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Everything posted by Thaggomizer

  1. I just skipped around in thet google video and saw him punch someone's intestines out. AWESOME!
  2. I don't even think Bluray is enough to save the PS3. HDDVD is doing better now and some companies are dropping bluray exclusivity.
  3. Hell yeah boy, but only after I have my way with her. I have no problems being fair to my women by lettnig them have their with me (within reason). I am a clay for them to practice their sexual craft on.
  4. Man you guys need to lighten up.
  5. Next time I drink I shall drink to those Fatal Rose character. Is that you in the pictures? Seems rather vain.
  6. I'm flattered. And yes, The Far Side is the best comic ever.
  7. Yes and yes. Although I like to reverse the domination.
  8. It's like those American's Funniest Home videos which is just a bunch of videos of people getting hurt. It's funny because it isn't happening to you and it's just so ridiculous.
  9. Use google, dude. It's not hard.
  10. Sony has had to lower their prices TWICE since the launch. That is not a sign of a healthy console. It is selling woefully under Sony's expectations. And Japanese RPGs barely even count as games. They're boring dramas with horrible stories, crappy character design, annoying combat, and stupid plot devices. There is rarely any actual role playing going on in those games. Ugh, the dialog is such crap in those games. They only attract the otaku type gamers who wish they were Japanese because of hentai or some crap.
  11. Ooo, a personal welcome by an owner. I feel honored.
  12. These are all amazing flocking movies.
  13. That's totally flocked up, man. flock the RIAA, MPAA, ESA, and any other group that uses pressure tactics to scare the little guys .
  14. Well if its tradition then who am I to impose. Frag away.
  15. A risk I am willing to take.
  16. It's when you're so drunk you can barely walk or function in any full capacity. It is the best and worst feeling at the same time!
  17. This is hilarious. OWNED! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV_gWJiBwVQ
  18. I had a real bad drinking problem in high school. Now in college I've definitely scaled back but I still like to enjoy a bit of a druken haze. Just the other weekend me and my buddies went over to a lake in Kansas and got totally shitfaced and my friend almost drowned...great weekend! Not enough girls there though.
  19. Nas is the crap. He's one of my favorite rap artists. Ill beats and ill rhymes. Nice work.
  20. She's totally hot. I'd bang the crap out of her.
  21. Well it's not very fair to gang up on the new guy, is it?
  22. This guy is hilarious! So right.
  23. The 360 is a great console. I don't know what the flock you're talking about failing miserably. The PS3 is failing miserably. If you are implying that the 360 is failing because it doesn't have those gay ass Final Fantasy and japanese RPGs then you are very wrong.
  24. I agree. What spam forum? I don't see one. Is this some elitist thing that I need permission to access spam?
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