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Everything posted by BIGWORM

  1. I remember a group called Live_Evil subbed I think 73 (Gaara and Naruto's fight)...it was pretty funny when Gaara said "I'm Rick James, biatch."...but at the same time, ruined Naruto and that episode. Needless to say I download ANBU subs a few days later.
  2. No, they mean officially released. As in released by the company that made it. Yeah, that's what I meant. Sega "officially" canned it due to 9/11 tragedy...too bad.
  3. It wasn't released eh? Well then, I should consider myself lucky. I'll upload it to BobRedThorp's DC FTP whenever he gets it back up k guys?
  4. think I just might join the forums.
  5. "What The Flock?" -Flock Family reunion
  6. I'm using Web Browser 2.6 featured in ODCM monthly. I didin't even have to call SBC for DNS addresses, just put in my account, and off I was. Did Dreamcast UK have an equivilant disc/web browser for PAL? DarkManZ, that info you got has to be within U.S.
  7. I don't know if this site has been posted or not, but www.booyaka.com is probably the top site for VMU saves. It contains saves, both categorized and not, for both domestic (US) and import (Jp.) saves. I actually found an import CvS save, now I won't have to spend months upon months trying to unlock everything. I got my dreamcast online last night and actually remembered the site from years ago when DC online was hot. Anyways, just thought I'd let you guys know about this site. Sticky if need be.
  8. Man, I've had my keyboard for the sole purpose of PSO (not v2 mind you). Unfortunately, it's sitting in the back of my car as I've been too lazy (and have no reason ATM) to pull it out. I paid 30 US for it.
  9. Alcohol for burning and Nero for compiling
  10. Maybe he's sorry? Yep, that'd be the day right?
  11. How about, if I give you the.bin you're looking for, you tell me what songs you put on and send a copy to me?
  12. Pretty pitiful...I used to visit that site on a couple occasions...*disgusted*
  13. where did you get that custom mix of MvC2 from? Is that your personal mix or what?
  14. all should also check out www.shoryuken.com/forums for more combos and strategies. Warning: learn the MvC2 lingo (posted in general MvC2 forum) and don't ask newbie questions, ex: 'How do you do Mag's inf?', or prepared to be shot down/flamed
  15. Hayato/Strider/Cyke...you should check www.gamefaqs.com for combos and strategies.
  16. I THINK the difficulty plays a factor on how many points you get also. Go all the way to level 8, CPU sucks that much everyone can call that level of play a joke.
  17. speaking of emulators. Hey Bob, I have DCGens and DreamSNES...you want those on your FTP?
  18. If you don't wanna go through the trouble of unlocking all the characters, get online with your dreamcast and go to google.com and put in "Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 dreamcast saves"...I did myself and some saves came up through gamefaqs.com...download to your VMU, and viola...all characters, costumes, stages, etc...all without having to buy the colors and characters with points. Downloading the save is what I did a long time ago when the DC planetweb site was still up. Good luck.
  19. Also try: Link not Allowed -Diso Use all as IRC search engines.
  20. IMO, I think Pete's plugins are best...are you having problems with FMV's/CG's not having sound? Make sure your XA is enabled IF that's the case.
  21. I have some sound problems with Gens running on my XP...the sound becomes somewhat glitchy and stuff, but other than that, I like it.
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