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Everything posted by taratata

  1. Of course, you feel like you need to learn arabic, chinese, french, russian AND spanish. Of course.
  2. I agree that people having long conversations in another language than the channel's one are very irritating. But hell! The examples you give are nothing. The second guy didn't even write a single word in german. As bad and short as it sounded, he even tried to write english. It was obviously very hard for him. Most of the information on the net is in english, and most channels are english-speaking. Obviously there are also lots of information in german, but a lot less. Sometimes one just can't find the info one seeks in one's own language. Also, that doesn't have anything to do with foreigners, just with people not speaking english. Mooney, do you speak a language other than english? btw I'm not german and my german is terrible
  3. You must be kidding. There are thousands of different languages. What a weakling the pope is! He can't even say happy easter in more than 70 languages!
  4. 5 out of 10. But there was a question about a french tradition, so I guess it's more like 4 out of 9. Religion's the opium of the people, and I don't want to get addicted.
  5. Holy flocking crap. That'd be damn expensive. You can get preowned carts for much cheaper than that. I'd never pay such a price for so old games. But if you would, I guess many other people would. Therefore Nintendo could start selling them at that price. Would these games be sold over internet? If so, it shouldn't be hard to make the revolution think your computer is Nintendo's roms server. I guess pirates will be working on that as soon as the revo will be out. Who will be stronger, pirates or Nintendo's cryptography?
  6. There are a few more details in this (older) article.http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4689498.stm Yes, that's really stupid. But some feel it's the only way to be heard... There's another big protest planned tomorrow: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4819052.stm
  7. My country has been quite full of action these days. French student anger boils over For those that can't read, here are a few shock images: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4815710.stm Even if the vast majority of protesters are not violent, things have gotten a bit out of hand.
  8. While this could be real some time ago, I'm not sure it still is (read: I'm sure it's not). But with crappy management and insane time-limits, anyone can write crappy code.
  9. Oh N0eS!!! Lukin f0r pr0n ain't NeVVer a WasT!!!!
  10. A little googling brought me that: White pages for the Netherlands
  11. It was aired on a frenco-german TV channel yesterday. Very informative, it really puts current wars in a historical perspective. Eisenhower's quote about the dangers of the militaro-industrial complex was really predictive. And noone can claim he was anti-american. I had never thought about how congress could be forced to vote military funds by weapons companies. Having factories all around the US and blackmailing about employment is brilliant. Absolutely evil, but brilliant. Of course, airing that documentary could also be seen as a manipulation by our countries' ruling classes. If it is, at least it's not everyday's lobotomy-like manipulation.
  12. I think that's free advertisement for the movie.
  13. I didn't read all of the site, but it looks like someone has been watching Stargate a little too much.
  14. I have a solution: wake up at 5:00pm and go to sleep at 3:00am. That should do the trick
  15. I second that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When you touch that rose, you get hit by a tsunami of love
  16. That's very fatalish Jesus Quintana
  17. They must be kidding. Trying to minimize damage and destroying 2/3 of the city? Who are they trying to fool? I don't know what's more sickening: that some people did that, or that some of them could have enjoyed it.
  18. No special tree! We just use the plants already there all year long.
  19. So true. Medium rare for me too.
  20. No... this place exists
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