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Everything posted by Evil_Ryu_X

  1. My, my. I am having a super problem. My Megaman char works really good, but everytime I win, whether the whole match is over or not, this really stupid looking win screen pops up, showing Megaman and his big thumbs up against a space background and a big planet (you may recognize it from the Marvel vs. Capcom game). All I want to do is get rid of it, but everything I do is not making ANY difference AT ALL. Can someone tell me what to do, or take a copy of it and figure it out???
  2. HEY! I finally got the Megaman from Marvel vs. Capcom. So awesome!! You guys want it, IM me. Ill send it to you, no problem.
  3. RIGHT CLICK, SAVE TARGET AS, OR SAVE LINK AS. that should work. ugh.
  4. http://groups.imeem.com/CyD_cNFz/forums/MoIcrMZK/ perfect site for any chars you've ever wanted.
  5. English please?
  6. You should look around this forum some more, there is a link for Naruto chars somewhere. As for Ichigo, I have him. If hes the only one you want, gimme a ring at my IM, Evil_Ryu_X@yahoo.com EDIT: Please do NOT e-mail me, I cant send the char through there. Use my IM.
  7. It often takes several months of hard work ripping sprites and creating the coding for a character. Unless you get lucky and someone is busy making one, you're out of luck. ......newbie poster.
  8. I agree with him ><. Seriously though, thats all Im seeing in forums about Elecbyte.
  10. Once again, bro, please get winzip or winrar. I told you that was the problem, it works fine for me.
  11. YES! I have one such stage that I just found today, although I have so many it would be hard to tell you about them all. Just know that they ARE out there.
  12. you just take the folder and add it to your game. O_O
  13. Yeah, I knew I was gonna catch crap for it... Its just that I have a few threads, with my e-mail and such, and I didnt want someone to send an e-mail to the wrong e-mail. My humblest apologies.
  14. Hi guys. My account wont let me back in, so now im Evil_Ryu_X. I got a new e-mail, Evil_Ryu_X@yahoo.com, and my new IM is Evil_Ryu_X.
  15. Hi guys. My account wont let me back in, so now im Evil_Ryu_X. I guess this just happens. I fixed most of it. Darkstalker, you really gotta show where your FAQ is.
  16. Hi guys. My account wont let me back in, so now im Evil_Ryu_X. Done it the same way as you. Firstly, check in the platform.def file and see if sprite = platform.sff is the same name (caps too) as the platform.sff file in the folder. Finally follow the code: MastrHnd, stages/platform.def, order=4
  17. Hi guys. My account wont let me back in, so now im Evil_Ryu_X. Changed e-mail is Evil_Ryu_X@yahoo.com, and IM is Evil_Ryu_X.
  18. Hi guys. My account wont let me back in, so now im Evil_Ryu_X. OMG. I just ofund out that an Astroboy character DOES exist. O_O
  19. Hi guys. My account wont let me back in, so now im Evil_Ryu_X. nvm, I got em to work. Hehehe, they are REALLY sweet.
  20. Hi guys. My account wont let me back in, so now im Evil_Ryu_X. I know I keep posting that.... :/ Anyway, I just checked it again, and its fine. I got it to work just fine.
  21. Hi guys. My account wont let me back in, so now im Evil_Ryu_X. Never mind my previous post. I found my stages and such. Now Im interested in seeing if I can make a custom sound pack using SSBM sounds... so far im drawing a blank...
  22. Hi guys. My account wont let me back in, so now im Evil_Ryu_X.
  23. WRONG. Update: My account wont let me back in, so now im Evil_Ryu_X. Lol. E-mail me at Evil_Ryu_X@yahoo.com
  24. Hi guys. My account wont let me back in, so now im Evil_Ryu_X. I have a question: If I have the sounds, how many of you think you can make a good Mugen soundpack? It intrigues me to find out how to make custom sounds for Mugen. (I wanna hear that 'Ready? GO!' again)
  25. Hey there. I'm a bit more sympathetic to new players than most of those I've met here. If you e-mail me at Evil_Ryu_X@yahoo.com, I'll send you my Mugen folder; complete with 50+ characters (including Evil Ryu and Ken, and Ichigo), 49 stages, and one piece of music for each character. It also has the World Warriors X screenpack and music for the main menu, character select, and VS screen. ^^ Basically, Ill send you my mugen folder, you put it in you program files, and play it. Simple. ^^
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