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Everything posted by MasterPhW

  1. 1. dunno, don't have a PSP 2. your ISO is probably packed in WinRar, yo you need to unpack it, to use it.
  2. What's so bad about them? I'm a coder not a video watcher, so I'm not really in this kind of stuff, but I never had any problems with my codec pack, could play more videos than most of my friends and also enhance the video output. I really like to have one pack installed than install 20 codecs for full video playback. But if you can recommend a better solution, I'm listen to ya.
  3. I really like to visit http://www.patches-scrolls.de/ for the newest patches and the speed is really gud, there, too!
  4. There are many more, you should just visit Unseen64 for a lot pics of never released games. But as I said, they also only have pics, sites like VGmuseum and PSXMuseum have these games!
  5. I was talking about an earlier beta or pre alpha, than the one you were referring to. Btw: if someone is interested in one of the game I was talking about, here's some ingame footage:
  6. Did you tried the Alpha? It was released some month ago and was more a 1.5 than a 2.0 alpha. Very interesting stuff, I have to admit!
  7. Download the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack in its newest version and download WinAmp 5.5, probably that will help. I don't have a NSV file, so I can't test, sorry 'bout that!
  8. Yeah, they never saw the light, but 10 years later they are reviewed by some special websites, with never seen screenshots, experiences and such stuff...
  9. Hey guys, after visiting some of my Classic history places like PSXMuseum and VGMuseum I was really envious that they played and reviewed hundreds of prototype and beta video games I've never seen or played. I know that a lot beta games come to Roms and Rips lately, that never were released before, but I wonder if anyone has ever played one of these games the PSX Museum is talking about? I don't want to know links or such stuff, I'm only interested, whether these game hit the scene and what for experiences did you made with these games (if you have them). I'm very interested in all the beta stuff and also did a beta investigation on the Zelda dev cartridge, long time ago, so I would be interested, if you did something like that? Greetz the Master
  10. Billy Talent - Devil In A Midnight Mass
  11. Yeah, because it's the true FF feeling, that the newer releases are missing! But I'm really looking forward to the Wii and DS ones... will buy them when they are released I think! Back to the list, there are nearly all already said, but I will also explain why: SNES ------ *Soul Blazer & Soul Blazer 2: Illusion of Gaia - both really great games, with good story, nice quest and a long and exciting gameplay *Secret of Mana - 3 Player Multiplayer Fun on the SNES! DO I have to say more? I've bought these f*cking adapter only for this great game! *Mario RPG - The All time classic! Collaboration between Sqare and Nintendo! A true and great RPG with the alltime franchise Mario *Lufia 2: - Never played one, but this games has a great story, superb gfx and and very brain crushing puzzles! ANd I can level up as long and as often I want and the enemies are still very strong! O.o *Chrono Trigger - Better than any FF IMHO! Nearly 10 different endings, Adventure Plus, a lot Techs, Spells, characters, great story, wonderful chara design (Akira Toriyama) and a lot more! Give it a try! Probably I will also add some GBA games, but atm, I don't feel like... O.o
  12. Rammstein - Ich Will
  13. Final Fantasy Castlevania Unreal
  14. And there won't be for a long time, because the CPU and the RAMs aren't strong enough to handle N64 emulation. And there's also no way, to control it with a cellphone keyboard...
  15. I really can advice you to use the latest svn build to test, whether there is still the same problem. Get it here! It isn't that hard, to add it, for example my config: I've created a games and a SCUMM folder, put my games in the Games folder, in your case it would be "...\SCUMM\Games\Broken Sword 1 - The Shadow of the Templars\" with 3 additional folders MUSIC, SPEECH and VIDEO and all the *.DCU files. And yes, you should have it decompressed! Then point scumm to the "Broken Sword 1" folder and it's done... or should be. Hope it helped!
  16. From Autumn to Ashes - Chloroform Perfume
  17. All your base are belong to us... O.o
  18. I hope you've got what I meant now... Because I do not behave like a kiddy, I also try to answer your question: Yeah, as far I can remember, it's an RPG, but can't say it exactly. You could also tried Youtube, like I did, here's a link for example:
  19. Please, stop to talk the whole time about downloading games, warez and such stuff. The emulation scene don't support warez, because of such stuff there are a lot problems for the emulation scene to be respected, because of guys which download these games to play them of a emulator.
  20. The new chartbreaker! Fantastic! *lol*
  21. Did anyone tried the test builds? Or have a special report for me? I wonder, whether there is really no one interested in GBA emulation on 1emu?
  22. Boy Sets Fire - White Wedding Dress
  23. Updated my post with some Test Builds! Btw: Agozer, your problem should also be fixed!
  24. Nice... I really hoped, that this game can continue the great Mario experience on the Wii and I was right... Now only waiting for a good Brawl test and then, I'm happy! Next ame on my "to-buy"-list!
  25. I really like all kinds of emulation and I'm in the scene for some years now, but hadn't the time to work or help in the emulation community. But now, I have a lot of more time and I like this site for it's great and fast emulation news, so I thought, why not become a member of this site. And after joining I really liked it here and also like the guys who are around. Some of them are also known faces from other sites!
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