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Everything posted by Krosigrim

  1. Yea when I quit smoking weed I was so fucking bored, I feel you on that. I increased my cigarettes from a pack every 3 days to a pack a day... It felt like I had to do something. I dont smoke as much but still more than when I toked. After some time my cravings finally faded away. Its funny how your chemistry becomes adapted. It sucks when your used to getting a buzz one way or another then you are denied. Shit gets boring, hell my friend couldnt play anything when he quit for a while, he was so used to rolling up a blunt and powering up the system. Well find something creative or fun to do, mess with photoshop, I've seen your work... masterful! Or read some Battle Angel
  2. So your focusing on arms back and chest? Well don't overlook the leggs! Oh, lats. Get on the lats man. V shape will bring it all together.
  3. That would be a big post. I've heard a bit already. Ryan has been itching to leave the country for awhile now. Last I remember it was Brazil. Now China. Imagine how excited he must be right now.
  4. Great... I figured from the vidoes it was filled with whining bitches. Thats another reason I liked ME2, no childish bullshit. (deja vu)
  5. Indeed fat is the fuel for muscle. You probably have a hard time putting on weight so guiding your metabolism as Cinder mentioned is a fantastic idea. Not that it needed my approval, Im just saying. Cinder is probably one of the people who are naturally strong. But add the fact that he moved shit around, he constantly used muscles and got great benefit from it. Cinder, what do you do now workwise? Cinder constantly worked his muscles in various ways, lifting shoving pulling flipping turning lugging etc. His muscles never got bored. Anyway, lifting only weights and repeating old routines such as pushups can be very limited, again, I'm just saying just in case this is what your planning on. There is a system called P90X and its awesome. I do not have it but the principle is, when your gain starts to plateau, they change up the regemin to "shock" the muscles to continue excellent growth. They call it muscle confusion. Perhaps you know all this but I'll outline it anyway, for others who don't know. Your body will adapt to situations... obviously. If you just add weight and frequency to your workout, your wasting effort. Finding new ways to work the muscles keeps your muscles from ... well getting bored. What I mentioned from my previous post holds alot of weight too. Working out muscles that get overridden by larger muscles when heavier loads are applied is a great idea. But in order to work them out, you have to do pretty odd things. For instance, say I'm focusing on my delts. What I may do is hold 5 lb. weights and do a ton of repetitions in various angles. Pumps action as well as circles large/small, cw/ccw. When you do this you will notice a difference. It's not as silly as it sounds when you feel the change. There are various workouts I got from studying Chin Na. I suggest watching this video and doing some of what you see. Oh let me know if you guys cant see this, I remember alot of youtube vids I have posts are unviewable overseas. Now... Im pretty strong default. But when I started do do things similar to this, damn I had some intense grip. Opening and closing slowly as hard as I can, palms up for a while, then palms down. Then opening and closing as fast as I could, again palms up and down. Id change palms up/down to make the muscles work from different angles, but it also helps from the rawness Id feel. It was different from regular burning you get from working out, it hurt really really bad. I figured it was from stressing the small muscles so mush. But after a bit my strength increased exponentially. Dynamic resistance works wonders as well, look it up. Yea using steroids is merely cosmetic. Working your ass off for something is the only true way to be satisfied.
  6. Well My father was a weight lifter. I come from big stock on my dads side, were naturally big anyway. From the 3 Somatotypes, you are ectomorphic Emsley. You can work out and get fit, but your muscles wont bulk up as much, in return you have greater flexibility and speed and dont tire out as fast. (basically) I am Mesomorphic. Medium boned, thin waist wide chest and capacity for greater muscle mass. Now there are always various combinations therin... Some people wish to "cheat" to bulk up. As you know steroids are testerone. I knew a guy with my Somatotype and he just could not build muscle... at all. He had a testerone deficiency. His doctor actually prescribed a steroid to help him, but that is the opposite of what you are talking about. You are referring to people who do not need it, people who want enhancement beyond their natural range. I personally do not want a boost, although I am quite lazy, and if I kept up with my training like when I started that blogg... Id look awesome right now. But steroids are not my way. You say they must have the inferiority complex as opposed to you, as they are the ones using something unnatural. I see your point. Don't think for a second Schwarzenegger didnt use. His calves were totally weak when he was around 17 and that is where he began injecting, as the injection point contained the most saturation, there fore the largest gain. People are weird sometimes. I see shit that they think looks good and am taken back. Guys with eyeliner... WTF??? But on subject, Tom Platz Look at his fucking legs! Thats just retarded. Thats ridiculous, in a bad way. I say whatever... use/dont use... but if you get to points like this your nuts, obsessed. I believe the best method of working out is just eating alot of protein, healthy diet, and finding new ways to work the muscles. Not just power muscles, I am a firm believer of working small muscle groups that get overridden when weight is applied. Pick up a pencil and twist your wrist. Now pick up a weight and twist your wrist. Different muscles are used, and override others and one reason is the lesser ones are too weak. Build those small ones with endurance training and you enhance yourself more than you might think. Another thing about unnatural enhancement, is when they are denied their regimen, they deflate. Their muscles begin to feast on themselves. Not healthy... With natural build, the energy demands are less. Regardless... they think they look good and so they dont care how they got there. Your argument reminds me of grills, large chains and rings. Poor ass people who view money as rank and get gold teeth, large chains and plaque rings that take up 4 fingers. Sad really. All this treasure is not a sign of success, but rather deficiency. I suppose the same could be said here. Tom Platz is like Mr. T in this correlation, an extreme to help drive the point home. Hmmmmmmmm
  7. Sorry britt... thats the wrong cut for bacon. That looks fucking delicious though... I agree, needs more eggs. I looked and looked for super, ultra and mega breakfast... but cannot find a decent picture. I was thinking about Cracker Barrels breakfast... but no pics of what I get.
  8. Hmm the voice of reflection. All I can say is things change. That is ridiculously obvious... You have experienced a change that is quite powerful. It forced you to look at things with new perspective. In your words, I see things somewhat differently as well. Life a pair of glasses. I know for you it is more intense, but what you thought you knew was all blurry, and certain things now are in focus. You see more reality than preconceptions or straight ignorance. Not that you can conceive every possibility or eventuality, but with what you have taken with you... will forever alter who you were (are?) . Not that you are epically different. As we grow, we take what we learn now and what we knew then and move forward. You are you. Ultimately it is up to us to make our own decisions, although the burden of knowledge can possibly taint our very soul. As for the world around us... This site, changed drastically. Emulation is dead. Everything for the most part is now emulated. No new turf. There are the frequent upgrades all the time but if you want it, it's already old news. Whats left is a ghost. I among many others have tried to re-vitalize the site with conversation or whatever... but withought the reason of the sites very namesake... all were left with is heh... stragglers. It reminds me of when I visited my old neighborhood. That was my turf, comfortable, familiar. When I went back years and years later, it was totally different. My property was overgrown, changed drastically. My best friends 3 acres was covered in full grown trees. TREES!!! He had rows and rows of black berry bushes and a large field we played football on when I lived next door. Now, completely different. I was now a stranger where before I was known well. I was the outsider now. Betrayal to my memories. Its funny, the parallels one can take from this. One can think, "things have changed, but so have I". Indeed things are quite different, but yet... the same. The houses are in the same place and the brook remains. The trees are nice but unexpected. You can see it is where you lived, yet different. As for us or our surroundings, sometimes the changes an be good or bad. But never believe what once was is ever lost. As long as we are alive, there is always hope to fix or correct bad changes... or better yet, learn from them. As for the good changes... just remember, at our root, we are fundamentally the same. Just our perspectives change as we continue to grow. The foundation is always still there. Will you continue to be you? Learn and adapt, but always be you. Sorry about all that, you activated things I often contemplate. But yes, welcome back #11 Edit:(p.s.) Thank you for you perspective.
  9. Indeed. As harsh as that sounds. Or at least take some weight off your chest M8
  10. Usually I say such things with intent. Like "nan da yo" Which at the time thought "what the hell"
  11. Although you might have been a part of something, ultimately these things she does are on her. You cannot make someones elses decisions. You might think you had an effect one way or another, but when you think about it like this... Life gives you a hand (cards) and you play it out. Its your hand, separate from anthers hand. Sure you might be a card in hers and her in yours... but it is up to us to play out our own hands. I cant grab your controller and beat your opponent... you didnt win, I did. Therefore the victory was empty for you, non existent. Same goes for her. Life is just that, life. You play out your hand then get another one delt. sometimes it really sucks, even when you have some good cards. You were not playing her hand, you were merely a card in the shuffle. You are unable to take true blame, it wasnt your play.
  12. Well I like the story of mass effect so much that I dont mind playing through multiple times. But with any game playing through again right after you just played it is frustrating, as the story is fresh in your mind. I bought the two Mass Effect books, just finished the second last night. The first is the story of Anderson 20 years back when Sarin screwed his way into the Spectre ranks. The second was almost immediately after the first game, setting up Cerberus. I've been playing alot of Defense Grid.
  13. Ahh life. I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. She isnt right inside. But you know that. You love her, even if remotely still and she is a horrible downward spiral. But you cannot make her decisions. Try as you might, no matter what happens... the individual has to make their own decisions. What are you to do? Hold her down? Force her? Impossible. All you can do is turn her in if you know she has something on her but what would that do? Destroying onesself is one thing, but when innocent children are involved, its so very much more heart wrenching. Know that you did what you could or did what you thought was right. Try to see that you might have done "more" but honestly... what else could you have done? You can try to save others with all you might but in the end, it's up to them. She isnt right upstairs. All she wants is instant gratification. Drugs, party, fucking... negating in her head her responsibilities. She is actually afraid. Of what exactly, most likely life. She is afraid of life. Acting supremely selfish. Robbing her children of their mother. She knows better but doesnt care enough. Its not like she one day said fuck it. This behavior is a long time coming. You might want to think you, and her children ment enough to her to not be like this... But Emsley, this is a looooong time coming. Her bad wiring predates you my friend. Id wager she was molested and neglected somewhat. Her damage hurts you as well but man, what else can you do? Part of you wants to see her burn but thats just your protective barrier. You don't really want to se her fail. As much as she hurt you, you dont honestly want that. You want her to snap out of it. You want her to do right. But its out of your hands. She choose other paths. You loved her and she betrayed you. I know how that feels. As much hurt and anger you can muster... it doesnt negate the fact that you want her to be truly happy, not this ultra destructive and hurtful existence. Mainly more hurtful to her children and herself and her family. In that order. She might fixate on you like she did as mentioned at the bar here... yes you are a part of her life, but she already showed you how much you mean to her. FFs sake she is doing it much worse to her children than she ever could have done to you. I guess try and use that to fuel the idea that you didnt mean enough to her. How could you have if she is neglecting HER OWN CHILDREN! You can only pull someone out of the fire if they give you their hand. Pull as you may, they will hold on to something and you cant pull them out. The more you pull, the more you get burnt with them. And that sounds like something they might want. Bringing others into their misery. Too selfish to ultimately stop hurting their loved ones. It's a paradox, a molten shit storm. Your a good guy man. I dont know you personally... but you care. It is we who care too much that get hurt the most. We allow ourselves to get into situations where we get burned, where as others dont care enough past themselves the not burn others. Users / Usees
  14. Oh shit it is trix, thought it was crunch berries.
  15. Just as long as you dont shave your legs
  16. Captain Crunche's Crunch Berries ... dry crispy sores... that are multi colored? Whats with that baby in the background? Looks like its slipping out of the baby seat thingy while... wait.... Whats up with the lady in black? Looks like she has a siamese twin without a head...
  17. Like I told you... he's a weirdo. China might send you back man!
  18. VO! ha nice. I remember dumping some coin into that... but it sure got boring fast.
  19. My hair takes no time at all. I get it wet, brush it all back, dry somewhat, and lightly comb it forward. 1 min give or take. I like boot cut jeans. Shirts that leave air between the skin and cloth. I wear boxers or boxer briefs, As opposed to whity tighties, or even panties I imagine metro guys wear... lol I have no issue with metro, but it is definitely not me. I am of course sick of seeing metro main characters in my FF games... when veristic spoke up that was the first thing that came to mind. I dont want some overly "macho" main character... I just dont want a girly man as the focal point. Im sick of it. FF X, FF XII... Ok so thats not so many... But still. Yet another reason, in a long line, of why I believe Mass Effect to be superior. Yea I said it.
  20. Im 3rd shift, I don't go to sleep when I get home (now) Im revved up and ready to have fun. I go to sleep around 4 pm and wake up around 10:30 pm. Every once in awhile I sleep forever. I'll get sleepy around 11 a.m. and sleep almost 12 hrs. Id not put a bed in the living room. Sleep on the couch. I don't understand the aversion to cold... I love sleeping in the cold. My room is my cave. I have my bed, a small couch, TV and whatever. But when I had my own place I would often bring my TV out into the living room for a change of pace. But mainly, I like playing my games in my room. So I can understand being comfortable with one room, but bringing the bed to the living room... For me thats a little too much.
  21. Indeed. Im sure all of have noticed bad shit happens in waves. A snowball effect. A good thing to consider, is shit can be FAR FAR worse. Got a roof? Food? Your doing better than alot of folks if thats the case. Perspective definitely helps when everyone keeps shitting on you.
  22. Well Inky hit it before I did... I was winding up with my question... Im a fan of posturing. I find that I'm overly critical of others. But then again, I'm hyper critical of myself, but you may never see that. I can relate to putting too much merit in what others think of me... or at least I did when I was younger, younger that you. I have grown to the point where I ignore any negativity toward me. Be then again sometimes I seem to dwell. I can also relate to generalizing people, but what you got to do is remember that anyone can surprise you. I've witness idiots being brilliant, lackwits being witty, and fools being wise. Right when you think you've got it all figured out, something happens and makes you re-evaluate. Your still young. You have alot to experience yet. Alot. Don't become an asshole. You sound as if your taking that path. What you need to do is find your center. Zen. Accept and let pass, the things around you. I know I'm telling you what you need... and so might alot of people... but really, find your center. Analyze without being judgmental. It's hard, but rewarding. You may just be able to filter meaning from bullshit. FIND YOUR CENTER. Balance is hard to obtain, and even harder to maintain. You say you care too much, I know exactly what you mean... it's simple. Stop. Make yourself let go. It's easier than you think. Once you know how... or find out how. And for gods sake stop being an ass. You come off as holier than thou. I used to be of a similar mind... And even if you are superior... you really arent. Too hard to explain... do you understand? We are all in the same boat.
  23. What exactly does that mean?
  24. Well there are 1000's of jobs in any given military branch. He could be anything from a Yeoman to an MP to a mechanic to an ordinance officer or anything. It's possible he flies, but the odds are no. You'd think military personnel would be more mature... (edit: referring to 11's piers in the AF) But since I live near a Navy base I can tell you this is not so. I have seen one guy loose his career as he was a drunk/druggy/punk kid who was growing pot in his apartment for his wife, got caught because he was drunk and banging on his neighbors door. Not the smartest guy. I've seen another girl say she is opting out as soon as she can because whatever reason. She was kinda ditsy. You'd want to think that folks protecting our country are elite superheroes. They are everyday shmoes, assholes and cool people alike... combined. I guess they send the shmoes in as fodder... heh. But yet again reality rears its head and educates us on how it is. Nothing is perfect.
  25. Well the guy is busy. He is in the chair force. (They have amazing chairs)
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