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Everything posted by Koh-ROMS

  1. Already log to the website, but how to contact Hirus? Is there a ROM for CPS3 [just for back up]
  2. Already download it and Tao Daio... sigh when will macross 1 & plus sound enbale ?
  3. Thx..geez i really miss the news.. Mame.dk is live again pacletti the link is'nt connected but thx anyway... now D/L time.......
  4. 1. Garou: Mark of the wolf 2. Metal SLug 3 3. KOF 99 4. Last Blade 2 5. Striker 1945 plus
  5. Huh ?!? isn't Neo Power Instinct, Metal Slug 5, SNK vs Capcom still using MVS, i heard that KOF2003 using new board, because of that kof2k2 dumping incident ? [i hear it form speksnk]
  6. ooops soryy ..but when sometime there is a case when trying to find the file, exp: prehistoric isle 2 s1 file for neoragex the only clue is the crc rigth ?, since i know the crc for kawaks and nebula, but i don't know the crc for neoragex
  7. Yeah u right they shoould make better sprite like Garou or Last Blade, the best thing i like form Noize Factory is their background stage and background music...comparing with playmore when they work with kof2k1 it's really a downgrade, kof2k2 is having better backgorund stage but still they have minor quality of background music..
  8. Ma favorite CPS2 en CPS1= 1. Pocket Fighter 2. Gigawing 3. D&D : SOM 4. Warriors of Fate 5. Punisher
  9. Anyone knows where to Download KOF2K2 Original/ Arrange Sound Track?
  10. ummm...how abaout the CRC [since WinKawaks, Nebula and MAME using their own version] when tring to find the correct version my clue is only the CRC
  11. Well at least they make it for some tradition/transision for entering new story [94-97 the Orochi Story, after that 98, then 99 - 2K1 Nest Cartel Story, 2K2, after that Dragon Power Story ???] The onething ilike from 2K2 is their HSDM [especilay Mai ,except K', Joe] maybe HSDM is best if implemented in 2K1 for fighting that goddamn Igniz with his Heavenly God Project heh..heh...heh
  12. Yeah u also can say ROTD Clone ? To tell you the truth this is ma first time i saw an official screenshots using original resolution [not taken from TV or something] When i saw it i thought that it has been emulated I knew there still only one PO in MAME [PO1] but according my friend who is working in arcade, he told me that there are 5 series of PO Hope MAME will emulate them all [except the MVS]
  13. I'll try to search in ma country...since i don't have a credit card... thx for level six so i knewthe product name..man i'm still curious about the problem....
  14. Anyone knows where's the new roms for MAME 0.64 i'm looking in Planetemu but still no update.. Also looking for kof2001 MAME / Nebula version...
  15. Well basically the most fighting Game that i want to Play is Street Fighter 3 [CPS3], since the Khallis news, there's no sign of CPS3 emulator, or not released yet [due to minimum title?] Anyhow... I'm still waiting...
  16. Well see I like all PSyko Games !!! Raizing too but i always play Pachinko sexy reaction, Gals Panic Series and Fantasia Series I'm a loonely boy
  17. MAME 0.64 support 2001, but they have their own version look mine Kof2001 262-p1.bin WRONG CRC (expected: 9381750d found: 19f18567) 262-p2.bin WRONG CRC (expected: 8e0d8329 found: 91eea062) 262-m1.bin NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN 262-m1d.bin NOT FOUND 262-c1.bin WRONG CRC (expected: 99cc785a found: f298b87b) 262-c2.bin WRONG CRC (expected: 50368cbf found: f9d05d99) 262-c3.bin WRONG CRC (expected: fb14ff87 found: 4c7ec427) 262-c4.bin WRONG CRC (expected: 4397faf8 found: 1d237aa6) 262-c5.bin WRONG CRC (expected: 91f24be4 found: c2256db5) 262-c6.bin WRONG CRC (expected: a31e4403 found: 8d6565a9) 262-c7.bin WRONG CRC (expected: 54d9d1ec found: ef682ed2) 262-c8.bin WRONG CRC (expected: 59289a6b found: 954d0e16) kof2001 [decrypted c] 262-p1.bin WRONG CRC (expected: 9381750d found: 19f18567) 262-p2.bin WRONG CRC (expected: 8e0d8329 found: 91eea062) 262-m1d.bin WRONG CRC (expected: 73c1f5b0 found: dbedbc27) 262-c1d.bin WRONG CRC (expected: 103225b1 found: f298b87b) 262-c7d.bin WRONG CRC (expected: d1408776 found: ef682ed2)
  18. Sniff.. hope the USB converter is available in ma Country Indonesia
  19. Help mee..I have already making PSX Joypad using the manual but it won't work...until one day I realize the jopypad is Type H A friend of mine is making his own PSX [Type A] and works, but when he is making his friend [also TYpe H] it won't work either... Is there difference betwen joypad Type A or H or Made China or Japan. And if there is adifference should the soldir is also different?
  20. Anyone knows the hex cheat [not trainer] ROTD for Character Select ?!?.. I'm using Search Cheat but still confused . I already have the trainer [NeoRAGEX only]. I need for WinKawaks version [dat file]
  21. Hey THat's great!!! I'm fully supporting you !!! I'm also planning to make my own games but i used it for may final exam... Keep The Figthing Spirit no Spirit For Fighting
  22. Hi..I'm student of Graphic Design, and right now i'm taking final exam Imy exam is Strategic Promotion for MUGEN Engine"... Well basically I make my own product the game...and promote it But the problem is my lecture want some autentic proove from the Elecbyte. I have tried contacting The Elecbyte via E-Mail but there is still no response...All I need is some agreement with the Elecbyte and their permission to use their product. Any sugestion anyone..maybe somenone know how to contact them personally...Thanks for your help
  23. The problem is in KOF2001, but thx anyway for the KOF2002 May be i need it [Geez i don't remeber fighting against Kusanagi he never show up]
  24. Ummm...sorry I can't find it.
  25. Everyone plz help me!!! These problem has made me nuts!!!! is your ROM are having missing sound like these? 1. Kula Taunt [she's yawning] and when She call a striker 2. Seth vs Heidern. He's bow and say something This is my files: m1-3a41f234 v1-83d49ecf v2-03f1843 v3-2ae38dbe v4-26ec4dd9 And also I need the fixed p1.rom. I used c17dddc5, but i need the fixed p1 but without the Boss enabled Thx for your coorpration.. I really apreciate it!!
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