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Krosigrim last won the day on April 24 2012

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About Krosigrim

  • Birthday 10/07/1978

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    Many many things.

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  1. I drive away from all attackers. I get the jet, fly around without being able to kill anyone cause I suck... then I log off.
  2. ~6 hours. Max 8 or I feel tired once awake. Everyone is different, and we also get into habbits. I know a guy who gets about 4 hrs but that is not good for you. Sure you can get accustomed, but being used to something doesnt mean its good.
  3. Oh brother... Light sensual touches, like a delicate caress can do it for some Pulling the hair ever so, grabbing at the roots but gentle enough of a grab as to not pull hair out... then leading the head slightly one way or another. Usually back to get at the neck. Everyone has their likes. And dislikes The neck is a tender area & areas that dont get contact are often sensitive , so there is more physical feedback. Ad the fact that the neck is a very personal area and the combination speaks for itself. As for hair pulling or strong foreplay, it is and can be very sexy to be held down... and receive tender kisses and mild bites. Hell I even like being scratched from time to time. I like both sides of this. Remember technique is very important, Its amazing to me how uncoordinated some are.
  4. I think it was because I was using my phone. I do have a big head... Huh
  5. Yea past a certain cup size and physics are a double edged blade. The study is interesting tho. It may make sense to go bra less more often, but not completely. Gotta take care least someone gets uppercutted. Best uppercut ever tho Yea that's pretty sensitive skin & its a whole other ball game if they have heft to them.
  6. http://ceogaming.org/ Is a pretty big fighting game tournament. Can't remember his name but the head dude/developer for street fighter was there last year. Dunno if he was there this time, though I did see him in the big monitor talking about something. Perhaps hinting to this 'secret project' of his... He actually has 2 unknown projects, one of which is most likely a sequel to Dark Stalkers
  7. CEO is pretty hype. Had somewhere around 300 ppl playing casuals. One tiny table for my favorite, Tekken Tag 2. A million tables for mvc3. Boooo
  8. Oh, and Im headed out the door soon to check out CEO.

  10. Yes indeed... I'm part of the MAME/MESS team. I also create the derivative builds MESSUI and HBMAME. These things all keep me busy. Excellent. If I remember, you barely even play games. Just tinker to make them function one way or another on builds. What DO you play? Thanks man. I've seen allot of cool pics on your facebook. Beijing must be a blast. So an exciting prospect just popped up. We are Fighter's Spirit / FB We have a very big event scheduled on SEP 7-8. Now this hasnt been announced because its still not solid, but the head honcho at Double Helix just called Mike and is interested in sending over his top 2 developers in a pannel with Killer Instinct 3 on Xbox ones. I hope this goes through obviousally, but this is big for us. My buddies started this league about a year ago and it has matured into something great. Our event is gonna be nice, the venu is at the Hilton. At this event, Fighters Spirit V, we are giving away 2 Extension Arcade cabinets. Mike bought one, its in the living room for when we have private hostings/ casuals. There a good value considering the price for a regular cabinet. Were going to have a private screening of Kick Ass 2 @ the theatre across the street from the venu, so thats pretty cool too. Ahh and it turns out we ARE an official qualifier for The Fall Classic. Hell Yea. Things are going better than we could have hoped. Wish some of you could join us. Id be sure to show you what Orlando has to offer. Fun.
  11. Too big to upload!?
  12. Gotta get those block & dodge mechanics down y'all
  13. I've got pics but I'm on my phone and cant figure out how to import them
  14. What? Hell yea it does congratulations!
  15. Yea I saw that. Gotta start all over again. So Robert, still tinkering with mame builds or whatever?
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