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  1. If the movie has anything to do with "The Man Who Laughs" (which i'm guessing it does) this Joker isn't too far from the one of the book... Of course I would prefer a "Killing Joke" Joker, but I'm guessing most of the people wouldn't get it... BTW, Alex Ross = GOD
  2. believe me, i'm portuguese and it doesn't make all that sense...
  3. maybe its because we europeans are to stupid to use clocks, you know how smart americans are... (j/k)
  4. Hitting on girls online? You mean hitting on fat lonely 50 year old men with usernames such as 2cute4u. Whatever suits you "needs". Picking up girls in pubs, clubs and restaurants isn't such a bad idea either. exactly... then you knock them of their feet by telling them: "I've got BROADBAND..." (cue lightning and thunder effects) That'll do the trick...
  5. speed is what you're looking for, it's not like you're gonna be around to complain of the pain... anything involving slashing or shooting should be fine...
  6. but i thought everybody loved ray-mond!! (yeah yeah, bad joke, i know...)
  7. MECHA-JESUS: He'll kick your ass into salvation!!! and btw, Voltron is teh ownz
  8. if anyone wants one just pm me, i still have some...
  9. i have 1 to spare (probably more if any friends i promised turn them down) anyone wants it?
  10. GryphonKlaw: oncology? i salute you, it takes a big person to do that kind of work, i know what im talking about...
  11. well, i've been a member in other forums for much longer than that and i havent posted half of it... i'm just the freaky lurker that just wants to see other people's opinion... just like my dad says: "if you're gonna talk sh*t, you're better off quiet"... and besides, i'm the shy type... (sorry about the english, its kinda rusty)
  12. Fatal Rose: yes i did... i was just over the trauma of seeing them the first time on the big cosplay thread... now the nightmares will start again ...
  13. WHY GOD, WHY?!?!
  14. god, the time i spent with Wishbringer, a crappy game... a very crappy game... but i liked it non the less... just the hours it took me to learn how to get around (i was 6 and english isnt my first language...)
  15. i have my reasons...
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