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Everything posted by Krosigrim

  1. LOL bacon flavored cookies? EGAD
  2. I have 4 kids and a wife, the bathroom is the only place I can find absolute peace in my house. I have been known to stay in there for 30 minutes or more. Hell yea it's the best. I want to get an elongated toilet, the ones commercially used, not the rounder bowls... padded seat, shelf with magazines and snacks... lol neck pillow... Fuck it, mod a Lazy Boy into a toilet. LOL Although I don't think reclining will work very well... LOL that happens to me all the time. All the damn tiiiime... I'll not realize I was done for a bit... and i'll finish up. Funny thing is... the dead leg doesn't kick in till you already out of the bathroom... then you wonder how you made it that far, as your feet are limp. That of course is after extended visits... like your 30+ min... heh been there done that. I used to escape an old roommate that way. She just would not leave me alone.
  3. Well alot of guys haven't come back... It was picking up. Well We have a few who are here... but it'll take some time before it gets going again. Best we can do is be ourselves and try and stay active... which will fuel activity. But of course... who the hell want's to post on a thread about bakin' goodies... lol
  4. Do you have Photoshop? I can show you a thing or two, so can Inky and Hera... but it's all pretty simple if you KNOW what to look for. I go to Youtube and learn a neat tricks here and there... This isn't very practical, but I thought it was really really cool! But this is useful to me Wow this is badass!!! If you do have photoshop... try those out... just do as he says. I paused alot and made certain I didnt miss anything.
  5. Yo that don't don't sound good at all! I know one can do that for cake... but cookies? no thanks.
  6. LOL. Let us know if you made it work. They should know something up, when you say they have to get them wrong... if their smart... but still I can see it working.
  7. I play my DS every time! There is plenty of time for a quick match on Yo Gi Oh on GBA or alittle grinding on DQIV or something. I'm in there for 5 min or so... sure I sit and finish my game... but it's the one place for absolute solace! I appreciate the time to myself. LOL if I spent too much time, my elbows cut off the circulation in my knees and I can't walk for a min or two! lol
  8. It's literally between both. They aren't hard nor soft. They are PERFECT! well... not tonight... Tisk Tisk??? Please!!! My body is a furnace! I can eat ANYTHING and burn it off now! Since I've been running and working out, my appetite is CRAZY. I'm hungry... HUNGRY all the time. I burn of everything now... and I'm 30, get that shit!!! That would be funny, If I mailed cookies to everyone! lol Perhaps I'll mail you some cookies one day soon! lol. That would be awesome! Anyway... I reprovisioned my repipy. Mixing things differently and special notes about the butter. My first batch came out like a giant sheet of cookie. And it didnt hold together either, now I have a mountain of cookie. Problem was I melted the butter. You gotta use room temperature butter. It was runny, and it was like using the WRONG ingredient. My cookies are runny when they bake. I put the dough in the fridge to solidify it some, but it didn't help. DONT MELT THE BUTTER!!! There is some chemical reaction you are trying to attain and when you melt the butter, it force separates the water from the butter.
  9. LOL so I don't look like a Super Hero? LOL

  10. Krosigrim


    Hey... lol. Well I'll be super hero style in 5 months.
  11. I barely recall, perhaps I will. So anyway... starting a new batch of OATMEAL COOKIES AGAIN!!!
  12. What's the job interview for? Any cool companies? Have you thought of college again? As for myself, I'm doing pretty shitty. I feel terrible today. It feels like my stomach is filled with a gallon of cortisol. Too many famous people died these last few days and I got to say that the media needs to take a break with the Michael Jackson news. I thought it was only going to last the weekend ... now it seems like it's going to last months. He was a great singer, but there's a limit to everything. Well that sucks! Hang in there... there are others that are in a bad way... we got it easy! I'm going to Bed Bath & Beyond. If your not familiar its a retail store with ALOT of stuff. It not Super expensive... but it has alot of cool shit and their pretty professional. Im trying to get something for now and look elsewhere while I work. Yes my sister is motivating me to look at collage. I am still trying to decide if I want to go the route of massage therapy... I just... don't want to touch crusty people ya know! But I do want to help people... So perhaps sports medicine. But thats aloooot of school. Massage therapy isn't much at all. Im really good with my hands. Other than that, I can't think of anything practical I want to do. Id like to make games... but it's just like politics. Unless I get a big break or someone opens up a company... or said company already exists... in which they are free from the control of share holders and the like Free reign to make a killer game... but as if. Speaking of collage, I wrote a paper while the site was down for some guy in whatever format... cant remember. I got a 100% on it!!! lol. Made 100 bucks off it! So yea... awesome! Haha girls like to make it hard... no pun... but yea... pun... they often like to see how desirable they are to you. Mixed signals if often from them not really knowing what they want in the first place. It interferes with the natural WTF they throw at you... Just don't be buyin' her drinks and shit. Make her pay for somethin' It's the 21st century... girls have jobs now... They have generations of moochin' to make up for lol
  13. Well just think of all the games that will build up that NEED to be played while you cant! You'll have ample selection...
  14. Lonely boredom. Sister is away and Im borderline cabin fever. I have a job interview Friday, but other than that I'm open. Going to drive over to GameStop and peruse the selections for a few hours. Hit up the Book Store and who knows... I'll likely make a new batch of cookies when I get home, and play whatever. I'm feeling good, my life is unfolding awesomely... and I have no complaints. There is nothing else I could ask for! Everything else I need to work for. All and all... Im fantastic. No chance of loosing myself. I'm here to stay.
  15. The one Scott gave me yes. I don't recall seeing that... which is funny, as I'm sure I've seen all episodes... over and over. I wanna bake another batch... Perhaps I'll do so when I get back later.
  16. Hey... look at that guy! You look like a spanish version of my friend Ernie

  17. LOL @ SKYTHE Well I don't like the battle system mainly. Other than that the game was great. Ya see, I hate limits. I hate Max level 99 on any game, I hate max stats of 255 on FF and DQ. I just hate limitations. I believe there should be no cap, just ridiculous XP requirements... In Morrowind, there was no cap on how high a skill can go, just a cap on natural levels. You can buff yourself to ridiculousness. Sure you may think that breaks a game... but it's fun and rewarding if you put the time into it. In Oblivion, 100 is max. I made an outfit that brought my sword skill to what... 140? and it did NOTHING to help the paralyze rate of stab. Which IMO it should have. Same goes for Alchemy. I think the potions should have had a longer duration and stronger effect with a skill of 140. They focused so much on not letting the game be broken, but they let the reflect damage attribute pass. WTF? My friend didn't even have to attack anymore. It reflects Physical AND magical alike. He was reflecting 45% back... and that seems to go against their "no brake" they were so concerned about. OK funny story while I'm talking about Oblivion. You know when you murder someone your visited by the dark brotherhood or whatever their called right? Well by the time this happened to me, I had a badass house near where the Vampires stay. All the way south, and just to the West of the center of the world map. Anyway, I rested in my bed, and woke up to this guy feeding me an ultimatum. I said... Fuck you BITCH... coming into MY house and threatening ME!!! So I killed his ass on the spot. I took his robe... 'cause it was a sweet black one... but... dude was dead. And I couldn't remove him like you can in Morrowind. So I had a naked guy dead in my bedroom. I'm the kind of guy who puts shit on the shelves and desks and such, make it look lived in. So everything was perfect... as this was the BEST crib... so I was pretty pissed... I first propped him on the chair, but still, I had a naked guy sitting on a chair in my room.... gaaaaaaaay. lol. So I eventually dragged him and stuffed him in sideways behind the bed. Almost good enough. You couldn't see him unless you walked up to the wall and looked down the back. But still... there is a naked guy in my room, difference was... he's stuffed behind my bed. still gaaaaaay. heh. Well I finally finished all the Mage Guild's quests and killed off that necromancer. I got that sweet staff where it re-animates corpses. I used it on that bastard and walked his ass right out of my house! He was in my room for weeks! I don't remember why, but I didn't take him outside the walls, so he was laying dead behind someone's house. At least I got him out of my Room... much less my house. But anyway, I put 150 hours into that game, so I am entitled to say it sucks lol. Not that you said I didn't... I'm just sayin' Oh yea another thing... no jump spell, as methinks the game would freeze. Ohhh how many times Morrowind would freeze when I jumped from Balmora all the way across the Island due East. LOL I fucking loved Morrowind. I was the Apocalypse. I once got my intelligence past 1,000,000,000... but the game froze... Yea I froze the game alot but I was testing shit out. They could have at least threw us a bone in Oblivion... and let our skills calculate past 100!!! BASTARDS!
  18. Lol, don't understand what you mean here My English is different from your English. Anyway, been playing Soulcalibur IV yesterday with the stick. Fun, fun FUN Even my wife is shaking her head when she see me playing. I mean, i am practically grinning from ear to ear all the time it's like a boyhood wet dream fulfilled. it is the closest thing to having a real arcade at home ya = are you game = skills But I already knew you were enjoying it. Rhetorical question with candor. As for your skills... Hows your "game" now that you have this awesome new toy?
  19. Soooooooo. How ya liking the new toy? Hows your "game" coming along?
  20. Well the game could have been awesome, but in my eyes, the meat of the game didnt touch Morrowind.
  21. Daaaaaamn. $150$ lol Well damn, I don't want some cheap ass stick!!! Guess I'll have to hock it up one day... Madcatz... I remember when they sucked ass.
  22. Yea Hera does similar things. Once I was over there... and I went outside for a cig. Autumn was maybe 1 1/2 yo, anyway... she always wants to press buttons on the keyboard. Well when I got back inside, she somehow entered the shortcut to have a separate window open up with the HTML of whatever site was up. LOL I don't even know that command!
  23. I got a demo disk from OXM... What a piece of shit disk! First off the Batman Video froze up and I had to open the tray from the console, GH Metallica kicked me off during Alice and Chains, Wolverine was all black... all I could see were dark silhouettes. And to top it all off, they have a silly point system that must save to cache memory or something... as it kept track of what I played. Fuck that! AND they keep asking if I want to share my information with them or something. Fuck them... First off they have shit product, second they have this stupid system where they try and persuade you to play all the games... And after all their failure, they have the audacity to ask you to share your information with them. Fuck them! Fuck this disk, Fuck their shitty XBLA demoes they put on there... The only things that were worth the effort was the RE5 theme... and the FFXIII screenshots. Good thing I didn't buy the magazine!
  24. Funny... I thought I replied last night... Well belated congratulations!
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