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Everything posted by FirebrandX

  1. Jimmyi Emulator. Only For Chinese If You Can Find Other Language,Though And Did You Wonder What Is The Word On Top Of The Emu? Its 'Metal Slug 5'. Thanks for that tidus My ass. I tracked down that Mslug5 file and it comes packaged with that "jimmyi" emulator. It is actually a hacked version of nebula, and guess what? The rom still doesn't work...
  2. My personal preference is for fully decrypted sets. They load faster, compress better, and are easier to write drivers for. I intend to reorganize my Neo Geo rom sets into nothing but fully decrypted games where applicable.
  3. Is there an "official" list of the rom numbers used by dat files for emulators like Nebula? This list would have to include newer roms like SamSho5. I'm just curious what the accepted order is. Thanks!
  4. The closest to what you are wanting would be a game that came out on the PSX a long time ago called Street Fighter EX + Alpha. I enjoyed playing it because it had the gameplay of a 2D game with 3D graphics. BTW, Tekken is not a "mashing-fest". Only a stark-beginner would play it that way. I've watched my brother destroy mashers without any troubles. He in fact, hates 2D fighting games because he says they seem "limited" in the field of depth you have available for strategies. I personally prefer 2D fighters, but I have sense enough to know it's only my personal preference and not to do with anything wrong with 3D fighters.
  5. Ahh I see your problem. You need to yank those files out of that zip and into a folder. Then you need to make sure extensions are "visible" from your desktop PC folder settings. THEN you can simply rename the files to.bin or whatever you want. After you get done with that, re-zip the files and you'll be okay.
  6. what 30 mb nah thats too small James, A fully decrpyted Neo Geo rom is usually only 30 or 40 MB in size. You are thinking of encrypted rom sizes, which are usually 70 or 80 MB.
  7. It's Final Burn Alpha, but you have to know how to compile it or it won't do you any good. Do a goodle search on it and you'll find the site.
  8. Okay, I've checked the game out in FBA and it "almost" works. The sound and text are perfectly fine. but the BG and sprite graphics are still scrambled. This is either not properly decrypted, or not properly ordered for the c-roms.
  9. I will write an FBA driver and see if it works. I'll let you know how it goes.
  10. That's what I meant. There are no files in that location. Please, can anyone who downloaded those roms from that link please post them at a new link? thanks if you could!
  11. Thanks for keeping us updated Mr.X. We may get this thing working peice by peice . This link doesn't work...
  12. You know I never got SVC to work in nebula. I just gave up and wrote an FBA driver to play it.
  13. thanks figured out the pass. snake : snake So did you find anything good?
  14. There's no problem changing.bin to.rom and back again. I do it all the time for cleaning my rom sets.
  15. You should be able to just rename them to the.rom extension.
  16. I've already compiled the latest FBA with my own drivers. I just got done writing a partial driver for that incomplete mslug5 zip. I can already see the title screen graphics from it in FBA.
  17. d'oh! You're right. I missed that.
  18. The only things missing now are the v-roms. Once you (and if you) find those, I will immediately test it in FBA to see if it works.
  19. Even simpler is to just rename the first rar file to 2003122520215727079.rar Then you can extract.
  20. I find it odd that the best Neo Geo emulator isn't even on the list: FBA. Being able to compile your own version of the fastest Neo Geo emulator makes it hands-down the winner. After downloading Samurai Showdown 5, it took me a mere 10 minutes to write a driver for it in FBA. No hacks, no patches, no searching for a bypass loader. Just clean FLAWLESS emulation of the game. I've deleted my neoragex, nebula, and kawaks emmies. Don't need them anymore.
  21. No problem. You may be experiencing the ".rom" bug, where you have to rename at least the last v-rom to a.bin extension. Mine below: // kof2k2nd (note: works as parent also) static struct BurnRomInfo kof2k2ndRomDesc[] = { {"265-p1.bin",0x100000, 0x9ede7323, 0x10}, // 0 68K code {"265-p2d.bin",0x400000, 0x432fdf53, 0x10}, // 0 68K code {"265-c1.bin", 0x800000, 0x7efa6ef7, 1}, // 2 Sprite data {"265-c2.bin", 0x800000, 0xaa82948b, 1}, // 3 {"265-c3.bin", 0x800000, 0x959fad0b, 1}, // 4 {"265-c4.bin", 0x800000, 0xefe6a468, 1}, // 5 {"265-c5.bin", 0x800000, 0x74bba7c6, 1}, // 6 {"265-c6.bin", 0x800000, 0xe20d2216, 1}, // 7 {"265-c7.bin", 0x800000, 0x8a5b561c, 1}, // 8 {"265-c8.bin", 0x800000, 0xbef667a3, 1}, // 9 {"265-m1d.bin", 0x020000, 0xAB9D360E, 0x10}, // 11 Z80 code {"265-v1d.bin", 0x400000, 0x13d98607, 2}, // 11 Sound data {"265-v2d.bin", 0x400000, 0x9cf74677, 2}, // 12 {"265-v3d.bin", 0x400000, 0x8e9448b5, 2}, // 13 Sound data {"265-v4d.bin", 0x400000, 0x067271b5, 2}, // 14 }; STDROMPICKEXT(kof2k2nd, kof2k2nd, neogeo); STD_ROM_FN(kof2k2nd); struct BurnDriver BurnDrvkof2k2nd = { {"kof2k2nd", "The King of Fighters 2002 (Decrypted)", "Decrypted", "Evoga & Playmore Corporation", "Neo Geo", "2002", NULL, "neogeo"}, BDF_GAME_WORKING, 2, HARDWARE_SNK_NEOGEO | HARDWARE_SNK_SWAPC, NULL, kof2k2ndRomInfo, kof2k2ndRomName, neogeoInputInfo, neogeoDIPInfo, NeoInit, NeoExit, NeoFrame, NeoRender, NeoScan, &NeoRecalcPalette, nNeoScreenWidth, 224, 4, 3 };
  22. I have nothing but good things to say about bit torrent. I used it to get samsho5 off suprnova today and the sucker downloaded in like 5 minutes flat with over a 100 kibs a second! I was so pleased, I left it on all day to return the favor to others. BTW, Nebula is not that bad. My only problem with it is the forced pseudo-stereo on all sounds. Never understood why the programmer forces that...
  23. You have to learn how to compile FBA. Once I struggled through learning how to do that, I've since been writing all my own drivers for FBA to run ALL the new games, including kof2k2, mslug4, samsho5, svc, etc. I just finished writing my own SVC driver for FBA earlier today and it works great. And no, SVC does NOT run any worse in FBA than it does in MAME. As far as I'm concerned, FBA is simply the best Neo Geo emulator (and its open-source too!)
  24. I just avoid all the pain of "loaders", "hacks" and "patches" by compiling my own version of FBA to play what I want. I've already got kof2k2, mslug4, samsho5, and svc done just in the past couple of days. NOTHING beats an open-source emmy! For svc, I made a sort of hybrid I call svcv4.zip. This version uses the updated p and m roms from the site link posted by James, and also uses the updated mame s rom (also from the site link given by James). This version works perfectly in FBA as far as I can tell. For those that know how to compile FBA, here's the driver code I made for my svcv4 hybrid set: // SNK vs Capcom (decrypted bootleg) static struct BurnRomInfo svcv4RomDesc[] = { {"269-p1.bin", 0x600000, 0x2C3217A6, 0x10}, // 0 68K code {"269-s1.bin", 0x020000, 0xBC670454, 1}, // 1 Text data {"svc_c1.bin", 0x800000, 0x465D473B, 1}, // 2 Sprite data {"svc_c2.bin", 0x800000, 0x3EB28F78, 1}, // 3 {"svc_c3.bin", 0x800000, 0xF4D4AB2B, 1}, // 5 {"svc_c4.bin", 0x800000, 0xA69D523A, 1}, // 6 {"svc_c5.bin", 0x800000, 0xBA2A7892, 1}, // 7 {"svc_c6.bin", 0x800000, 0x37371CA1, 1}, // 8 {"svc_c7.bin", 0x800000, 0x56AC5FB9, 1}, // 9 {"svc_c8.bin", 0x800000, 0xDE99E613, 1}, // 10 {"269-m1.bin", 0x020000, 0x6F392DC4, 0x10}, // 11 Z80 code {"svc-v1.bin", 0x400000, 0xE7203930, 2}, // 12 Sound data {"svc-v2.bin", 0x400000, 0x675159C3, 2}, // 13 {"svc-v3.bin", 0x400000, 0xF8810665, 2}, // 14 {"svc_v4.bin", 0x400000, 0xB57B4EA3, 2}, // 15 }; STDROMPICKEXT(svcv4, svcv4, neogeo); STD_ROM_FN(svcv4); static int svcv4Init() { return NeoInit(); } struct BurnDriver BurnDrvsvcv4 = { {"svcv4", "SNK vs Capcom (decrypted bootleg)", "Fully decrypted", "SNK Playmore Corporation", "Neo Geo", "2003", NULL, "neogeo"}, BDF_GAME_WORKING, 2, HARDWARE_SNK_NEOGEO, NULL, svcv4RomInfo, svcv4RomName, neogeoInputInfo, neogeoDIPInfo, svcv4Init, NeoExit, NeoFrame, NeoRender, NeoScan, &NeoRecalcPalette, nNeoScreenWidth, 224, 4, 3 }; Note: You'll obviously want to change the rom names to match what's inside your zip, so long as they are the same CRC's.
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