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Everything posted by Thaggomizer

  1. Judge Dredd can also judge. And Judge Judy.
  2. Anal sex is one of the most horrible things I can think of. It's only for closet homosexuals who want to feel the tightness of a man's asshole so they have to subsitute a female's bunghole. But I find all girl's attractive. Like Ol' Dirty Bastard said "...all the pretty girls, in the world, and the ugly girls too. Cause to me your pretty anyways baby." Except for fatties.
  3. lol purchase games lol
  4. ZSNES and Yoshi's Island! \m/
  5. People who spoil things should be murdered.
  6. I don't think people are any less bright these days...it's just they have no respect so that leads to idiotic behavior.
  7. I prety much agree with what owner-man here says.
  8. I hate this holiday because I gain too much weight in such a short period of time.
  9. I saw it today. It was horrible.
  10. Final Fantasy 3 (or 6 for all of you anal people). Everyone hyped this game to be so awesome and then I rented it and I was so angry that I had my parents waste money on this. I could have gotten a much better game. That's the game that started my hatred towards JRPGs.
  11. This SUCKS!!!!
  12. Wooo!! I am so excited for this game!
  14. What's wrong with it? The game looks fairly decent. I don't know much about engines, sorry.
  15. This looks excellent. Street Fighter for (four lol) life!
  16. What was the site with the guy blowing a kiss? I remember that meme. I forgot his name though. It was like NAME blowin a kiss at ya or something.
  17. I am really looking forward to The Witcher, Empire Earth III, and Call of Duty 4.
  18. That looks like a real tasty sandwich. I think there is a jack in the box somewhere around here.
  19. I talk in my sleep. My roomate says that I say mean things.
  20. pizza - yay protein shakes - no
  21. The power is ours! CAPTAIN PLANET! Ok, i won't spam. I promise.
  22. Oh man thsi site is hilarious! http://www.hotchickswithdouchebags.com/200...mpa-prompa.html lol!
  23. Yeah I thought it was pretty stupid. good rule.
  24. ahahahahahaah oh man that review is aweome. I love this guy.
  25. My parents never cared. they didn't really know so whatever. it was prety cool.
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