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Everything posted by taratata

  1. Ok, please forgive me. That picture was just asking for it. EDIT: here's my apology gift
  2. It's a pity to have such a sexy girl with such an ugly cloth behind her. I guess flags help hillbillies feel horny. EDIT: just to clear one thing, being a hillbilly doesn't depend on where you live, it's a state of mind.
  3. Looks like 1.0 will be there soon! Or will they start using 0.991?
  4. I'd say it's even more normal if she pretends it has nothing to do with his hair loss. Btw, very nice chicks LSD
  5. It could be for real, but as long as they don't release it there's no way to know. Anyway, if they want to release it as a commercial emulator and act all "I'm tired of people stealing my precious work", I really don't give a flock. I just hope they won't ever earn a single cent from this.
  6. Actually, it's the other way round. Java inspired its System.out.println from C's printf. And what do you mean I complete you???
  7. Oops, I wasn't careful enough. I hadn't noticed that it was one of the serial bumper's topics. Sorry (if anyone cares).
  8. Noodles don't exactly taste good on a regular basis. Once or twice a week they could still be enjoyed, but no more.
  9. Trying to ban these shirts makes free advertisement for the company.
  10. If he wasn't dead, he'd be a great wicked president.
  11. Hahahaha
  12. I would like to learn how to cook a food that's cheap, doesn't require any effort to cook, and tastes good. If anyone has a lead, please tell.
  13. Maybe... That's not totally impossible... Thanks!
  14. I'm going to make it happen. Like Nepolean did for like, 6 months. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i sure hope so. but honestly, it would be one of the hardest thing to and not to mention how long you could keep it going... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> World peace using wars and atrocities; now where did I hear that recently?
  15. Maybe they should do that for mormons and jeovah's witnesses too. Letting them roam freely in the streets will surely end with an accident too.
  16. I thought I'd have a look at what's happening here, and wondered if GC got crazy... Good thing he recovered his sanity.
  17. From the end of the article: OMFG! I funded Al Quaeda when I bought that Rolex watch for 10 euros in the street! I feel sooo guilty. Agozer, it's probably more to ease their customers' minds than because they believe it's true...
  18. It's all over the news here too. And most of our government went to a church for that occasion. Stupid bastards! They are supposed to stay out of religious matters. We separated state and religion a century ago, damnit!
  19. Yeah, I'm sure those kids are really into the open source movevent. What kind of nerd chick like that still plays with Barbies? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Vendor lock-in is one of today's barbie-playing toddlers' main concerns. That, and
  20. According to that site, I'll be 73 years old when I die. Not bad... It's funny that whether I say I smoke or not, it shows the same date.
  21. Foobar2000. If you are starting to dislike winamp. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've used it for more than a year, and it works really great. I haven't used WinAmp for a very long time.
  22. You guys don't need to freak out for your personal conversations. Sending the source code of a highly valuable program through AIM could prove to be a very unwise move, though. Or any other intellectual work that can be valuable. If I understood right, that'd be like giving all copyrights on that to AOL.
  23. A-Alex Kidd in shinobi world B-Best of the best C-Carmaggedon D-Doom E-Exile F-Final Fight G-GTA H-Half-Life I-Ikaruga J-Jedi Knight II K-Kuru kuru kururin L-Last Blade M-Metal Slug N-Need for speed O-Out of this world P-Postal 2 Q-Quake R-Real Bout Fatal Fury Special S-Shadow of the beast T-Toejam & Earl U-Unreal Tournament V-Virtua Fighter W-Warcraft X-Xmen vs street fighter Y-Yoshi's Island Z-Zero Wing
  24. You could get one of those tutorials to write cracks, it's quite similar. You can find these on hack sites. You'd still have to learn ASM. You could also get a decompiler that decompiles to C, but the problem with these is that the code they output is almost unreadable. Good luck. It's tough writing these things. Not only should you be a good programmer, you must also be good at reverse engineering.
  25. yes, i feel the same way. im quite unhealthy and i can admit that bc its my fault for not takin care of myself <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Make that three! I feel the same way, but just recently I have been really trying to take care of myself, eat better, stay more positive, and excercise more. It ain't easy, tho! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I stopped smoking recently, maybe that'll help me live to 60. Then again, maybe not.
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