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Everything posted by MasterPhW

  1. IMHO we should support martin, the emu author, not the warez kiddies who leak the version, because it isn't really that much money you have to donate... only 2,50 bucks, it's cheaper than McDonalds!
  2. 18206... mmh... nothing afaik... 01268 also means nothing... 12x60mins a day, 8 days a week I am an emulation freak... doesn't work either, never heard of a 8 days week... Mmh... 21 years old, but don't know what I could do with the remaing numbers... it's to late here, need to sleep!
  3. I really thought you was joking, I never thought that DNF will ever see the light of the day! W00t, looking nice!
  4. Sorry if I confused you... It was just a little joke, because I've read a lot of his posts and he has some crazy problems! Just beat him in Marvel vs Capcom and we're fine! ^^
  5. It's the CPS3 decriptions, afaik you can skip it with the CPS3 emu by elsemi, dunno about MAME.
  6. Woha... F+ck! Sorry guy, didn't meant to spoiler you! I've fixed it! Okay, to late for you, but probably not for some others!
  7. Yeah! Cannon Spike! That was the name of the game... I wonder where I put it... probably into one of my video game boxes? Hydro Thunder was also great... but only had the N64 port!
  8. Now we have the proof: for all these guys whi can't visit the Spam forum, here's a screenshot:
  9. Was looking into my archive and found some great DC games: Heavy Metal: Geomatrix Resident Evil: Code Veronica Crazy Taxi 1&2 Metropolis Street Racer PSO Ep. 1 & 2 Marvel vs. SNK 2 Dead or Alive 2 (LE) Soul Calibur Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 Powerstone 1 & 2 Shenmue 1 & 2 and there's one game I don't know how it's called... it was a 3D fighting games... you also could cooperate and had credits... I think it was a arcade port, but don't find it...
  10. OMG! rubiocrofts brother! Just a joke! Welcome aboard!
  11. 30 Seconds to Mars - The Kill
  12. It would be nice to know what are your PC specs... We can't help you either! Capcom Vs. SNK works flawlessly here IIRC...
  13. Yeah... still have a Saturn... bought it long time ago, just for the sequle to Landstalker, if anyone can remember... But also have my lovely Castlevania: Nocturne in the Moonlight (much better than the PSX port! You could play as Richter and Maria from the beginning!) and Fighters Megamix! But it isn't modded either... a shame... do they still sell Chips? I just wonder!
  14. FBAxxx pro, MAMEdox, ZSNESBox and surreall64xxx most of the time... sometimes also PCSXBox... The Funny thing is... there's still a PSX, a N64 and a SNES besides my lovely Box... O.o
  15. Fall Out Boy - Hum Hallelujah
  16. Yeah a link would be interesting!
  17. I'm here, too... Have to write a thesis so no (bad) drinking today evening.
  18. Woah, I'm so f*cking dissappointed about the 5th Season of this great TV serie. I don't get it... they destroyed the whole great story. I really would like to see the coda ending, it sounds so much better and deeper, but we will never see it! It's a shame what they did with this great serie!
  19. Mmh... Dreamcast on VC would be kicking asses! Because you can create more money if you will rerelease it with one or two console specific features...
  20. Mmh... I am a arrogant guy, also sometimes an asshole and I'm good looking, so I have a lot great looking girls on my side...
  21. I need to join this discussion, too! Women don't have to be fat, they need to be glamorous and thin. I don't like unathletic girls, because I do a lot of sports and she needs to join me with that. I don't care about blond hair or black hair, but I prefer the darker girls atm, because I'm really sick because of my last blond girls. Bad hygiene, ghetto girls or silly ones are also a no go... She needs to grip my attention, so it isn't a bad thing for me, when she's some kind of attention whore, but not in its biggest occurrence... Mmh, that's all I can think about atm.
  22. It looks like teh uber bad sith l0rd... I have a big nose, but yours isn't small either! ^^
  23. Some deeper investigations by Fatal Rose and me, we found a lot interesting facts about the OMG-OMG-Member of 1emu: Here's the and after we had found JKKDARKs ICQ number on another board we checked the user informations and found that: JKKDARK is female... same applies in the MySpace Profile... I voted female some days ago, but it seems, that JKKDARK really is female!
  24. AC/DC - For Those About To Rock
  25. Wouldn't it be illegal, if you would sell a modded Xbox with roms and emus on it? But looks really great dude!
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