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Everything posted by Kevin-Nash

  1. i need mslug4nd.zip for Kawaks any one of you guys got it?
  2. i got 1 think to say GOT MILK ?
  3. found the rom for kawaks its very fun i thought it was fake at first
  4. Waiting for a kawaks version of Metal Sulg 5 any1 find it yet
  5. is there a kawaks that provides metal sulg 5 yet if yet can u give me a link ???
  6. ya i need a link to
  7. nope it wont work
  8. what version of mame do u have to get for ms5??
  9. 4/10 u need practice cant really see what the backround is, the typo is ok, just need to emprove on ur bg.....what program do u use...
  10. heres what i use preaty hard to control in neogeo.
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