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Everything posted by BIGWORM

  1. What was the exact error? Pfft...and I just got 118 too (no lie) This is the error: Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: This score was not submitted from the game. Your score will not be saved.
  2. I got 112 on the Excitebike game, but it says it has an error submitting my score...what's going on?
  3. I think this arises new competition, but unfortunately, there's not a lot of it here where I live.
  4. I just have a general 'roms' folder on my F: partition and I point all my emulators to that folder.
  5. xbox saves is your best friend. My Leon looks like Cable and my Brad Wong is Jackie Chan!!!!
  6. So where are you guys downloading this anyway?
  7. What you could also do it burn a couple ISOs (recommended format) to a cdrw or whatever writable media can be read by your xbox, burn them as a data disc, then copy the ISOs to your xbox via FTP or built in file explorer. But the preffered and faster way obviously would be via FTP, but that's the best alternative if your xbox isn't available to be networked. Hope that helps.
  8. You're still trying using mame dump xbe right? Do you have the dat for mame dump xbe? I can try to find it for you.
  9. ok, this is by far the dumbest bug I've ever ran across...I had to unplug my 2nd controller to get beyond the damn startup screen ¬_¬
  10. okay, still got a problem. i tried deleting the save files via M$ dash, but it still is hanging at the startup screen. Any more suggestions?
  11. <---shoot himself. why didn't I think of that!!!!?
  12. got a small problem. For some reason or another, when I'm at the startup screen where it says insert coin, I press select, and it just freezes...does anyone know what's going on?
  13. Sorry, but as far as I know, Chankast is a Dreamcast emu for PC.
  14. easiest way to 'practice' is get cheats for the game you want to 'practice' on, turn on Inf time and health for both players (or player 2, doesn't matter of course). BAM!!!
  15. www.ircspy.com is your best friend.
  16. does anyone know what the problem is whenever I go to the movelist for a neogeo game, it freezes up? Can anyone help me on that?
  17. lmao...too funny!
  18. I wouldn't know the first thing about setting up a server (or whatever's used to host files) on newsgroups...I use GrabIt, which is easy enough...
  19. does the FTP work? How are speeds?
  20. ok, you guys can give this FTP a shot...I don't know if it's working or not(first time): gone *edit* ok, tested and it works...I'll be watching all of you max users is 5 btw.
  21. someone explain to me how to setup an FTP, and I'll set one up with my working roms. ^^
  22. that's just the thing...I dont' know crap about hex editors.
  23. I'm gonna get on that FTP and upload a fixed m1.bin for PIM using PRican's method I posted.
  24. PRican has found a fix for PIM.zip to work on current fbaxxx release (non mame xbe). whatever m1.bin you have right now: 1. put it on your desktop 2. open up dos 3. point dos to your desktop dir (if needed) 4. then type "copy /b 266-m1.bin+266-m1.bin 266-m1.rom" (without the " ). 5. rename the newly created rom back to.bin 6. put back in pim.zip and run creds to PRican25 and Thraxen for letting me know
  25. would anyone happen to know this problem? Whenever I load a moves list for a neogeo game, it freezes. Anyone know the solution?
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