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Everything posted by BIGWORM

  1. I was just going through my bookmarks and visiting the sites I haven't been to a in a while, and I was visiting www.kontraband.com...and they had this posted in the their movie section. http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2645516?m...00&refsite=6701 Seems like there's YET ANOTHER Batman-oriented movie being made, but in this one...HE'S DEAD!!! This movie seems interesting, not only because Dick Grayson (alias Robin) being the main focus of it, but the cast of superheroes/villians. From the trailer itself, this is the list: Batman Robin Catwoman Batgirl Superman Green Lantern Wonder Woman Joker Penguin Riddler Harley (twins?) Mad Hatter 2 things that is probably gonna suck about this 'movie' and those being it looks WAY under-budgeted and a superhero/villian one too many.
  2. got SP2 but downloaded the update anyway. (didn't know the parameters of the download)
  3. btw, 231 raw at www.narutofan.com
  4. what's pretty funny is Jackie Chan get's owned by Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon...Jackie was a baddie.
  5. I can't wait for the xbox version to come out!! Damn gotta wait till January.
  6. Rock Lee didn't give a crap about his arm and leg being broken...that and he couldn't feel it.
  7. or it could be from Street Fighter V series (I think that's what it's called)
  8. I'd do updates too, but I'm too lazy...+everyone usually knows where to get them.
  9. *bump* the Naruto thread will not die!
  10. I thought it was ANBU getting their subs on Anime Heaven (and thus having an affiliation(?) they changed their name?). Well I guess I'm confused. I'm wondering what were the 'inreconciliable differences' that made them split up in the first place? I always thought of ANBU AonE releases top tier, but preferred Bakasan's due to speediness. Just as long as they aren't Live_Evil's herendous releases (Gaara said 'I'm Rick James, biatch!!' for crying out loud), then I really don't care. I would like to give mad props to ppl who continue to release subs for Naruto, and I can't stand the ppl in the various IRC rooms that are impatient and even sometimes bash the teams for being late...just be flockin happy you're geting it PERIOD!!!
  11. Ecco the Dolphing: Defender of the Future PS2 RIP
  12. actually I believe Naruto anime comes out every wednesday night, then is subbed and released the following Thursday afternoon to evening (depending on which subbing team you're waiting for). I think manga is released on Saturday by Inane, they've done the latest scanslations
  13. Ninja Gaiden...no brainer.
  14. In order for Naruto to fully utilize Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning), Ero-sennin helped Naruto release the seal and control Kyuubi's (Nine Tail's) chakra. Without the releasing and control of Kyuubi's chakra, Naruto would've just been summoning tad poles like he did when he first started (and I found damn hilarious!!). and to answer Jjang's question, yes, I did use a screencap from the movie trailer, then PS'ed the p.o.s. border.
  15. Yep, now it's Anime Heaven AND AonE doing their seperate releases, yet I'm only downloading/seeing Anime Heaven releases. To tell you the truth I always used to just download Bakasan's releases cuz he was the fastest releases out of the bunch.
  16. XDCC bots are you best friend
  17. honestly, I downloaded all the older eps off Kazaa Lite (!!!) LITE PPL!!!
  18. and the latest movie Naruto: Protect the Princess of Snow Country.
  19. quite longer. I think like 260+ episodes deep.
  20. honestly dude, I think she could break a lot more than that with one finger.
  21. BG suggested that there be a new Naruto thread for current Anime/Manga-oriented discussion. Sounds like a good idea, cuz like him, I too sometimes like to talk about the current situation in the anime/manga. Warning about SPOILERS in this thread, but it can't be warned anymore (and I'm tired of saying it).
  22. I'd like to refer ppl to www.narutomania.com to direct http dl's of current episodes...I've gotten the last 10 of them via Naruto Mania...avoids the torrents, which I used for a LONG time myself.
  23. before they're subbed, I think www.gotwoot.net and www.narutofan.com hosts the raw torrents...
  24. Fatal got animation owned!!
  25. top tier poster.
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