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Everything posted by onetrueblade

  1. OH.......MY........GOD!!!! Count me in on the prayer chain. 3D didn't work for KOF, and it won't work for street fighter.
  2. Welcome! I think you''l fit in here just fine. Check the nintendo, sega or microsoft forums to talk about those old school (And new) RPGs. Glad to see you can find time to play. It's rough, I know. BTW, You're one of I believe 2 females on the whole board. Bravo!
  3. Metroid is repetative. I agree with that. Zelda rox. I never thought about the nes>snes thing, but you're right. I'm confounded by nintendo. I feel like they partially dropped the ball. (Don't get mad, Wii people) I have feelings of ambivalence towards halo. Good "Party" games, but....meh
  4. thnx for the link.
  5. I hate stuff like that. I've seen some crazy mistakes, too.
  6. It seems to me like it might mess it up. But did the orders work for you with half or so done and some not?
  7. Yeah, pretty much. I meant to post a link so you could see, but can't find one right now.
  8. From Power Instinct: Matrimelee Luchini mugen
  9. Those odd match ups are one of my favorite things about mugen. Sadako vs mario? Awesome.
  10. No. Actually in the game there's a mech suit run by a baby on top of it. they called it the "Baby Commando". Other than the captain, mack was a mummy and ginzu was a ninja. They show up in the mvc cap commando's super moves as helpers and also in his win pose.
  11. That's what I'm worried about. But if anyone else got it from him or found it, then it's out there somewhere.
  12. What I would do is just jack up his heatlh, but when he does get "beat" like twice in a row just have him get up and walk off into the woods or something. Like in the friday the 13th for the nes- you didn't really beat him you just hurt him until he ran off. Also, some characters have healing factors i noticed. You could tweak that system, too I guess.
  13. Yep. I did notice that. It's probably not over, either.
  14. Ok.........yeah. They were. LMAO. I just wonder how much longer it will get if I keep having problems. Is the tier/level system or music looping in there yet? I didn't check. EDIT: I checked. it is, of course.
  15. I wonder if anyone ever made a joker character....I have harley quinn and no joker.
  16. Haven't tested yet. Got caught up adding music to stages and trying to hunt down Gutts. I had a thought- If they're not all assigned an order, than there's no point in testing because it won't work then, right? (This will be good to know before I start picking levels for my newest characters.
  17. well.....depends on you definition of good.....He can do all the moves he's supposed to and all, Just the sprite edit is annoying and not that impressive. He's got like this energy.....bolt I guess flowing around and through him. It's based on his cvs appearance. It's passable, just didn't keep my interest.
  18. Someone could do a Goketuji edit maybe.
  19. Anyone find mack or the baby one? I found a mack once, but lo and behold, it failed. Do these characters exist?
  20. Doesn't sound like mine and this hasn't happened to me, so I'm safe. I did have to get rid of a galactus I had because mugen would crash when he would fight a Mortal kombat guy.
  21. It does look just like him. I e-mailed the guy and asked, but heard nothing from him so far. I'm goin' nuts over this!!! If I get a line on it, or get it I'll link/post back.
  22. I knew doc ock sucked. That screencap just didn't look right. What did you have to edit?
  23. For the few times I was able to play it, to me Ecco was really strange because I didn't really know what I was supposed to do. So I just swam around aimlessly. I was goofing with it on psp awhile ago. It took me a long time to figure out what the hell to do.
  24. Can't believe I forgot mario kart.
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