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Everything posted by Evil_Ryu_X

  1. This error is so gay, but its cool that I found it, lol. Apparently the character 'Hanzou' from Samurai Showdown crashes the game whenever you throw a shuriken or use his Flame attack. Weird huh?
  2. Hehe, thx.
  3. Is it ok that I add this? It was recently posted by yours truly, I just compiled it and posted it. LOOPING MUSIC FILES First, open you Mugen.cfg. Head down near the bottom where you'll see the heading 'Sound Configuration'. Then you'll see the following: ;Set the following to 1 to enable and 0 to disable MIDI, MP3, MOD and CD ;playback. PlayMIDI = 1 PlayMP3 = 1 PlayMOD = 1 PlayCDA = 1 MAKE SURE THERE IS A ONE AFTER ALL THESE. If there is not, add the ones and try your game again. If it still doesn't work, go up in the CFG a little ways, a couple lines above the 'Sound Configuration', you'll SOMETHING like this: plugin = plugins/in_mp3.dll, mp3, mp2, mpg plugin = plugins/in_vorbis.dll, ogg plugin = plugins/in_adx.dll, adx Simply head to the first line and add a word, make it look like: plugin = looptype=1, plugins/in_mp3.dll, mp3, mp2, mpg That should do the trick. SETTING ORDER Order goes from 1-10. The numbers represent how powerful they are. Evil_Ryu would be like, 4. The trick is to set your fight number in your select.def This sets the amount of fights you have to go through in arcade. For example, a balanced line looks like: arcade.maxmatches = 6,4,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0 team.maxmatches = 6,4,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0 Meaning you'll fight six level 1 matches, four level 2, two level 3, one level 4, and one level 5. Then, you set the order for your chars. If you use the method above, they need to be set from 1-5. Example, if Ryu is set at order=1, he'll be among all the other level 1 chars that you'll randomly fight first. If Evil_Ryu and Evil_Ken are the only ones in order=4, and you only have one level 4 fight, the game will randomly choose one of them for you to fight, but only for the level 4 match. ^^ SETTING UP SCREENPACKS - Selecting Starting Cursor Position This example vid is for Mugen Fighting Jam screenpacks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7TnHDRsT3s This'll show you how to do it, AND select your starting cursor position! BEST SITE FOR CHARS http://groups.imeem.com/CyD_cNFz/forums/MoIcrMZK/
  4. Really sucks, that does. It would be really cool to have a normal sized Sasuke... Ooh, is there a Yoda char? XD
  5. Neo Blood Gouki? Never heard of him.
  6. Cool. I'm going to take all this info I'm sharing with you and add it to that new FAQ page made.
  7. LMAO. You're an OK guy, you know that?
  8. Yeah, no problem. Anytime I can help, let me know.
  9. Oh my, I apologize. I wasn't attempting to be crude with you, not at all, I was simply trying to state my opinion in why people make some more powerful than others. Please forgive my shortness, it was unintended.
  10. I think he was on someones YouTube collection... dont remember where though...
  11. Yeah I know, it was a joke. I realize you couldnt use a 3D char for sprites. The point was, it shouldn't be too hard to get move ideas.
  12. Yeah. Check and make sure there are no back slashes [ \ ]. They need to be [ / ]. EDIT: Also, make sure that the lines look like this (using ryu-X as example). ryu-X, randomselect, music=sound/music.mp3 there must be a .mp3 after the end, or whatever type of music file it is.
  13. Lol, I help you a lot, you know that?
  14. Ive seen a Jason somewheres...lemme look...
  15. Order goes from 1-10. The numbers represent how powerful they are. Evil_Ryu would be like, 4. The trick is to set your fight number in your select.def This sets the amount of fights you have to go through in arcade. For example, a balanced line looks like: arcade.maxmatches = 6,4,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0 team.maxmatches = 6,4,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0 Meaning you'll fight six level 1 matches, four level 2, two level 3, one level 4, and one level 5. Then, you set the order for your chars. If you use the method above, they need to be set from 1-5. Example, if Ryu is set at order=1, he'll be among all the other level 1 chars that you'll randomly fight first. If Evil_Ryu and Evil_Ken are the only ones in order=4, and you only have one level 4 fight, the game will randomly choose one of them for you to fight, but only for the level 4 match. ^^
  16. You do realize you are replying to a 4 year old topic? Anyway, I like the Virtua Fighter 5 lifebars. I'd link them, but the last time I checked the site was down.
  17. LOL, I keep only two edits of each character.... oh wait, I think maybe Akuma/Gouki. I have Gouki, Shin Gouki, and Mecha Gouki...yesh...
  18. Ill PM you, the Inuyasha I have sucks.
  19. How sad. You really don't understand the beauty of it. Think. In real life, if those chars were real, would they all be equal? Wolverine and Ryu, Cyclops and Chun-Li, hell, Megaman and Onslaught. The answer, of course, is NO. The point is to find a way to win strategically. Thats what makes the fight so FUN. Winning with a strategically disadvantaged character is the point. Use your brain.
  20. Hell, I could have given you those. They are freakin cheap! So powerful! And if you think that 'Mr. Freeze' is bad, try Edward Elric out for size. No jump or duck, no supers, one move. Thats all.
  21. First, open you Mugen.cfg. Head down near the bottom where you'll see the heading 'Sound Configuration'. Then you'll see the following: ;Set the following to 1 to enable and 0 to disable MIDI, MP3, MOD and CD ;playback. PlayMIDI = 1 PlayMP3 = 1 PlayMOD = 1 PlayCDA = 1 MAKE SURE THERE IS A ONE AFTER ALL THESE. If there is not, add the ones and try your game again. If it still doesn't work, go up in the CFG a little ways, a couple lines above the 'Sound Configuration', you'll SOMETHING like this: plugin = plugins/in_mp3.dll, mp3, mp2, mpg plugin = plugins/in_vorbis.dll, ogg plugin = plugins/in_adx.dll, adx Simply head to the first line and add a word, make it look like: plugin = looptype=1, plugins/in_mp3.dll, mp3, mp2, mpg That should do the trick.
  22. Find where your music is. Then, go into your system.def and set the file locations to wherever the music is. I.E. the sound folder, etc. Thats all thats wrong.
  23. Haha, taking him on in survival is nigh impossible. I had to try 56 TIMES before I won... Evil_Ryu is easier than this... EDIT: Thinking back on it, I really sucked at MUGEN. I'm not too shabby now, just wish there was somewhere online to hone my skillz.
  24. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6B7GHVJM Theres a good DD. As for Mr. Freeze, I don't have him. Didn't put him in my 78 char roster.
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