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Everything posted by taratata

  1. Even if his 20 posts are about getting a link to the game?
  2. You can add games by editing the asr.dat file. However, the newest games are locked by another mean, so for these you will need a loader. The newest one I know of is for version 1.46, but there may be a newer one out there. Good luck
  3. What is so urgent about it?
  4. If I don't consider what I like but what I take then it's usually just plain cheese
  5. Link not allowed - Diso PS: please use the request section next time.
  6. My favorite is mozzarella with smoked ham and mushrooms: just the good mix
  7. Sometimes luck plays a big part in computers It shouldn't, but it still does
  8. It is not because you post three times that you'll have three times more answers...
  9. So what was the problem with the gfx and how did you correct it? It may help other people.
  10. One has to be really really stupid to execute an email attachement without knowing what it is I didn't even imagine these types of viruses still worked
  11. I don't think it needs more explainations A great site! Don't hesitate to contribute
  12. Here While I'm at it, I think I'm going to post this also in "FTP's & Weblinks".
  13. On MAME and Nebula, test mode is mapped to F2.
  14. I don't really see why you would use dos mame in XP, but that's your problem For all dos programs that don't run in windows, try DosBox. http://dosbox.sourceforge.net Sometimes the main site doesn't work, so if it's not up you still have the sourceforge project page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dosbox/ PS: what does dos mame have to do with the topic's title? (deamon tools is for cd image mounting)
  15. Use the one from page 32. If it still doesn't work, try correcting CRCs. And make sure you have the right p1 rom (the first released only works with mame).
  16. Any loader will do if you have the right.dat file. Loaders just unlock recent games locking, so if your loader works with a locked game, it will work for all. (like mslug5 if you have the right p1 rom)
  17. Once more, this has to be said: you don't pay for it, so if it's not working well enough for you, just write your own emulator! Do you think your huge work of reading about it and trying it is harder than the author's? And like cinder said, it's not anywhere new.
  18. I wouldn't try eating mad cow brain though
  19. @weird: yep, but I like keeping the choice @james: that's what I thought I had read in another thread, but how do you enable it? In Default Game Options -> Misc. I only see the 7 normal bioses (0-6)?
  20. Oops, I should have thought twice before asking this question... I found the answer myself As a repent , for those interested here is what I added: in driver/neogeo.c, under SYSTEM_BIOS_START( neogeo ) SYSTEM_BIOS_ADD( 7, "uni-bios.12","Unibios MVS (Hack, Ver. 1.2)" ) and under #define NEOGEO_BIOS \ ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP_BIOS( 7, "uni-bios.12", 0x00000, 0x020000, CRC(4fa698e9) ) /* Universe Bios v1.2 (hack) */ and in ui/properties.c in InitializeBIOSUI(HWND hwnd) (near the end, after the other ComboBox_AddString) ComboBox_AddString(hCtrl,"Unibios MVS (Hack, Ver. 1.2)"); Next time I'll try harder to find the answer before asking the question
  21. My very first emulated game was sonic the hedgehog on master system (and at that time it laaaaagged). My first arcade rom was final fight with MAME
  22. When you feed an animal that naturally only eats vegetals with meat, nothing good can come out of it (except money ).
  23. Well, the difference is that MAME uses drivers, and NeoRageX doesn't... (I guess it's the same for BIOSes, please correct me if I'm wrong)
  24. I've used version 3 on a macintosh (quite a long time ago) when it was still maintained by Connectix, and I think it's quite a good software (never had any compatibility problems) I don't know what it's worth on windows though...
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