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Everything posted by MasterPhW

  1. I think it's just a normal step, because the GTA franshise had an announcement long ago, that it will come to the Nintendo64 but never came. And they already have the rockstar table tennis engine running on the wii and a great PS2 engine, so I can see it coming! =)
  2. Yeah, my birthday black&white-theme party. Yeah, Alisa is mine... (more or less)
  3. It's me, I'm back again and to celebrate this here's a new pic: Me = in the middle, the .rokker! ^^
  4. I can really recommend JDownloader for this. It is a tool, designed for 1 click hoster like rapidshare, but also supports dozens of other services like video/audio downloads of sites like youtube and many more. Give it a try.
  5. You just have to be as funny as JKK is. Easy job.
  6. You won't believe, what I can do! And it's only my opinion, because I played MK 2 and 3 some days ago with a friend on the arcade and they were so repetive and boring, just the blood, the gore and the fatilities made them special, compared to the newer releases of the MK franchise. So don't kill me for that, but that's my opinion.
  7. I wonder what's so terrible on this game? Okay, some of you finally see that it isn't that bad kind of a game, but IMHO the 3D games were better with each release, so this one will be better, too! And the next thing, I have to tell you: MK 3D >>>>> MK 2D
  8. Happy birthday Ryan aka Fatal Rose! Hope you celebrate your b-day and have a drink or two! Hope to chat you soon!
  9. The source code of the Nintendo GameCube and now also Wii emulator Dolphin and most of its plugins has been released under the GPL 2.0. SVN builds will follow. >> Get it HERE.
  10. I still wonder, why they release that much games for the PSP, it's already dead for a long time.
  11. I'm still wondering why there's a FE, when FBA already has a great GUI... O.o
  12. AMALGAM was the best crossover EVA! Incredible characters and great ideas, lot of interesting storys and the DC stars were finally useful! xD
  13. Model 2 Emulator is a SEGA Model 2, Model 2A, Model 2B and Model 2C emulator for Windows. A new version has been released by ElSemi. >> Get it HERE
  14. Yeah I know, the update is only available at the official forum. The next real (non WIP) release will be postet at the mainpage I guess.
  15. DEMUL is a new Sega Dreamcast Emulator for Windows and was released in a new beta version today. No english changelog available, here´s a machine translated version: Get it here.
  16. WOW! Taht looks bad ass! Can't wait to try it. But there will be a Wii version aswell... mmh, crap confirmed?
  17. Pit, 'nuff said.
  18. You could also point to your affiliates AEP Emu.
  19. DCEmu is dead ftw.
  20. Uhm, what?
  21. LULZ... thanks for the compliment, we try to be as fast as possible...
  22. No problem. Your account wouldn't have allowed you to post here anyway, but now you can, as I upgraded your account. You can now post emulation news. Yeah, I just meant I forgot to post here at all... btw: why do we don't have a Emulation News for review forum? But thanks for the trustfulness! I won't dissappoint you.
  23. I always forget to post news here... so sorry! Next time, I try to post it here aswell!
  24. It was already denies, that the title is in the work.
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