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Everything posted by MasterPhW

  1. 2739-3938-0773-6687 Wii console Code MKWii Code: 0474-5869-4750 The Conduit FC: 1505-3797-4919. Super Smash Brothers Brawl: 1806-0349-4218.
  2. The only one, that is capable to emulate some games at a playable stage is JPCSP. The author is one of the PCSX2 coders.
  3. Can't wait to get it on my dirty hands. I don't get it, why all games have to be graphical heavy to be fun, I have a lot more fun on Wii games, than I had on most of my PS3 games. And yes, it has a superb, nearly HD gfx as I've seen till yet. The reviews say, the multiplayer is gorgeous, the gfx aswell, the leveldesing is sometimes repetive, but not that bad, singleplayer is good, but short... It's a definitive must buy for me, already preordered!
  4. It's a bit sad, that nothing really happened lately in the emulation community so there isn't much to talk about for the beginners. The standard posters here are still posting the same amount as before, but there aren't all returned... where's ryan btw?
  5. The problem is, you really need to want it. If you never gave it a chance, then you will be missing a lot great gameplay experiences!
  6. There are a lot of great, but underrated games on the Wii. E.g. De Blob, a relaxing new Jump'N'Paint idea, with great leveldesign and fun gameplay. Disaster, if you can handle the sometimes really bad textures and gfx, then it's a challenging and fun gameplay, with a lot twist, a hollywood like story with Nintendos (Monolith Soft = 1st party dev) first real great badass character.. hope there will be a sequel, but don't think so, because it wasn't such a big hit... No more Heroes is the game with the best style in this whole fucking gen! The storyline with the assasins, the uber cool main character Travis with all his weaks and the art style with its 8bit icons and items! AWESOME! Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (if you are a RE Fan and want to have new background information) and House of the Dead Overkill for the fast and easy two player Rail Shooter fun, you can do nearly everytime and perfectly controllable with wiimote. Little Kings Story: bought it yesterday and I LOVE IT! It's so time consuming, so fun, so many nice details and great ideas... ♥ it! AND ALL BIG Nintendo franchise like Zelda, all Marios (Galaxy, Strikers,...) , Metroid, Smash Brothers or Mario Kart, the new franchises like Excite Trucks or Excite Bots (never played it, wasn't released here yet, but I read the review), resurrected or polished ones like Punchout or the New Play Controls and even sometimes the Wii *** Games like Wii Fit or Wii Sport Resort (preordered yesterday) will bring you fun and longtime playtime. I could tell you a lot more, but I think all of them will eta your time till next year, so have fun... (;
  7. I'm a dark soul, so a dark skin would more fit my posting behavior.
  8. Transformers 2 at the cinema... Typically Michael Bay movie. Big Action and SFX... short and sometimes silly story, but great popcorn movie! 10/10
  9. I visited 1emu today, after some weeks and was flashed: "you will be transfered to 1emu V4" Okay... wait... new forum skin... forum attack system? Gone... will be readded later. Same to Arcade... and I don't like the new desing... have to wait forthe V4 desing, too... IMHO you should have waited till all the stuff is done and then update it. It's still really unfinished. But nice to see 1emu got updated.
  10. Yea like that forehead! it's a 3rd of your face. thats not a forehead.... it's an eighthead! Most girls are thinking, they are blinded by my beauty, but it's the sun's reflection off my huge, shiny forehead! Or eighthead.
  11. That's the smallest goatee I have ever seen Yeah, my goatee is small, but there are other things, that are enormous!
  12. Google knows what is good,,,
  13. Can't see the pic I reuploaded the pic, should work now. Sorry Lol, you and your goatee/small beard (?) remind of one evil character in a movie. Can't remember which Yeah, but you have to admit, that's one of my "trade marks".... I'm drunk.... should go to bed now... xD
  14. Can't see the pic I reuploaded the pic, should work now. Sorry
  15. With a gal of mine at a party. To keep L.S.D. happy!
  16. I nearly never visited EA, but it's always a tragedy to see a man die at such a young age. Kudos to all the stuff he still did at a time he was ill, a loss for the emulation community and all his friends and his family. My condolences to his friends and his family.
  17. Nice. To accomplish complete and good DS emulation you also have to add GBA emulation. I guess, it's far from the great GBA emus out there, but it's a nice step in the right way.
  18. Newer one, 2 months old. For carnival...
  19. Die Happy - Higher Ground... youtube doesn't seem to know it... -.-
  20. Slumdog Millionaire Great film, impressive plot and story telling, but a typical "hollywood" ending...
  21. Nice, one of the guys, that really fullfill his promises. Hope it now improve more than before... it's great nevertheless, but there's still room for improvements.
  22. It's nice that you get it working. And like I told you, it's much better than before. But no Live till the 19th November, but I haven't live, so it's not a big problem on my hand. The Avatar creation is only online, that means you have a black Avatar on you profilke, but the other stuff is working flawlessly. Like the installation.
  23. Yeah, I also love that kind of sites. The first is already dead, sadly. Perfect Dark @ Detstar and Goldeneye @ Detstar This site won't be updated anymore: Secrets of Sonicteam And another great site: Resident Evil Fan
  24. The devs admitted, that they had lost the joy of creating the game in the last 1/3 of the game, so they don't adjusted the difficulty level like they should.
  25. Would it be possible to add a last.fm mod to the board? To show the last few played songs in the signature? It would prevent some guys from post hoarting and would make more sense, then just one topic. Nvm: Silverstein – Your Sword vs. My Dagger
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