button. AAAAWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Those who played this game know what I mean
  23. It seems like everyone who posted on this topic agrees that Bush is a moron. I didn't imagine the limitations on freedom of expression went so far. It depends on who's counting the votes
  24. And this one
  25. I hope it won't be too much in a Tekken 4 style. Some characters in this intro just looked too tekken-ish to my taste. But it's just the intro, we'll have to see the game itself...
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