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Everything posted by BIGWORM

  1. Weird, are you talking about the ratings and whatnot?
  2. I grazed that episode last night. It's teh one with Stewie finally turning 1 and thinking the doc's gonna put him back on the womb. Haven't seen that one in a while.
  3. IMHO opinion, Goodfellas > Casino
  4. 1. Mario Mario - Mario Bros. 2. Mega Man - Mega Man series 3. Ukyo - Samurai Shodown series 4. Johnny - Guilty Gear series 5. Dong Hwan - Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Take that Jae Hoon!!)
  5. Also, Family Guy's gonna be back because of the demand for the DVD's and how they sold. Last time I checked IMDB, it said they were up to 35, but it's been a while though.
  6. I would imagine check the current sources for torrents or google that sh.it
  7. Mine was a 715 meg.BIN file.
  8. Radiohead - Pyramid Song
  9. FFX OST - Wandering Flame
  10. DAMN! 4GB of space!?? using up that much HD space is like playing with mah emotions man!! Yeah, 4 gigs. Broken down I think its: 700 - 750 megs depending on where you downloaded it 700 - 750 megs unpacked, seeing as it's a 1:1 pack, it'll be the same size as the original.rar you downloaded 700-750 megs this time, for the.bin you're going to extract from the.r#'s 800+ megs: This is the setup and information you extracted from the.bin in the earlier step. You can skip this part if you mount the image to a virtual drive (Nero and Alcohol 120% along with other burning programs offer this, CloneCD comes to mind also) 767 megs this is the fully installed game...you're done at this point.
  11. just make rom, from extracting the.r#'s, and the.bin, and extracting from the.bin (I use ISOBuster), it'll take up damn near 4 gigs at one point before you can delete the.r#'s. Yeah, if you have an image extractor, i.e. Daemon Tools, ISOBuster, or the like, you can either mount the image to a virtual drive, or just extract from it. If you going to mount the image (which save spaces from having to extract the image to your desktop), I prefer Alcohol 120%
  12. I'm using a Pelican Real Arcade stick I just bought a few minutes ago, and I just remember that it doesn't have a right analog stick. Is there any possible way for me to get around this mishap to make it back to the fbaxxx menu? I don't want to IGR everytime I wanna play a different game. Thanks for the help.
  13. I only have my Y Axis inverted whenever I'm playing FPS...gottahtbad habit from too much Halo
  14. I think it was aforementioned that it'll be released next week or something like that.
  15. that's insane...how do they keep it alive? Is that their method of keeping a system cool and be able to overclock it? I'm confuzzled.
  16. I'm sorry, but SH4 is looking to be the most gruesome and disturbing Survival Horror game I've EVER seen. Makes you wonder how they're gonna top that with SH5...
  17. Hmmm...guess I'll have to buy a sidewinder (supported?)...I need to buy one anyway...my PSX controller has had it, it's damn 7 years old.
  18. Unleash X is my personal favorite. Current release is v0.36.0620a Build 499
  19. I got the game now...is there any possibility for USB to PSX pad support? i went to Control Panel and windows says my controller is hooked up fine...anyone know what's going on?
  20. So...where's the ISO? JK That's good that it's here so when I find the game, I know where to get the patch from. Nice one Gryph.
  21. As far as I know, your dashboard is not in the background while you play games because your dash is (typically) on your C: partition, while games are (typically) on your F: partition. The XBOX basically switches focus from dashboard to game on command...I think that's how it works.
  22. Yes you can if your connecting directly from pc to xbox. No you can't actually. If you're connecting to a HUB or a router, yes, but directly from PC to XBOX you MUST use a RJ45 CROSSOVER(!!) cable...can't stress that enough. Go to your local electronics store (Radioshack, Circuit City) and they're like 10 bucks depending on where you get it. *edit* check www.xbchelp.com for the correct network setup for the devices you have.
  23. youthinks right. Enough with talking about CvS2 getting emulated...it's time for some CPS3!! (more decently)
  24. 6? I thought the only hidden characters were Shin Akuma and God Rugal? I think in the PS2 U.S. version, Evil Ryu is an unlockable
  25. Yep. They're unlockables. SFA3U is actually a pretty deep fighter for a GBA game.
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