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Everything posted by Thaggomizer

  1. this is a great thread. Awesome list, Gryph! And the rest ofyou too. Now I just need to find them all.
  2. HOLY crap HOLY crap HOLYS HIT HOLY crap
  3. You have nasal aids.
  4. This SUCKS!!!!! FUXCK EA!
  5. To make up for my indiscretion last week I was the designated driver last night drove some super drunk ass people home who were almost about to drive themselves home. I am a hero.
  6. I just played the game some more and uninstalled it. I'm kind of disappointed in it.
  7. There are no winners on Big Brother. Only losers.
  8. I was at a buddies house and we could not get on a single server. This demo is a bloody mess. That one dark DM map is terrible.
  9. I would expect an owner of a site would have a lot more posts than that... Anyway, congrats!
  10. I think alcohol tastes like crap. I just like the effects it has. And yeah guys, I definitely won't be drinking and driving ever again.
  11. I think Thom Yorke kinda looks like a monkey :3 That he does.
  12. Sup supasoaka. You seem like an interesting person. I've having some lady problems so I may need your advice but not here, in another thread, so we don't spam it up in here.
  13. A Perfect Circle - Blue
  14. That is not good news.
  15. I'd totally cum all over her face. That is the most immoral and disgusting statement one can make to a female. People like you should be ashamed of themselves; for all you do is simply get horny underneath your chair while watching midnight porn. Get a life, better yet, wash your hands! Sick freak. Yeah man, that's just how I roll. Some girls mind it, some don't. I like the ones that don't.
  16. I'd totally cum all over her face.
  17. Man I hope this game comes to xbox 360. I was a big fan of Far Cry but since then my PC has kind of rotted.
  18. Do you even know what vain means? Your avatar and signature is a dictionary example of vanity. Anyway, last night I got flocking TRASHED!! It was one of my friend's 21st b-day and she got so flocking drunk she passed out onto the pool table. While people were playing. In the parlance of internet times, it was epic lulz. But I did a very stupid thing last night and drove drunk. I made it home alright with no problems but it's always scary. I need to arrange my rides better.
  19. Well I guess I was a bit unfair with my first statement. Although I don't like their music very much it's cool that such a big band is able to bring this kind of attention to digital only releases. The movement could use as many big names as possible.
  20. I'm not a huge fan of NIN's new stuff but their old crap rocks the hard stuff. Good news anyhow.
  21. Radiohead is for pseudo-intellectual fags who think they're listening to provocative stuff when in fact they're listening to a piece of crap singer like Thom Yorke with a his cadre of half-talent assclowns. I do like Street Spirit though.
  22. I don't think I'd be comfortable meeting anyone off the internet. Any one of you could be psycho killers.
  23. Yeah, I shouldn't be too hasty with the next gen video wars. I can't wait for a good hybrid player.
  24. Man I can't wait to get paid so I can get it for 360.
  25. This game is going to be so off the hook. Sonic!!!!
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