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Everything posted by BIGWORM

  1. and if for some reason you can't get the music from Magnis mentioned, www.narutofan.com also has the music there also (both OSTs and intro-outro music)
  2. Speaking of Sammy...wtf happened to Sammy Vs. Capcom?
  3. Yeah please. Although I'd like to keep this a no spoiler thread, if ppl are going to spoil, please give some indication...and I'll download 99 to see how it is...movie special is good btw.
  4. Well in this case, Naruto is anything but Dragonball Z-related. There isn't any flying in it, no grunting (as far as I can remember) and fights are in confined spaces usually (except for the recent Sannin fight). All is good.
  5. you never know. Japan is the high-end technology capital of the world mehn.
  6. we'd have to wait for someone to film it in the theater, or at least an equivalent of a screener, then wait for a group to sub it. I'd think the movie would 3-4 times longer than a typical episode, so like a week when a reasonable screener or something is available.
  7. TZ got these a dime a dozen.
  9. That's just the inhumane thing to do.
  10. I remember picking Bill Clinton and Air Dog (right name?) all the time.
  11. I'm sorry, but that picture makes him look BEAST!!! This is also the first time we've seen an altered Heihachi...he was featured in a graphics demo that very few saw bout a year back for the PS3 as a named Tengu Heihachi at the time.
  12. They should definitely do the mini Sasuke Naruto fight and the introduction of the Sound Four IN ONE EPISODE!!!!
  13. Yeah, NBA Jam was Acclaim's staple (and MAYBE Turok, if you guys remember), but other than that, they're just done. Thank God EA swiped Criterion from Acclaim, or we wouldn't see Burnout 3 (which I'm hella buying) next week.
  14. I definitely believe the whole custom Tekken feature will attract vast amount of crowds...this game isn't going anywhere for a LONG time.
  15. I wish Naruto would've been dubbed by FUNimation, but I heard Kids WB has bought it. WTF!!!? I'll stick with my subs in the future.
  16. ggnorekthnxbi!!
  17. The movie is about Protecting the Princess of Snow Country...or something like that.
  18. Naruto movie did come out already, and my sig is from the preview...just capped it, a dinky border, blah blah.
  19. I don't know why this thread hasn't been made already, but as the title says, this is THE Naruto thread. Talk about anything Naruto-related...new releases, anime, manga, the movie, whatever, but the Naruto watchers must unite and talk about the anime we love must. Discuss.
  20. haha...never thought of that, and I've been there for 3 years. Yeah, there's a Tekken 5 general discussion at www.tekkenzaibatsu.com/forums
  21. I heard there's a robo heihachi...or am I jus trippin?
  22. I'm sorry, but Hotsuma trying to take over Joe just won't happen Joe > Hotsuma!!!
  23. honorable mention is Joe Musashi from Shinobi series...fu.ck Hotsuma!!!
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