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Everything posted by MasterPhW

  1. I also can recommend you to use NLite before installing it, because you can create a 100% personified copy of you installation.
  2. Millencolin - Penguins & Polarbears
  3. http://www.hcs64.com/usf/ for all your N64 game music needs!
  4. That is alright by me.
  5. Agozer is a pokemon fan! ^^ Back to topic: It would be a good idea (dunno if it's possible) to allow all characters for pms and don't allow it to use in the board... probably the best deal.
  6. That's because you used a letter that isn't supportet... same happens for some other foreign letters. And what are you talking under this error message? Please try to write in English!
  7. Darkseed - My burden
  8. Rammstein - Mein Herz Brennt
  9. I still prefer Opera abd I'm really looking forward to its 10.0 release "Peregrine", that'll kick. Only thing I'm really missing is the plugin support of firefox.
  10. WOW... this "monster" is f*cking big! More than the half screen... But I like big boss fighters... so why not!
  11. I'm still waiting for my lovely Deus Ex New Vision + Project hdtp + the enhanced OpenGL renderer for Deus Ex and the Shifter Mod to be finished to replay it the 20th time...
  12. Yeah, a lot progress lately! Sorry for not updating here, it seemed that nearly nobody in 1emu was interested in GBA emulation! The latest progress: We have a new site: Hosted at NGEmu There's also a build repository: VBA-M-SVN-Compiles All implemented features so far: Improved video modes and filters (Spacy) VBA 1.8.0 GB/GBA emulation cores (VBA Team) 7zip support (Blargg’s excellent File_Extractor library, added by Kode54 and DJRobX, mods by mudlord) Sound interpolation (Kode54) Assembler-core HQ3X and HQ4X modules (Maxim Stephen, added by DJRobX) VBA Linking (denopqrihg, originally added by mudlord) Multi key assignment: Assign both a joypad and keyboard (or multiple keys) to one function. Also no longer erases joypad settings when joystick is unplugged. Fixed vsyncing issues in Direct3D mode caused by lockable backbuffers (DJRobX) Monitor sound buffer and skip frames when it gets low, prevents sound corruption when sound clock is slightly faster than video clock and using vsync (DJRobX) Linux / SDL port (Nach) Mac OSX port (peterb) Polygonal based rendering in OpenGL mode (mudlord) ATM: I am working on a html help based help file. There's also a list of known issues and ToDo roadmap General Issues and Todos.... Issues In D3D mode, if one alt-tab's out of the emulator and back to it, it sometimes does not go back to full screen. D3D does not have triple buffering in the official 1.8 code, it needs to be ported back in. In DirectDraw Triple Buffer mode the menu sometimes disappears when the emulator is started When command line loading a game with menu auto-hide enabled, the menus appear on screen and blink a couple times before the games start. For cleanliness with frontends, we should not display the menus at all if autohide is true and a rom is loaded from the commandline. Per Squall, OpenGL is running "like ass" and needs work. VBALink has issues. DJRobX has emailed the author of vbalink but heard nothing. Would be great if we can convince them to release their newer code. VBALink needs emulator to support opening VBAx.ini and save states to .sa2, .sa3 etc. I suggest we use standard filenames for first the instance (vba.ini, vba2.ini, vba3.ini, .sav, .sa2, .sa3 )to maximize compatibility for people who won't use the linking feature. VBALink should be completely disableable. Todo List Other integrations pending: VBA-H, VBA-Rerecording, VBAEd Requested features: =============== INI-based translation Fixing save type detection Adding anisotropic filtering AVI recording with memcoder VBALink Issues The linking code is in there, and can work as well as it did on the 1.6 build. But there are issues: 1) The DMA hacks that are used slow the emulator way down (search code for CPUDmaHacks2) 2) The StartGPLink() function (see GBInline.h) seems to break Sonic Advance 1 & 2. Starting those games will greet you with gray bars and a "Press start" message with background music. Link code is probably making Sonic think it's connecting to something! For now I've commented the call out so Sonic works, but I'm thinking at a minimum we need to add the option to disable link support entirely from the UI. Then people can enable linking on a per-game basis in VBA-Over.ini if they desire. One plus with the 1.8 merge is 1.8 inherently supports out-of-focus input, so we don't have to worry about adding that in!
  13. Creed - With Arms Wide Open
  14. I was dissappoineted of UT3 at all... All that f*cking vehicles and this "you have to do this to do that" stuff, really annoys me... And the missing of these UT franchises was also really bad. I hope UT4 (or UT3 2k8... or whatever) will be more like UT and less like battlefield...
  15. I also found Doom great, there was also a ego shooter part! But Hitman isn't in our cinemas afaik, I didn't even know that a movie exist!
  16. Ah, found it... seems to be, Tetris DX for GBC, because in the FAQ I've read, that you can see the statue of liberty! Check it here: http://home.tiscali.dk/8x006765/tetdx.txt
  17. AFAIK it was Tetris 64 because you could unlock some signs and there was also a statue of liberty...
  18. MAME Plus Plus (0.121), compiled by myself cause of the illegalness of this version... sad but true!
  19. I would like to get this fire burning, so some more info about another great beta game, we probably never will see... Earthbound 64, here's an old but still interesting article: http://www.siliconera.com/2006/06/15/earth...o-64-unearthed/
  20. There are some great emulators for Cell phones! Forget about these f*cking IPhone. my Nokia N95 has a MasterSystem, SNES & a GBA emulator running (AND SCUMM! ), that's not that problem at all for a Cell phone!
  21. have you played half life and proppeller arena jkk? i didnt really care much for half life on the dc always preffered soldier of fortune! propeller arena is an amzing game and shows just what the dreamcast can do! i just wish they had released scud race and dayona2 on the dreamcast,whats the chances of those 2 appearing on xbox live!!!!!please sega please Half Life is and was a great game and the DC port was a fully featured remade, with better player models and enhanced gfx. I never played Propeller Arena...
  22. What's so hard about making h264 wmvs yourself? As for the emu part, good luck on that. See ya again in a few years. I never said, that it's hard or that I don't already have a lot h264 wmvs, so that's not the problem. But it's really the emu part, which hold me back. So in some years, I probably also have a HD-TV, so I can wait... and I think if I play B-K 3 in one year or in 6, it doesn't make such a big difference, because S-N-S will never be done and there aren't that much XboX 360 must have games for atm, only the RARE ones,and probably some others, but nothing I can't wait for some more years. And most of these games also have a PC-counterpart, so another thing I don't have to care about!
  23. Orcarina will be the number one in my heart, at least till I get my ordered SMG! XD
  24. I'm still waiting for the 360 to support all the Emulation and Multimedia Features my old XboX have... not even Halo would get me to buy one without this stuff, really!
  25. Fall Out Boy - Dance, Dance
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